Good one bro. waiting for your video
ОтветитьSuper. Great work
Ответитьyou are good on what you know. But a bad teacher
ОтветитьYour starting solution and the example are easy to understand. Great work!
Ответитьdo you have a video showing how to use Entity framework for cosmos db? which is package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Cosmos?
ОтветитьYou definitely know the content, but the speed you are moving in is way too fast, you change screens too quick, speak too fast that it's hard to follow what you are doing or saying. I think you can do a better job by moving slower or focusing on either speaking or implementing the code.
ОтветитьThanks a lot. This video was very detailed and easy to follow. 👍
ОтветитьHi LSC can you make a video showing how to create azure sql database programmatically (not with azure elastic pool). And run a migration or that DB with EF core only using the web api? I am trying to learn this and its very hard. I think you'd need to use the azure resource manager SDK for .net and maybe ARM templates? Would love your help on this.
ОтветитьSorry I keep commenting on the same video LSC :)! Do you think you can show us how to do a multi tenant, database per tenant or container per tenant with cosmos db? It would be great to see how to properly handle the limits of cosmos DB, which is currently 500 containers max per account. In a scenario where you create the container or database when the tenant signs up after paying for example, you would have to manage the azure resources with the azure resource manager SDK and ARM templates in order to create a new cosmos DB account, setup the new database so on. Then there is the problem when you hit the max number of cosmos accounts on a single azure subscription! Which would mean creating a new azure subscription with ARM templates and resource manager SDK on aspnet. There is no videos covering this and its a very important skill to learn, how to implement proper multi tenant applications for example if you're creating a SaaS for B2B.
ОтветитьThis is a really great video. Thanks
ОтветитьThank you so much, very helpful and great work, a passionate teacher.
ОтветитьPart is after 10 min
ОтветитьThank you so much. It was very useful and easy to understand considering that I had never working with CosmosDb and it was my first time. Thanks again.
ОтветитьGood Learning Thanks.😊