How do you reboot Deus Ex?

How do you reboot Deus Ex?

The Nth Review

3 года назад

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@NthReview - 03.10.2021 21:53

What do you think of Eidos-Montreal's take on rebooting the Deus Ex series? Comment with your favorite memories and how much you loved the boss battles!

@kinkypinky2021 - 01.03.2025 04:31

Absolutely love the game and replay it every few years...I'm not a fan of the map layout and find it confusing. Adam is a delicate snowflake even on the easiest difficulty so Stealth was the only way I could play this game.
Even on easy only one cell recharges automatically. BTW alcohol increases health so it can be useful. I played the original release so I would fill up my batteries and stock up on typhoon ammo and spam it to kill the bosses.

@ryszakowy - 17.02.2025 01:47

you DON'T reboot deus ex

@LJW1912 - 22.01.2025 20:57

I'm glad I played this game first, before I played Deus Ex itself.

@Molikai - 01.01.2025 01:11

and Let's see (I have only played Director's cut) My default boss battles...
First boss: I use the turrets to kill him.
In picus: Two typhoon blasts kill her.
DLC: Sneak anmd CQB
Final boss: LASER!

@Molikai - 31.12.2024 23:07

I will admit, the first time I played Human REvcolution, making sure to do all the side-quests that showed your relationship with Megan..
Having her say 'Jeren' in the tone she does when you find her actually felt like a betrayal.

@questlazy122 - 20.12.2024 01:02

I don’t think a Deus ex game can be made again. The original creator was bat sh!t crazy. I think a smaller team could do something with a unique art style. But if we are talking AAA release it would be a 300 million dollar nightmare with great graphics and a bad story lol.

@armandoluiscaldas2858 - 16.12.2024 02:10

bro, reboot what? the story didn't even finish 😭

@горшочек-ч9ж - 17.11.2024 02:52

Babe its time to watch yet another 2 hour video essay on topic of "Why deus ex human revolution is Masterpiece".

@tontsar91 - 14.10.2024 01:14

Human Revolution is a perfect example of how to do a reboot correctly.

@tonebenderx - 26.09.2024 15:50

Never considered that Megham Reed was in a relationship with Jensen to access his ... DNA. Damn! No wonder he's not warm and fuzzy when they reunite. Also, I assumed his lack of emotions (aside from flashes of anger and frustration) were due in part to the trauma of being nearly killed and then put back together (a la RoboCop) with robotic parts.

@bennygerow - 25.09.2024 22:18

I really loved the games! Great voice acting and fun action. Only thing that regularly annoyed me is having to backtrack across large areas and not being sure how to do quests efficiently.

@ageoflove1980 - 22.08.2024 08:06

You reboot Deus Ex by remaking the original in Unreal Engine 5. Which is fitting because the original is Unreal Engine 1. You leave the game as much the same as possible. I suggest even using the same voicelines and same music and sound effects, maybe more high fidelity. And of course the same gameplay besides fixing bad AI behaviour, bugs, uninteded things and so forth. Basically a polished version that respects the original in every way with state of the art graphics. Now thats a game i'd play. And many more I think. The story is still very relevant today. Mysterious plagues and conspiracy theories anyone? And as an immersive sim, the gameplay is still as good as anything out there.

@DANIG.GERMAN-m7d - 22.08.2024 00:54

You don't. DEUS EX IS PEAK

@SiliconSlyWolf - 17.08.2024 04:42

The reason the ex-cop was waiting to shoot you, is because you took the easy way out about his medicine, I think with the social aug if I recall. You have to beat him without the medicine blackmail to get him to calm down, let you in, and get the alternative opportunity to tell him to stuff it about getting fired for letting you in or offer him a new job at Sarif. I think it's actually one and only time you have a negative consequence for using it.

@SiliconSlyWolf - 17.08.2024 03:52

I found the best way to save Malak is to stockpile breakfast bars, use augs like cloak and high jump, and just run up to and melee everything. And EMP the mech. You gotta take out the mech, Gatling guys, and snipers as fast as possible. The other dudes can wait a bit more.

