Matt Jones

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@SuperSplat7 - 06.03.2025 11:05

Tour of the lesser known UK ridding spots. Get taken out by a local, learn all about the trails and then find somewhere to mobilise a dig crew and improve that biking spot. Maybe the winning area could get voted for. Could make a brilliant series!

@siyrus673 - 06.03.2025 10:55

For the love of god please keep the camera still when you're filming a talking segment closer than 10 feet, it's vomit inducing

@m_t_burton - 06.03.2025 10:47

Touring the country’s top trails to create an MTV Cribs-style video series, showcasing each trail’s unique character, style, and design. I’d chat with the builders, snag a pro tip from them, and, of course, throw in some riding footage. The goal? To spark inspiration in the next generation of trail builders, who are way too rare these days. This has been my dream forever, but I’ve been stuck living the 9-to-5 grind instead. 😒

@jamiedale278 - 06.03.2025 10:07

Do a DH World Cup! It would be sick to see some vlogs from you at a couple of different races. See if you can qualify

@dave_granfield - 06.03.2025 09:57

100% the build series videos are why I watch you. You do cool shit in very ep that you produce but there's just something about hanging out waiting for the next build ep of a project to see what you do next.
Honestly, just you documenting the cool shit you do is the reason I'm a subscriber. As a once-a-week casual MTBer, it's awesome to liv through your channel.

@jonasblankenstein5766 - 06.03.2025 09:38

It would be cool to see some digging in the channel again I know it’s kinda a little bit lost with the baby and different videos priorities not to mention sponsors, however man I just get really excited and inspired to go dig and ride when I watch someone else.

@grahamderrick1128 - 06.03.2025 09:27

I think Tall Order and what Seb has done to mentor younger riders whilst creating engaging content is something worth considering as the body ages and family commitments increase. A lot of your subscribers seem to get a kick out of watching more relatable members of your gang progress - maybe expand on that and mix with content that continues to showcase your abilities (for the sponsors like).

@Loseaaloaer - 06.03.2025 08:19

bring back the playground series

@BryceCourville - 06.03.2025 07:56

Don't know if you'll read this but I love the traveling and exploring different styles of mtb throughout the world, like Fabio Wibmer doing mtb documentaries I think you should travel around and explore the culture of slope, dh, and such in other countries.

@uthikoloshe - 06.03.2025 06:18

For your video editing crazed friend, you need an epic project or two.

@michael3434 - 06.03.2025 06:14

If timing aligns I think you are in a great place to do some on track, off track, and behind the scenes WC stuff. Yes BK, Wyn, Edbull, MoiMoi, and plenty of other WC riders do a great job but there is room for more and considering the state of WC race coverage I think lots of people are hungry for as much free content as they can get around WC DH and enduro. Also just throwing it out there but an American tour of bike parks/biking hot spots would be cool imo.

@thomasryan7561 - 06.03.2025 06:12

woah editing overboard and too many ads. im dizzy. good bye

@JLA8123 - 06.03.2025 04:40

You put you and Jono on some mini bikes and that’s all I really need!

@jryd13 - 06.03.2025 04:33

@NorCalCycling did a really cool series a while back on "Couch to Crit" where they took someone with no experience racing on a bike all the way through to the process of being race ready.
It's been really cool seeing Jamie carry the channel and his progression is insane.
Could be really cool to see someone else with good/lad-ish vibes go through a similar story.
Learning to ride trails, learning to do jumps, learning to do tricks!

