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ОтветитьThough Yelan might still pull ahead anyway, using a C3 Xingqiu instead of a C6 is kinda skewing the comparison. They're closer in terms of DPS than people believe if Yelan is C0.
ОтветитьBro why you put bennett with yelan
ОтветитьI just wanted badeiu, instead got both xinqui and yelen
ОтветитьWhy no both?
ОтветитьXinqiu can use bannet but yelan cant becuse yelan dont scale with att if you put another hydro you have better result
Ответитьyelan is the worst cause I’ve done 79 pulls already and she’s not home.. I’m so tired
Pull 46x on yelan banner and win 50/50.
But, after pulling 60x on yelan banner, I never get xingqiu cons💀💀
Bennett brust won't work on yelan
ОтветитьIt's nothing understood ningguang
xinqiu with yelan in a party is op too
попало в рекомендации, а вышло 13 минут назад...
ОтветитьBruh how are you doing 10k each with xinqiu i do 3k each and i got same ratio as you