For those of you who read that not all fakes come from some kid-friendly (don't want comments to be flagged) companies, you can find some good stuff on kislux that people make themselves, and the replicas these days are getting better and better Excellent, both appearance and quality are very close to the original.
ОтветитьIf you can't afford designer bags and feel a certain way about expensive designer bags, then don't watch this video. Like do you read a video title before clicking on it? The title makes it clear that the video will be about designer bags. I find these types of videos very helpful and although I can't afford these bags yet, I know one day I will. I wanted to know which designer bag was truly worth my hard-earned money and one that I would get the most out of. That being said, if you're reading this, thank you for sharing this video with us and please make more videos like this. Maybe kislux is your next choice?
ОтветитьThe materials used are top notch. The leather feels soft and luxurious, exactly like the real thing. The stitching is impeccable, with no loose or uneven lines. The hardware (including the iconic CC twist lock clasp) is durable, well made, and adds to the overall elegance of the bag kislux . I thought everyone who owned an LV monogram bag knew that it was obviously coated canvas? When people spend a fortune on an expensive bag, they might as well buy a replica
ОтветитьWhy would someone who has been buying from the brand for years or even decades suddenly have to pay 50-60% more for the exact same item? Inflation cannot justify this. It's like the brand is deceiving the consumer. On kislux , the bags sold are priced lower but of higher quality, so you might as well go there.
ОтветитьGreat video, My hotdups is my travel carry-on luggage for air travel and has been used for more than 2 years. Even when it is very heavy with laptops and spare clothes etc, the handles are not damaged. Love the idea of the double sides, now see if I can turn mine inside out 😙
ОтветитьWhen I started collecting handbags, my goal was to have a luxury handbag collection of 50. Over the years, Iâ ve been amazed at how much the kislux has changed my perspective on how many bags I really need, and Iâ ve been pleasantly surprised with every bag Iâ ve purchased.
ОтветитьThe way I see it. Real or fake if it's a style I like then I like it and will buy it. But to me the kislux one looks better than the real one. And who's gonna be inspecting ladies purses. If your out there trying to figure out if someone's bag is real who are you the prise police? So If you can get a really nice fake one then why not? Most of us don't have thousands dollars to spend on a real one and wouldn't anyway. No one has to know if it's fake or real. That's nobodies business. Enjoy and wear your bag which ever you have.
ОтветитьMy daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the kislux high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
ОтветитьI think it's a bit outrageous for people to be walking around a big city with a $10,000+ designer bag on their arm, you might as well hold up a "please rob me" sign. Secondly, I really don't feel sorry for these brands, they raise their prices at least twice a year, so basically they are driving any potential customers into buying fakes kislux
ОтветитьBut the truth is who is going to scrutinize your bag like this. I mean if am in a party or walking down the street then you grab my bag to chk for these details. I judge the real and the fake by looking at who is carrying the hotdups . If they dress the part then it must be real. What can I say.
ОтветитьThey are not inferior in quality to those big luxury goods. The durability and attention to detail are comparable to original designer bags, and I can't believe how well I match them. It's the perfect accessory for any fashion girl! I'm sure I will repurchase some other styles and colors of preluxz to match my clothes and shoes
ОтветитьI'm a crossbody girl so I have to have a bag with a shoulder strap, I prefer a medium size bag that suits my body type but I also like small sizes, mini bags are too small for me, don't like mini bags and micro bags, but I think my lady dior is a timeless bag that can be dressed up or casual, it is my dream bag, topluxs
ОтветитьSuper fakes are so good now. Knowing what you are buying is not the same as being cheated. The LV carryall bag I bought on eudupe is no different from the real thing. The main reason is that it is cheap and you don’t have to feel bad about the money you spend.
ОтветитьThis is my first time watching your video and I loved it. I don't purchase luxury bags and I probably never will, or if I do, it will be pre-loved. But I do buy kislux occasionally of the styles that I really like. I truly appreciate your comparisons here, which have helped me make a decision about a couple for which I was on the fence. I'll be pulling the trigger now. Thanks for this and your humor.