@Fran-zx5xy - 16.08.2024 18:27

Why has your mankind divided video suddenly dissapeared :(

@MikJames-d1g - 08.08.2024 19:01

"The greatest shooter of all time"...

@grahamhill676 - 04.08.2024 23:40

If your video essay is 2 hours long, you're just wasting time at this point.

@The_Gent - 18.07.2024 02:04

2 hours long lmfao really? doesnt analytics show you that the average watch time is 20 minutes? i wonder how many people actually watch this all the way through from start to finish.

@focus_sk8-yd8nf - 26.06.2024 12:35

This video is so far top notch, but I have to ask what on earth you mean by this statement about the themes of the first game. I cant make sense of it. I have found, in some mainly US media, like yours, a confusion between the concept of a conspiracy, and the concept of a conspiracy theory. I don't know why, but some people (perhaps you here), seem to use the words interchangably, for some unkown and obviously illogical or glich-like reason.

@abelardadebayor5642 - 23.06.2024 09:12

you played it on a controller... youre part of the problem...

@Cherrrryboy - 22.06.2024 05:34

The AI in this game is so disappointing especially since the devs explicitly said F.E.A.R. was an influence (the game even uses GOAP)

@o.sabiolouco - 18.05.2024 22:37

It feels like they created a game with a shallow story to try and please everyone, from old games that knew original DX, to the newer gens. Also the whole transhumanistic thing being dettached from all the conspiracy stuff, due it to be post 9-11, political correctness, etc. All of it made it a bland story, and less cinematographic which they tried to compensate with stunning visuals. All in all pretty average game, it's inovative but in terms of story it's pretty shallow because they didnt have the guys to tell an authentic story.

@alcatraz6275 - 19.04.2024 00:46

They cancelled it guys, Deus ex is dead, Buried

@adriangonzalez9481 - 03.04.2024 06:04

Both games are good, the original and human revolution. Mankind divided is good but too short. It feels incomplete and does not have an ending. i think square enix approach damage the game series.

@Coccyx69 - 11.03.2024 08:01

This is the game that got me into prey/ss2/dishonored but everytime i play the original i like all those games including this one less.

@Duchess_Van_Hoof - 01.03.2024 18:49

I love Adam Jensen's apartment, and want to live in it. It is gorgeous, and you have very few reasons to visit it.

It even has environmental storytelling with the mirror he broke after seeing his own augmented face.

@Duchess_Van_Hoof - 01.03.2024 18:47

The iconic thing for me in this game is something I discovered my second time through. Read the emails about a suspected thief.

Ignore the culprit sitting in your office giving himself up, ignore him I say.

If you read the mails, break into the offices mentioned, read their emails, and follow the trail of clues, you track it down and get the code to the helipad storage (level 5 lock).

You get a weapon mod as a reward.

Then why give the plot resolution before you even get a chance to sit down at your computer? It is illogical to do what I did, the game diverts you from a cool little detective work.

@Duchess_Van_Hoof - 01.03.2024 18:43

I can't hate this game. The leveling is subpar, the level design inadequate, the story nonsensical, and the sidequests disappear.

And yet, it tries. It tries so hard to be a great game and it shows. The stealth is superb, the combat is tense, the world is beautiful, the music is spectacular and I love the corny characters.

The guns are amazing, the newspaper stories, the world it hints at, the sidequests. I love it.

@Duchess_Van_Hoof - 01.03.2024 18:39

Making a Shadowrun character (4th edition) makes me appreciate that Jensen carries nothing but guns and ammo with him.

I am designing a decker/face inspired by games like Human Revolution, a cyber-noir characters that sneaks around, gets anywhere they need be and can win gunfights on her own terms.

As such she has an Autopick for mechanical locks, a Passkey for card locks and a Sequencer for numerical locks.

JC Denten likewise carried lockpicks, autotools and the like. Letting you specialize in something else than murderizing people.

Imagine how much better HR would be with a few such tools, maybe something that jams electronics temporarily, IR googles to detect invisible enemies, maybe even a box to hide underneath.

@Unatcowomensbathroom - 28.02.2024 14:41

How do you reboot Deus Ex?

Not with a company that makes anime uwu games.