@samuraitv8557 - 06.03.2025 04:01

Race day vlogs

@slothsloth4651 - 06.03.2025 03:43

Bike Cinema masterpiece movie ?
Jumps with fire?
Megavalanch full experience?
Stark varg with pilgrim boys?
Adventure mtb camping?
Ryan Williams frontie bike flip?
World record tom isted backie?
Bike building welding ridable art?
Family freestyle day?
Bike with paragliding wing down mountain?
Frankenbike/tall bike build?
Bike charity for less fortunate?
Open loop?
Bicycle petrol engine Adventure?
Australian East coast bikeparks tour?
Long n low challenge?
Unusual and oddly new trick inventions?
Amsterdam's bike culture?
Backyard garden party with BBQ, fire pit roast pig, endless beers and party games on bikes?
Visit and learn circus bike stunts?
An entire Pilgrim series contest?
Super high step up challenge on side of mountain?
Obstacles course ninja worrier on bike?
Bicycle icecream kart?
Bicycle rickshaw?
Urban only downhill in sanfran?
Paris catacombs dark ride?
Fireworks bike/neon nite bike?
Extreme downhill fakie challenge?
First ever aquaplane water Bicycle?
Celebrity bike rugby?
Bicycle jousting like medieval jousting?
Bike parkour with storror?
Trials video with Danny Mac?
Reverse mirror Goggles challenge?
Flying bike drone?
Marin factory tour?
Bike paintball?
Custom snow bike?
London homeless feeding and care?
On the spot, first try challenge?
Rickshaw rides in famous locations with Celebrities?
Jump the house with the arial atom?..., no seriously?
Speed camera challenge?

@yaboyemmet6745 - 06.03.2025 03:27

I think seeing all the other riders is awesome, recently seeing you and guys at hardline was amazing every video of the screaming down the mountain togehter having fun it shows you not just the how fast these pros ride but also how they are so human just like us wanting to enjoy time with friends and share a laugh.

@PhilKrueger-y4u - 06.03.2025 03:20

I'd love to see a post event interview/conversation with the female riders of Hardline (similar to your recap with Theo and Jackson) Looking ahead: I believe you've shown that you can earn the respect of pro riders in other disciplines. It might be interesting to see you immerse yourself in different styles of riding at the highest level, and interact with the riders. Maybe just a few days of training, and attend the race...not sure I want to see you suffer on a world cup xc or dh course. Your perspective, and interactions with the riders is a different view. It gives you multiple videos: prep and training on your own, build a bike, training with a few pros, and then track walk, and a few videos from the event. DH, Enduro, and XC for a start.

@BillyFrench-t7w - 06.03.2025 03:10

Hey Matt, I’ve got a new idea. People love your build and ride videos, and people want to see the playground again. I’m suggesting that you guys build a freeride jumpline for your next big project. It could be next to the playground, giving you opportunities for progression and sessions. This could be a line for your enduro bike, jump bike, etc…

@Boost_Bro123 - 06.03.2025 02:47

Please start doing more DOWNHILL RACING!!!!!!!🎉

@cecilzuwiyya4750 - 06.03.2025 02:31

Race world cups

@nuffpropsfpv3870 - 06.03.2025 02:14

Some kind of challenge video ? You vs someone , but on lo budget / old or odd bikes. One a month .

@mtblife2181 - 06.03.2025 01:37

Hey matt, I think I can speak for all of us when saying we love the laid back approach to videos and just the chill vibe they gave off.

I think the way forward is to use Danny's skills in creative video but also do separate videos behind the scenes on how them videos were filmed.

I would also love to see a help a rider series. Where you head out and either help a fellow rider with tricks or jumps, or even help a rider by fixing their bike.

With your channel, you can help the sport, the following and brands that support you can help alot of riders in need. I would love to see you traveling around the UK heading to different bike parks and giving advice 🤜🙌


@sailskimtb - 06.03.2025 01:30

What about trying a different sport, im a big sailor and i race for gb but i also love mountain biking and skiing. Dont limit your channel just to Mountain biking ! keep up the good work⛵🚵

@rossbatterbury6658 - 06.03.2025 01:27


@Chogie14 - 06.03.2025 01:24

Where's Ben 😢

@leeosborn183 - 06.03.2025 01:22

Collaborations with more of the downhill riders doing mental stuff.

