This Is Why Yahweh Gave Moses The Ten Commandments - Rudolf Steiner

This Is Why Yahweh Gave Moses The Ten Commandments - Rudolf Steiner

Vox Occulta

55 лет назад

2,616 Просмотров

According to Rudolf Steiner, the Ten Commandments represent a profound spiritual event in human history, marking the moment when humanity became fully aware of the divine presence within the self.

These laws were not merely external moral rules but were deeply connected to the evolving human "I"—the divine spark within each individual.

Steiner emphasized that the commandments were inscribed not just on stone tablets but within the very fabric of human soul life, acting as guiding principles for the alignment of the physical, etheric, astral, and "I" bodies.

The revelation of Yahweh as "I am that I am" signified the awakening of self-consciousness, urging humanity to recognize the eternal force within.

Ultimately, Steiner saw these laws as a necessary structure for human evolution—until the point where the individual, through inner spiritual development, naturally embodies their essence without external enforcement.
🎶 Music used in the video:

1. 'This Fascinating World' by CO.AG Music
2. 'Decoherence' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.
3. 'The Long Dark' by Scott Buckley - released under CC-BY 4.0.
4. 'Wonderful Things' by CO.AG Music

- The Essence of Christianity, GA 68a, 26 February 1909, Kassel
⌛ Chapters:

0:00 Intro
00:14 The Spiritual Significance of the Ten Commandments
05:20 The Fourfold Human Constitution and the Divine Spark
10:07 The Divine “I” and the Evolution of the Human Soul
13:44 The Divine Impulse and the Inward Expression of the I
18:02 Outro
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