@neotronextrem - 08.02.2024 13:38

Great review, only thing I have to criticize is your, in my opinion, reductive take on the conversation-system.
I've played a shit ton of RPGs by now, and I haven't played a single game except VTBM maybe, that had a conversation system as good as Human Revolution.

The conversation system was super intuitive even without the Pheromone-Implant. Your criticism that HRs NPCs dialogue is arbitrary imo is a projection because it appeared arbitrary to you, I found it very intuitive and enticing.

And when it comes to the Pheromone Implant, it's one of the best aspects of the game. Deus Ex MAIN THEME is transhumanism, selling the fantasy of asymmetrical human interactions because of augmentation. If something suddenly feels "too easy" because of an Implant, the theme was successfully communicated. I find that both HR and MD are at their peak when you experience this asymmetry. The Pheromone Implant is broken and cheesy, and that would be a problem if it was just a charisma skill in a realism/fantasy-themed game, but the point is to make you feel that way, it's supposed to be broken, that's why there is moral dilemma in augmentation. Concerning Conversation Systems in games in general, I think its very easy to get trapped in the notion that any games conversation system us reductive... which is true, but gaming couldnt possibly simulate realistically challenging social interactions, looking at it pragmatically, no game will be able to realistically emulate a human to human interaction, maybe with AI in the future, but not in 2009. Taking that into regard, I think the system we get in Human Revolution is almost the best it could get. There is better written dialogue, that feels more immersive and impactful, but, in your words, it ends up being just smoke and mirrors. One of the best "Augment Moments" in MD for example happens in the tutorial, when the sandstorm hits and you turn on your Augmented Vision, being able to see your enemies while they can't. This krass Feeling of Power Imbalance, unfairness, is true to the theme of transhumanism.

@suckassmork2972 - 29.01.2024 15:24

You know what's really great about this game?
A Revolver. With Explosive Ammo.

@controlschemekeaton - 21.01.2024 14:47

As someone who is still on the liberty island mission in Deus Ex 1, as I only recently have gotten an immersive sim itch, I can confidently say after watching your videos that I get Deus Ex now. Looking forward to playing HR.

@ueberlicht_ - 06.01.2024 04:08

AAA+ stuff from your side as always. One day we'll get a Deus Ex that will be like Baldurs Gate 5. Future Gaming AI crossed with cyberpunk on stereoids cities and so much more. Deus Ex needs a visionaire team pushing the limits and a supportive community.

@lurtiskoe - 15.12.2023 23:18

What movie/tv show did you splice in with the chick with the robot arm/hand?

@mannypardo8900 - 20.11.2023 16:53

Removing the piss filter was the biggest flaw with HR.

@joeyreliford705 - 07.11.2023 04:12

I never asked for this, yet I've gotten more than I could have asked for.

I started with deus ex on the O.G. Xbox, arguably the least liked of the series, but a rosey memory for me. I'd love to see another title made

@tackogronday - 15.10.2023 12:15

I just wish I could have some fun I stead of watching "Cutscene Jensen" have all the fun. I bought the game all excited and left underwhelmed and quickly got bored.

@NikoHotari - 04.10.2023 20:49

Not ex-Cop. Ex-SWAT.

@miscalotastuff733 - 29.09.2023 16:17

So is jc adams clone? Is adam in cryofreeze somewhere?

@ThierryDoizon - 18.09.2023 13:38

I was there at the beginning and it was a great project to work on, super exciting especially in pre-production, still I learned a lot from your video, nice work!

@VEC7ORlt - 15.07.2023 21:36

Yeah, the criticism of the visual design and music is completely unfounded.
Hah, that bit where guards stop just before you, didn't even notice that.
Not saving Malik? Come on man!

@PA951 - 25.06.2023 05:27

Just remake the original just like the new system shock remake.

@MiBrCo4177 - 08.06.2023 21:16

Love the review but I also found trying to play these games as a shooter with RPG mechanics thrown in second make it difficult. Same with Cyberpunk. If I play this games as an RPG first in a shooter mechanics second it definitely plays a lot smoother for me lol. Shooting as a last resort but mostly focusing on hacking and stealth mechanics similar to Ghost in the Shell.
