Very cool. Reminds me of the short life of the laser discs.
Ответитьyeah i remember HD-DVD vs. BluRay. In the UK it seemed to go on for a few months but after the format wars of the past I'm guessing once one side appeared to get ahead all the other companies piled in to end the format war quickly. In the space of a few months HD-DVD players went from hundreds of pounds to 30 pounds with a stack of films included
ОтветитьI love the movie Blade runner and a guy on gumtree had it amoung some Blu ray movies he had for sale and I passed on it because I have it on 4K but now the part of me that is the collector regrets passing it up
ОтветитьHi Jamie, I just discovered this channel today and agree 100% .I collect the same way. I have two Toshiba HD-DVD players and about 100 releases. I'm not sure if it's my imagination, but I like it more than Blu-ray. I collect all formats including some I can't even use like Cartrivision and VHD from Japan. I love creating a private library and museum for my physical media.
ОтветитьI've been bingeing your videos lately, thank you for all that you do!
ОтветитьI bought HD-DVD and Blu-Ray when they started. I honestly felt that HD-DVD has better picture quality than BD, where BD had better Audio. I still have my HD-DVDs but only have bout 50.
ОтветитьYou have a Disney movie (which is Hulk) on HD DVD? Even though Disney at the time supported Blu-ray.
Ответить@ThePhysicalWay --- Is there a list of HD DVD exclusives? Also, did HD DVD have better menus and special features on the discs? Or did the players have better functions?
ОтветитьJoined the collector ranks today: picked up a Toshiba hd-e1 and 40 movies for 45 euros 😎👍
ОтветитьThe players are great because you can make the dvd side region free . So you dont have the restriction
ОтветитьEnjoy your disc rot!
ОтветитьIt's a real shame how there was a format war that delayed take up of HD discs. Contrast with DVD, where all the companies got together and agreed a single format.
ОтветитьNow i haven’t finished the video but incase you didn’t mention it, here’s my advice: avoid any WB HDDVDs. They rot SO quickly. Almost every HDDVD Warner bros made was pressed in some shitty factory, not made to any approvable standards.
ОтветитьI just picked up a Toshiba HD-A3 with the remote for $15 CAD yesterday at a thrift store. So far I only have I now pronounce you chuck and Larry on the format