Farm Accident Ruins My Harvest

Farm Accident Ruins My Harvest

HiTech Farmer

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@Derick_Mn - 27.10.2024 01:10

speedy recovery !!

@asquithmainlines699 - 27.10.2024 01:22

Holy crap. That is not the video I wanted too see. I don’t think many people actually realize just how dangerous farming can be. Lots of heavy equipment, working aloft, contact with dangerous chemicals and the list goes on. In my province this fall we have had two different farmers killed in train accidents. So glad you were not permanently disabled and are well on the way to feeling better. Learn from your mistakes and always be aware of your surroundings.

@glennmoreside787 - 27.10.2024 01:23

I truly hope you recover quickly.

@oscarwindham6016 - 27.10.2024 01:32

Sorry to hear about your accident, and you're a living testament to just how tough a corn-fed country boy really is.

@oscarwindham6016 - 27.10.2024 01:36

Glad you told us that the video producer is your older brother because I would have never known it wasn't you.

@scotttesch4319 - 27.10.2024 01:37

It's good to see you. Thank you for sharing your accident

@admirableawesome2317 - 27.10.2024 01:53

bro, that is crazy! really glad you are okay! hope you heal up quickly!

@charlesjlongh - 27.10.2024 01:53

Farming can be dangerous. Glad to see you are well.

@admirableawesome2317 - 27.10.2024 02:02

your brother does an amazing job, looks like we have a new host for the channel, lol

@MichaelHolloway - 27.10.2024 02:03

thanks for sharing - bad news, hope you heal well. And nice content creation brother Matt and Mom!

@aidanbrennan7389 - 27.10.2024 02:04

Get well soon. Greetings from Dundalk, Ireland.

@zilla2006able - 27.10.2024 02:49

it is good see you again and I hope get well soon my friends 👍👍

@JarettHerder - 27.10.2024 02:53

Be careful! Just finishing up harvest here about 30 miles northeast of you. We didnt get as much flooding as you got and yields were extremely variable but still decent considering we had less than an inch of rain since August 1st until the rain a couple days ago.

@lucaskrones5033 - 27.10.2024 02:54

Get well soon and glad you are okay 👍🏿

@MyLilMule - 27.10.2024 02:56

Get well quick. Sucks when that kind of stuff happens, but it also makes you realize just how much of a blessing it is to have such a close family. Your brother did a great job, so you better stay healthy!

@elainesteiner7931 - 27.10.2024 03:11

Praying for you

@christinaschwartz2148 - 27.10.2024 03:27

Sorry to hear what happened. Glad it wasn't any worse. Hope you recover soon.

@mikenawrocki1837 - 27.10.2024 03:41

Sorry to here about your accident. You take it easy.

@frankmcnish8489 - 27.10.2024 04:39

Great to see mom out helping ,Matt and dad might go hungry if they keep being cocky

@Machines85 - 27.10.2024 05:24

How many people in your farm?

@2504499 - 27.10.2024 06:55

Poor Matthias! Praying for a full recovery. Glad you are on the mend.

@stevestevens-p1k - 27.10.2024 08:49

Damn😳😲 Grateful you weren’t hurt worse! Glad to see you are the mend. Thanks for the update. Take care of yourself👊🏼

@BWYinYang - 27.10.2024 09:16

Just in time for Halloween, Frankenstein.
Seriously stay safe, heal, no rush.

@ghousali9957 - 27.10.2024 11:31

lucky 🍀

@ghousali9957 - 27.10.2024 11:37

great job bro

@memamu0 - 27.10.2024 12:17

Happy that you did not get injured more. All the more we need the full remote control farm equipment so you can do it even from a hospital bed. :) And wow: your brother and you look like... brothers. Twins even. :D

@WilliamVincik - 27.10.2024 14:02

get well soon,

@fstoll3 - 27.10.2024 14:58

Matthias, I had no idea, I am so sorry! As you mentioned in the video it is clear that you are truly blessed with a loving and caring family. It is with love and faith in god that my wife and I will be praying for your continued recovery. As I am sure you know, the best thing to do now is follow the doctors instructions and don't even try to do anything you are not suppose to do. Give your family and extra tight hug tonight.

@froggienm71 - 27.10.2024 15:41

Drag a 3-4 foot piece of log chain from the frame and that will stop the static electricity

@KornstarKK - 27.10.2024 18:29

I work for a railroad that the biggest thing is safety. Ever since starting there when I go to do anything anymore the first thing I look at how can I get hurt and I then figure out a way to prevent it. Glad you’re alive and mobile

@brucedeboer9713 - 27.10.2024 20:39

That was a pretty significant head injury...thankfully your brother was there to get you to the hospital. There's a lot of potential hazards in farming that most people are not aware of

@aTrippyFarmer - 27.10.2024 21:09

Glad that you are okay and have a positive attitude. It's no fun being on the sidelines during the busy season, but it's for the best. Best wishes!

@scottpesch4341 - 27.10.2024 23:26

Somebody had protection from the Lord.

@danielking6266 - 28.10.2024 00:41

Good luck keeping those kernels in the grain tank!

@rau123 - 28.10.2024 02:15

I'm sorry to hear about the accident.. but I'm happy you're on the mend. I like your brother is wearing and promoting your channel with the baseball cap. He's figured the vlogging skills too.. setting up the camera then doing the action (then recovering the camera) Hahahaha!

@Carol_Hinze - 28.10.2024 04:53

I thoroughly enjoy your videos! Hope you heal quickly and are back to normal soon! Take care!

@Ticky66MN - 28.10.2024 16:27

Thank God you're ok.

@bama_buck0745 - 28.10.2024 17:51

Sorry to hear this! Much prayers from down here in Alabama for a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹 bud

@John-PaulMartin - 28.10.2024 19:44

And people still think farmers plow and plant seeds in the Spring and do nothing until Fall! Glad to see you are healing, OK! I bet you are itching to go back to work!

@John-PaulMartin - 28.10.2024 19:45

I always wondered how you tell the moisture content!

@SonneFarms - 01.11.2024 15:36

Glad you're okay!

@hoophil - 01.11.2024 16:59

Hi Matthias! Wow, so sorry to hear about your accident, thanks for letting us know! Really glad it wasn't worse and hope you get some good rest, and I pray for a quick recovery. Take care of yourself, we'll be here, but miss you. Big thanks to your brother Matt, that was amazing he was there to help you out in a time of need, and he did a fantastic job with the video including the ending!!!! He acted like he does videos every day, he's got a great sense of humor like you do! Take care and most importantly, stay safe!

@JoeLinux2000 - 02.11.2024 11:46

Sarry to hear about the accident.

@davidkimmel5153 - 04.11.2024 02:23

Thanks for sharing.

@harveystephens6115 - 04.11.2024 16:58

TYJ for your safety

@wyatt12358 - 10.11.2024 05:38

Use fork lift or loader tractor to lift them out of the way next time. Lucky your still here.

@theDougBob - 19.11.2024 02:08

Thank the Lord you are ok.

@trevorcroteau4227 - 01.12.2024 10:28

Glad you are feeling better
