Exploring Downtown Las Vegas' Fremont Street in the Morning

Exploring Downtown Las Vegas' Fremont Street in the Morning

Yellow Productions

3 года назад

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@eddiew2325 - 07.01.2022 03:03

hold me closer Tony Danza 🎵🎵

@hgman3920 - 07.01.2022 03:06

I find the idea of breakfast from the ABC store hilarious - here in NC, ABC stores are the Alcoholic Beverage Commission outlets, which are state run package stores.

@EveliasKitchen - 07.01.2022 04:44

Hey Chris! Chef Evelia from "Family Eats". Just saw your channel. Very cool. I also do videos here in Las Vegas. Love your videos. You got another subscriber out of me.😉Can't wait to watch more. Tha is for the great content.

@Travelingmanvegas - 07.01.2022 04:54

Night time is best but great video

@margejohnson2987 - 07.01.2022 05:15

Have you ever had any of the Hawaiin food at the California? I usually make a stop at Aloha Specialties when I am in Vegas

@prathibhayr6594 - 07.01.2022 05:19

Nice video

@0505trueblue - 07.01.2022 06:11

Love this video! I love to walk Vegas in the a.m.....(especially before the heat!)

@jameshiga8077 - 07.01.2022 07:24

Hi Chris. Thanks for the walking tour. Made the walk myself and it felt so eerie with hardly anyone around. You definitely will experience Fremont Street in two different ways.

@nikeyrawhide2873 - 07.01.2022 07:53

I usually do my morning walk there after a quick coffee at McDonald's (D) at around 5am whenever I'm there (usually at one of three Boyd's hotel)..nothing like seeing no one. Just make sure to stay in the middle, be there in 10 days..thanks for the video

@RBASB10 - 07.01.2022 08:36

Thank so you Much.

@philkumai - 07.01.2022 09:19

Wow, you walked pretty far in 9 minutes! Much faster than me :) Great video of Fremont Street in the Morning. Thanks so much for sharing and keep up the great travel videos!

@richardkosonen4907 - 07.01.2022 10:03

Great video Chris,love watching you from Sydney Australia. Keep up the great work mate

@VesaJay - 07.01.2022 10:29

Gotta love the Whiskey Licker Up and Down sign!! ☺️☺️☺️ It's like those Big Johnson T Shirts back in the day!!!

@llexhwin6606 - 07.01.2022 16:21

I noticed some people are wearing thick jackets. When is the cold season ??

@pingpingggggrockz - 07.01.2022 17:09

Different vibe but nice 👍🏼

@harmagician1 - 07.01.2022 18:16

Cool! Now I know the safe time to take my kids to Freemont is in the mornings.

@tatjana_autistic - 07.01.2022 19:11

Wow it’s very big in Las Vegas. Thanks for showing how it looks like. Las Vegas always makes me think of casino and Elvis. But there’s a lot more of Las Vegas that I don’t know. Looks pretty cool with all the colors on the roof. How many times have you been to Las Vegas? And do you like it better for every time you visit there?🤔🙂

@roachtoasties - 07.01.2022 21:24

I haven't been to Las Vegas in a long time, but Downtown doesn't look like it has changed much since I last went. Good quick review of Fremont Street.

@reedberry - 07.01.2022 21:45

I'll be in Vegas at the end of the month. Honestly, except for a quick trip to Donut Bar, I avoid the downtown area. Plus, I try to avoid staying on the Strip. I'll be there on business and, after being in a crowded convention hall all day, I live, eat and shop off the Strip. I got a great rate (and no resort fee) at Virgin. And one of my favorite restaurants, Casa di Amore, is on Tropicana about 10 minutes off the Strip. I love Vegas, just not the parts most people go there for.

@JacobslifeinVegas - 07.01.2022 21:46

Even after living here for years, it's surreal to see how different the Fremont street experience is in the morning vs the evening

@joep4235 - 07.01.2022 23:02

While I'll always default to the strip, I have really come to appreciate the live entertainment stages at Freemont... thanks for the early morning walk Chris !

@erickfgty - 08.01.2022 04:40

I miss Vegas so much

@ktchelseafamily3314 - 08.01.2022 07:14


@pumpkin_it_slawson3588 - 08.01.2022 10:11

What Is VivaVision shows???

@pumpkin_it_slawson3588 - 08.01.2022 10:21

I thought the flamingo was owned by busgsy? Isn't the flamingo the hotel 8n the movie??

@svenhuehnken3867 - 08.01.2022 19:53

We love Fremont Street, the music, the people and the show, everytime when we stay in Vegas we visit it. But we don`t take a hotel there, to noisy to sleep. thank you for the video. Greetings from Germany and we see us in march. Carmen and Sven

@roxtar38 - 08.01.2022 20:40

I love coming down here. It's a different vibe for sure compared to the strip. A little funky and freaky in the evening/night. Great fun.

