Guide to building Lord Knight - Bowling Bash type, Free Ragnarok Online

Guide to building Lord Knight - Bowling Bash type, Free Ragnarok Online

JLX Studio

1 год назад

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@kkrazy1000 - 09.05.2023 16:22

Mano preciso da ajuda de algum BR no server tô perdido..kkkk

@nurtaedu4813 - 09.05.2023 22:06

Item head lower back sword gak bs di bikin dari quest?

@febriarashy5215 - 10.05.2023 12:47

Bang knp waktu pilih char trus login auto force close? (Instalan hp). Makasih

@kkrazy1000 - 11.05.2023 16:42

Faz um tutorial do Gunslinger porfavor

@jakasepti7811 - 13.05.2023 10:15

dah subcribe baang....bikin tutor build + leveling WS forging bang

@rahadiwira8777 - 14.05.2023 15:27

Bedanya sama necri apa bang?

@efantria6971 - 15.05.2023 19:32

Web freero kok ga bs di buka ya

@undisputablebastard - 17.05.2023 08:00

bro kok websitenya ga bisa dibuka ya?

@thranduilyt5243 - 31.05.2023 16:50

anyrecommendation for none dual ragna low rate?

@tutorialandroid8415 - 15.07.2023 09:59

Bowling bash msh harus cek gutter line kan?

@Jun-investe - 10.10.2023 07:55

this build need more dex , cause the spam and aspd of thyr is Dex/aspd based ... try 87 str+43 /54 + 16 vit /90 +45 DEX and some points in agi ... the spam with two hands like taegolyon / veteran and violet fear is insane with this build

@adityatoopan1072 - 31.12.2023 03:24

kl pakai two hand knp naikin one hand bang skillnya

@JamesRey-se7kp - 03.01.2024 04:21

Bang ada tes pake death guidance ga? Gmn ya buat lk bb?

@speakreality1134 - 17.02.2024 11:29

BBash build LK, if all open, str should be divisible by 10 to get bunos atk weapon could be 3 slot sword of nagh red one elementscroll for elemental shift 3 slot, spectre samurai doppelganger and Swordguardian,. accesories should be double belzebub card to minimize dex pumping tharashield and gtb unfro armor other equips may vary, if you can get a a 190 aspd 0 casting you can spam 3x BB a sec.

@tezuka8763 - 31.03.2024 05:52

Bang bagi tips refine flaming phoenix helm +8 guna enrich ke?

@journeysamilin9088 - 10.04.2024 14:25

Can dL in ios?

@IslamLife360 - 02.09.2024 15:59

Om request LK farm tatacho 1x spiral

@mysteriousone6996 - 05.11.2024 17:26

question , im a lord knight and farming at magma dungeon 2, luring about 20 mobs or more at a time , i couldnt cast bowling bash anymore once mobs gets me and attacked me, its like flinching is interrupting my bb, can someone explain to me why and what to do? it is so frustrating , some says bb cannot be interupted but this is what i got
