I went from hustling and running the streets to meditating in the tropics with the sun on my feet, he’s grounded to the earth peace running beneath the soles of the souls touching the streets, I feel that.. I guess you could call it magic in kinda ways, name another man you no that fasted for 90 days, straight. I been on a f**kin mission fam to figure what’s missing am destined for brighter days.. that’s how I no there’s more to it I won’t speak on the ish unless I no I’ve walked through it as a witness myself, knowledge sits on them shelves, learn through my foot steps and not what your doing, because we’re so unique in our own way.. so what we need to seek peace will be our own way, I don’t preach one show fits all one shoe fitted you but for me there was no lace. Wrong place but the right time, the way you see it might be different to my eye sight.. the way I see it might be conflicting your way of shifting perception to suit what your mind likes.. Uh. That’s deep init.. unique tunnel visions each seeing things different.. yeh, that’s mad init, same place but you grew up with your dad init.. that’s why you can’t relate to that person, same gate but his fait wasn’t certain, that’s why you can’t relate to that journey, same plane but his dates were just early, that’s why you can’t relate to that music, one mic but two people that use it, that’s why we all relate to confusion, one soul and one physical human.
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