Emanet 777. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 777

Emanet 777. Bölüm | Legacy Episode 777


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@Ladz76 - 11.11.2024 09:45


@luciaxavier7755 - 11.11.2024 10:13

Porquê tanta maldade com uma inocente.

@RitaPane-sd4ig - 11.11.2024 11:44

Il mio piccolo ometto ❤ e ritornato

@TünzaləAbdullayeva-m3z - 11.11.2024 11:48

Aaaa dizide yusuf da varmış 😂😂

@banuniculae5913 - 11.11.2024 12:19

Minunat NANA 1,2 minute, Yusuf 1 minut!!!!👋👋👋👋👋 NANA ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤!!!! Yusuf ❤!

@ნანიკამეპონია - 11.11.2024 12:47

ნანა ფოირაზ ისუფ❤❤❤❤

@MissJaneMarple-g9r - 11.11.2024 13:50

Season 4 got off to a great start, with an added bonus in the form of established actor Nik Xhelilaj. I watched the first dozen episodes breathlessly, enjoying primarily the excellent acting of our Nanuka Stambolishvili and Berat Ruzgar Ozkan. Their performances have kept my attention until today, with the difference that the beginning of the series was written excellently, interestingly, dramatically traumatic, but still good. It was known from the beginning that season 4 (with a small budget) would be lacking in some things, but despite that, it was filmed very carefully and the scenes were a completely logical way for this story to move. Recalling the previous episodes, I tried to remember the moment when the situation changed, and to exclude my emotions related to my biased relationship with the character of Nana. If we look at the story without sympathy for any of the characters (Nana, Yusuf, Poyraz and others), the problem in the script itself first arises due to the total cutting off of the connection with the past, which is now reduced to occasional "girly" conversations between Aynur and Nana. photos of Adalet and Aynur from Kirimli mansion, and a watch from the late Cenger. Enrollment in Yusuf's school was the first serious mistake in the script. The status of Yusuf Kirimli is still unknown and are Nana and Poyraz his adoptive parents? Is Yusuf enrolled in a school with a fake name? I will consider it a great failure if Poyraz and Nana remain married. Poyraz does not distinguish between people, he does not give priority to those he loves, because of his immature principles. That's nice for a single person, but not for a married man.
Yusuf barely got out of the nightmare, and with a guardian like this, the nightmare doesn't end.. After Poyraz's participation in the cage fight, Nana and Yusuf really should have left, because Yusuf was traumatized by the knowledge that Poyraz could have been hurt. The decision Nana made then was the wrong one, because she gave the grown man priority over the child, and that move caused Yusuf to be kicked out of his room, this time because of Pelin, who is just one of a series of people, for whom he will Poyraz endangers the family every time. The fact that Yusuf accidentally learns that Nana has been kidnapped, apart from anxiety, sadness and fear causes additional trauma in him. It is disheartening that Nana, in these critical moments, did not remember Yusuf at all, but only worried about Poyraz. Nana, who as the best mother defended Yusuf with her tiny body and life, from the moment she recognizes her feelings for Poyraz, completely transforms into a different person, who wants to please Poyraz and the Kiliçs in the first place, neglecting one child. I have no words to describe my disappointment with this scenario, and with each new episode I notice that the hopes for any improvement are diminishing....

@zoraprusac6832 - 11.11.2024 14:19

Pojraz + Nana od ❤ 🥰❤️🙏🙏

@amparoayala9295 - 11.11.2024 17:58

Los episodios de esta semana increíbles sufrí mucho por los momentos de incertidumbre gocé con los momentos de alegría felicidades al grupo EMANET excelente producción buenos episodios bendiciones para todos NANA POYRAZ Y YUSUF LOS AMO UN MONTÓN POYRAZ papasito hermoso excelente actor divino bendiciones