@RyanJones-uh1ir - 06.03.2025 01:16

For me up you have to keep some projects going like the back yard build you did and stuff they was the great content, i think the peoole you have now you can do soo many things, i love your hardline content and stuff also, i think theo needs to make another appearance again soon tho, i also like the podcast you did too that was different and interesting, maybe you could invite some riders over and do a few podcasts and ride with them also, personally as just a fan in general and i think i speak for alot of us i think you should do what makes you happy, we are just here for the ride and to enjoy the journey

@chesterfcmemes9900 - 06.03.2025 00:50

Pls bring back the playground!😊

@Ben_Eagle - 06.03.2025 00:48

show more of the behind the scenes day-to-day stuff, like training and a day in the life

@sammy.parsnips9740 - 06.03.2025 00:47

I think you should make videos going to fans jump spots or locals

@SebastianThomson-et5lh - 06.03.2025 00:44

Personally I love trail building vids like the playground series

@ZacharieDhombres - 06.03.2025 00:32

Big play ground come back. 🎉

@robhill8953 - 06.03.2025 00:13

Helfare / Marin team, yourself as team manager, Jono as team mentor and oversee’s what’s going on in the pits, slope style comps getting young guns into it, both of you on the dh side of things, get Brayton involved, Jamie doing more slope style. And big trail jump build’s

@mustardcee3814 - 05.03.2025 23:55

I will be surprised if I have missed more than a handful of uploads since I came across the channel about three years ago, so you are doing something right. However, I am now subbed to other riders as well and have really got into this as a sport. So my personal fave stuff is the down hill. Tasmania was fantastic. I just watched Bernard Kerr doing some crackers thing in the streets of Chile. In short fave stuff is the downhill, but nothing on the channel that I dislike. Watching the last vid with wife n kid, that kid is me at that age, fearless. I'd like to see how he progresses. Although I would leave the wife at home, you seemed distracted 😆

@_-Luka - 05.03.2025 23:28

come to The track bike park in Portreath, Cornwall

@smayberry87 - 05.03.2025 23:20

get down Harrys main's quarry and actually build something decent sown there. do a build series

@chrisr9031 - 05.03.2025 23:20

Definitely enjoyed the previous “series” approach, stories that cover multiple videos with progress in each one like playground, skatepark, even back to mental Douglass Fur tree. The one offs are great in between but good to have a story to follow for longer period. The road to hardline was great, the road to dark fest last year was great too and fingers crossed again this year.

@jaxn9100 - 05.03.2025 23:19

Thredbo with a couple of freinds for like a week would be great

@jeremyprice2936 - 05.03.2025 23:07

Go on a multi day bikepacking trip with Theo, Ronan and Jackson.

Enter more races, you V Jono and Ben Deaking, Sam Reynolds etc.

Forget the jump line builds, build some downhill / mini hardline tracks and race them with all the above.

@georgiradev1341 - 05.03.2025 22:54

JBC 4X Revelations (Czech Republic - hosted by Tomas Slavik) I and over 15 000 spectators would love to see you challenge yourself . There is everything - big jumps, proper DH sections, multiple lines and the world's most famous wall ride. The athmosphere is insane! I bet You are going to love it and if you come together with your brother that's going to be the best.

@daleevs - 05.03.2025 22:43

I want to see you ride @mark Matthews mega line think he rides for Marin aswell , or go back to basics shovel and a pick in local woods digging out some trails , or potentially riding some of your fans trails

@CharlieMeredith-l7f - 05.03.2025 22:31

Back to basics, drive round the country visiting off piste trails at bike parks and have big ride outs with the locals

@craigwilliamson1452 - 05.03.2025 22:25

Tell us what the secret project with your brother is 😂😂

@Bikes4ever1791 - 05.03.2025 22:22

you could go to s4p bikepark which is so fun but honestly all your videos are fun and dont need changing

@davidhall5130 - 05.03.2025 22:18

I’d like to see some uk trail trips maybe take the mini bikes. Be good to see you back out on the san Quentin showing use what it’s capable of. Also love a bike built video

@coachs5599 - 05.03.2025 22:08

You should become a slope style rider.

@aaronwhite81 - 05.03.2025 21:58

more build and rides! couple of guys building something and then trying it out. It doesn't have to be crazy huge, either.

@henk77henk - 05.03.2025 21:56

Whatever you decide to do, just don't edit in the way this was done, with a new clip every half second...

@vickyking3408 - 05.03.2025 21:52

white water kayaking down the Treywlyn dam release river get a kayak and advice from Pyranha Kayaks Runcorn you have the balance so you would have the ability