@pdxaviation - 09.01.2022 01:12

Can't wait to visit Vegas again soon.

@thebluetarp - 09.01.2022 03:26

What day?!? You never say what day it is. Is it weekend or weekday?

@KOPFTJAEGER8541 - 09.01.2022 03:41

Is that Bernie Sanders walking in front of you?

@Melissa2087 - 09.01.2022 07:53

My favorite thing i ever did in Vegas the Slotzilla zip line in Fremont Street. Amazing experience and would do it again

@livefreeordie6863 - 09.01.2022 13:52

One would think it would be quieter at the El Cortez. Ha. No way! Saturday night as we speak right now where I'm at, it's a booming base party. Even at 250am. I guess No Sleep really means No Sleep.

@chalacigambino999 - 09.01.2022 15:49

Hey Chris just wanted to let you know, those are actually "Fan Palm Fronds ", not "corn husks" , but I understand the confusion . And if you have a chance to research what it takes to get just one of those fronds, I can only speak for myself ,but I respect anyone willing to climb a 3 story high palm tree, without a rope or lader , in a scorpion infested tree , and did I mention , the thorns on the stalks are not only razor sharp but are shaped like the teeth of a chain saw,. And that's just at the beard of the tree! You have to get in the very core of the tree to access the specific fronds the weavers use , and if your lucky you can get maybe 3 or 4 stalks per tree . And I have been a dozen times and there are two separate lady's and one man that make the most beautiful arrangements I've ever seen,and they last forever! Like I said ,before I knew what it was I thought the same thing,but just like I really appreciate your art , and the time you spend to bring us on your wonderful and insightful journeys, your unique ,very detailed, and best of all just the right amount of time and info ,( which is a super power, as far as I'm concerned) the people who are sitting on the ground after they just put there life in danger literally, to try and make some kind of honest living , (they cannot price the art they make ) so they just request a fare donation for there art , there not begging , sure, there's plenty of those kind down there too ,.. But if you happen to be passing one of the weavers and you can spare a few minutes,. ......... ( Stephanie+ Chris. ,Monica ,and Pat ),. Are the most unbelievable artists when it comes to there craft check them out if you ever are in the downtown Fremont area . I'm not affiliated or anything with them , I just have several of the different arrangements and the ones they make are still completely intact and look like the day I got them some are 5+ years old !! Well tata thanks for the wonderful walk.

@bert1981 - 09.01.2022 20:44

Are you ok Chris you sound out of breath and a bit rough.

@newriverteacher - 09.01.2022 21:00

There's a lot to do downtown and great affordable places to eat. Pizza Rock is a must (either for just a slice or happy hour specials). Mornings are definitely more peaceful on Fremont.

@Zitagirl76 - 10.01.2022 00:43

I came back last week, it was full of people ....not a good time walk so early !! 🤣

@scottman895 - 10.01.2022 05:18

I think it is a cool idea to explore Fremont Street in the morning when it is rather quiet. I did the same thing in NYC last year by going to Times Square early in the morning, and it was very quiet. I was able to get a selfie at Times Square without any hassle that way. Fremont Street in the morning would also be a great way to get those selfies if you want!

@TVFreeBee - 10.01.2022 14:36

Tiny Dancer is such a great song!

@WatchNLearn - 10.01.2022 23:46

I found some of the most comfortable swimming shorts I’ve ever worn at one of those souvenir shops lol

@LegShowMagazine - 11.01.2022 11:08

Is this with the Galaxy S21?

@claudiamiller7730 - 11.01.2022 15:00

Love both the Strip and Fremont in the wee small hours! Quiet…less smokey….fewer “crazies” to deal with…and I enjoy my machine play so much more! Downside is it’s tough to find decent coffee before 6 a.m. and the Player’s Services desks usually don’t open till later….Thanks for the nice walk!

@ro88o31 - 11.01.2022 16:05

Have you done a updated "cheap eats" for vegas considering the amount of places that have reportedly closed? I'm coming from the UK on the 30th January and your guides are so useful 👌 👍

@Pixics - 12.01.2022 22:44

I like it better like this. I've never seen fremont street so empty. Next time I'm in vegas I will need to remember to do all my activities early morning and during the week day.

@ambervictoria11 - 24.01.2022 01:13

we loved fremont street it was our favorite part of las vegas

@SonnyDK - 18.02.2022 20:39

Amazing quality. Clarity and color on point. Well done.

@NanzKomo - 06.03.2022 11:07

Is this indoor or outdoor?

@Mdmc9738 - 12.04.2022 02:20

See you're early out! What times do the shops open? Which bus goes back to the Strip

@Slippers. - 04.07.2022 09:22

Amazing video, please what is name this photography camera in this video ???

@Cusesucks - 01.11.2023 01:56

I've walked through here right around 9 am same time as you I just won $2500 playing roulette and craps. We started at 4am and planned to leave in hour. Was crazy