@EugeniaBudau - 11.11.2024 18:01

VIATA PENTRU VIATA ,aceasta sintagma este infricosatoare . Acest Poiraz care se crede DUMNEZEU PE PAMAN T crede ca are drept de viata si de moarte ,credeca poate sa decida cine sa moara si cine sa traiasca , va proteja in continuare viata fostei iubite . Viata lui Pelin ,dar viata Nanei ,viata , Nanei nu are nici o importanta . VIATA NANEI a avut importanta pentru fratele ei AZIS care a tinut-o in facultate ,care i'a pus toti banii familiei pe numele ei si pentru asta a fost omorat, a avut importanta pentru Yaman care a murit pentru ca Yusuf si Nana sa ramana in viata . YAMAN dupa ce s -au fotografiat cu telefoanele ,,oriunde ma va duce viata tu vei ramane in inima mea forever la care Nana ii raspunde TE IUBESC YAMAN TU ESTI VIATA MEA . POIRAZ a ales VIATA iubitei sale de cand a adus-o in casa ,alungandu-l pe Yusuf din camera sa , trnsformand-o pe Nana in servitoarea lor , in femeea in haine saracaciose si cu mainile zdrobite si unghiile roase de munca castigand bani pentru familiea lui. CE VA SPUNE IMAGINEA CAND NANA NUMARA BANII CASTIGATI DIN VANZAREA MERELOR SI POIRAZ II BAGA IN BUZUNAR ????? VA SPUNEM NOI EXPLOATAREA FEMEII . A exploatat-o de cand a venit au puso la munci umilitoare cee ce nu s-a intamplat cu Pelin da banii cu care i-a cumparat pe toti inclusiv pe Poiraz, nu i-a multumit niciodata , nu i-a dat nicoiodata o floare, rupta din parc daca nu avea nici un ban nici un semn de respect din partea lui , de ce am avea asteptari ca prioritatea ar fi insemnat viata Nanei .
.Da Nana viata ei are importanta pentru Yusuf nepotul lui Yaman Kirimili copilul acesta atat de trist si nefericit .Yusuf care a alergat de la scoala sa ajunga in bratele Nanei si a ajuns in bratele lui Poiraz opresorul Nanei cel care a hotarat daca va trai, daca va disparea sau daca va muri .DA NU VA DA VIATA PENTRU VIATA NU VA DA VIATA LUI PELIN PENTRU VIATA NANEI __CINE ESTE NANA ?? O IMIGRANTA FARA ACTE FARA NICI UN FEL DE DREPTURI .

@EugeniaBudau - 11.11.2024 18:33

Pentru Yusuf bucuriea noastra care il urmarim de cand avea 3 ani nepotullui Yaman Kirimili , baiatul acesta atat de frumos ,de destept si atat de trist si nefericit ,un copil fara copilarie ii trimitem toata iubirea noastra ,un munte de jucarii , de dulciuri si carti cu pvesti cu printi si printese pe care sa i le citesti tu Nanei inainte de cucare ❤❤l⚽️⚽️🎾🧸🎯🚒🚘🚙🛻🛵 🚗🚖🚚🛻🚘🚗🚐🚌✈️⛵️🚞🍦🍧🍰🍬🍬🍭🍭🍮🍪🧃🧋 🍊🍊🍌🍌🍎🍎🍐🍐🍒🍒🍊🍊🍏🍏🍓TE IUBIM .❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@elieterocha2134 - 11.11.2024 18:41

Por que o Poyraz está demorando tanto para descobrir que as cobras peçonhentas querem acabar com a Nana. Que família mais ingênua não presta atenção em nada.

@lourdesnobrega8413 - 11.11.2024 18:50

Tem final essa série não? As coisas ruins nunca são descobertas

@luciaxavier7755 - 11.11.2024 18:58

Porque não tem comentários sobre a Aynur.

@musarratnawaz766 - 11.11.2024 19:01

Same incidents, same places... thanks to us that we are seeing both serials of same writter and production...the " Yemin " & Emanet since 2019.

@ShoshiashviliMzia - 11.11.2024 19:14

ნანა❤ ფოირაზ❤

@ShoshiashviliMzia - 11.11.2024 19:15

ნანა❤ იუსუფ❤ ფოირაზ❤

@ShoshiashviliMzia - 11.11.2024 19:15

მიყვარხართ ნანფოი❤

@fatimamarques9222 - 11.11.2024 19:25

Poyraz olha dentro de sua casa mora o perigo 😢😢😡💔💔🇵🇹😘😘

@giovannanapolitano1814 - 11.11.2024 19:39

No nana proirz iusuf ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤non può finire così 🔥🔥🔥🔥💘💘💘🫂💯💯💯

@UPC22 - 11.11.2024 21:49


@mitdoljade - 11.11.2024 21:58

Was just thinking while watching today's flashback, how many times nana was kidnapped n hurt by goons n poyraz has been rescuing her is this the only story line for our main protagonist , how many times, reputation of just misery of our darling Yusuf, ( looks like the story reller has made his character as an unfortunate one) always with no loved ones or family!!.
How much more of this drrrraaaaagg!!!

@emrahquluzade - 11.11.2024 22:59

Nana yusuf poriyaz ❤❤❤

@almazsuleymanova7122 - 12.11.2024 00:37

Pelin redd olub get. Aileni canselle birledib fagitdlz

@reem_2_mohammed - 12.11.2024 01:56

هل رايت خبر مجله ساران لقد قالوا مسلسل الامانه ينتهي اما في حلقه 798 او في حلقه 800

@lindsaycaress450 - 12.11.2024 02:19

Sinan .is maybe aware the cleaner is a foe or if not he soon will.

@lindsaycaress450 - 12.11.2024 02:23

YAMAN had an enemy who liked chess as well DO YOU REMEMBER? .

@veradulle8399 - 12.11.2024 04:05

Nana❤❤❤yusyl ❤❤❤poyraz❤❤❤

@temacavalcanti8049 - 12.11.2024 05:06

Filme de drama 😅😅

@mariainez5538 - 12.11.2024 07:07

Mas ê lindo tava com ssudades dele dedse pequenino ysutf ainda assisto por ele desde o principio nao vejo a hora de terminar essa turbulencia

@mariainez5538 - 12.11.2024 07:43

Em qual o canal voces assistem na televisao aqui no brasil 🇧🇷

@NeekieC - 12.11.2024 12:23

I can’t believe my eyes 👀 was that Yusuf 🤔 couldn’t possibly be my eyes 👀 must be playing tricks on me 🤪 LOL 😂 it was fleeting if I blinked I would have missed the “Emanet” Oh!!! that’s right it’s not about him anymore 🤪 it’s about the “Great Love” NanPoy-boy😍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂 what a circus 🤡 🎪 keep bringing the 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿

@DuyguIsmaylzad - 12.11.2024 14:42

Sizləri çox sevirik ❤❤❤❤

@MalikaAyseva - 12.11.2024 14:49

Ne zaman bitar bu dizi en sonu nasil olur deya izliyorum garcaktan cok sikildim

@noramuzsikas7029 - 12.11.2024 15:20

@SarahKazmi-q4v - 12.11.2024 15:21

Can someone summarize last two months

@noramuzsikas7029 - 12.11.2024 15:22

caption, please!

@Baronessa-q7o - 12.11.2024 16:42

i did not find subtitles, some could tell me where to find them? Thanks

@antonellaprestia268 - 12.11.2024 16:57

where are the english subtitles???!!!

@noramuzsikas7029 - 12.11.2024 17:24

@noramuzsikas7029 - 12.11.2024 17:24

@noramuzsikas7029 - 12.11.2024 17:25

@turqaynsibov2840 - 12.11.2024 19:11

Finale son 45.bölüm

@assmalahmaza7679 - 12.11.2024 21:18

ولك في الروح عشق لا ينتهي فكيف لا تدمنك روحي و انت دواها 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞سيفهم هدان القلبان قيمة هدأ الحب الكبير الذي بقي محصور بين الأضلاع وحكاية عشق مجنون جارف ستري النور أخيرا دون خوف او خطط كان مشهد العناق يفوق الوصف بين فارسنا ويوسف معا كان بين اب وابنه يقال أن الدموع أغلى من الابتسامة لان الابتسامة تستطع أن تهديها لااي شخص اما الدموع فلا تسيل الا لاغلي شخص لان فارسنا يشعر وكأن روحه خرجت من مكانها وكأنه ليس في مكانه الصحيح ولا الديار وكأنه شمعة تنير لشخص ضرير سنكون هنا ومهما كانت النهاية للجميع لأنهم يستحقون السعادة والفرح ونحن معهم أوفياء لهم جميعا وعلي هدأ الموسم الجميل المليء بالفرح دفيء المشاعر لدرجة لا توصف

@noramuzsikas7029 - 12.11.2024 21:26

neden altyazı yok? 💚💚💚

@sanja2276 - 13.11.2024 00:12

Cc doesn't work, why?

@biserkajokic7271 - 13.11.2024 01:50

why the english title is not available

@val1988syd - 13.11.2024 08:50

Why is the captions off 😢?????

@naoualouarab5352 - 13.11.2024 09:48

Please there is no possibility of translation as usual please resend the episode with translation
