Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy Retrospective

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy Retrospective


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@NerdyGamerReacts - 10.08.2019 09:10

Just subbed, playing this game again on my just bought PS2, I'mma watch the rest of ur video once I finish the game, don't want any spoilers for the ending haha.

Btw, when r u gonna do retrospectives on Jak 2 and 3, I definitely am looking forward to watching those as well! 😀

@trevorgersich6997 - 17.08.2019 10:17

So when will you be doing your retrospectives on Jak II and Jak 3?

@WhatsUpFella - 18.08.2019 12:06

Not sure if you’re going to continue this series since it’s been a while, but I’m looking forward to it if you do.

@DLore-ew3bt - 09.10.2019 03:35

Ok I'm late af, but I really enjoyed this vid, thanks dude, hope you keep on working on more!

@rainman3577 - 25.10.2019 11:16

Any chances for the second video?

@jakeagawea - 29.10.2019 08:23

loved the video (and your whole channel really), can’t wait to see your thoughts on the rest of the trilogy!

@GatorMilk - 03.12.2019 06:21

So... where is the follow up? It's been a while, are you alright?

@DBZking119 - 21.02.2020 03:46

see this is what i was looking for a nice deep analysis of this game

@Seanagain96 - 18.03.2020 01:11

Great video man keep up the good work!!

@lukasdemetrius1 - 31.03.2020 17:24

Ah, to relieve my childhood.

@raven3067 - 06.06.2020 14:55

I grew up on Jak and Daxter.

@raven3067 - 06.06.2020 15:07

90 PReCuRSoR oRbS.

@MrRhysReviews - 10.08.2020 03:36

CRAZY I've never had a crash in the entire PS3 HD Trilogy both Physically on Disc OR Digital 🤷‍♂️ must be your PS3 🤔

@AshleyTre - 23.08.2020 01:29

The models have aged espicially compared to jak 2 and 3 but the graphics overall are amazing, It still holds up today, the cartoony aesthetic still look amazing similer to how the windwakers art style makes that game look timeless.the character designs are amazing for comparison look at the bland designs of the psp Daxter, they all look liie they were made ftom the same template and don't have that Charles zambillas charm

@porpy_ - 24.09.2020 11:36

Oh to be the little boy who just got a ps2 and this was one of his first games again. Idk if its nostlagia or what but this game will go down as one of the best games of all time for me. Jak and daxter has something that no other game has for me. It contains humor, action, and exploration that makes u want to just keep going. Ive 100% the game twice and beat it 4 times. The world design in this game to me is just crazy in comparison to much of the games that get released nowadays. Crazy to think how old this game is and how it still holds up (IMO). This game has brought forth so many memories and is one of the reasons i love games today. Thank you for making this video. I also very much enjoyed your God of War series. Sorry i sound like a generic NPC but this game is very near and dear to my heart.

@White_Fox_5.0 - 29.09.2020 18:50

Floating PINK eggs????

@Heckingbottle - 06.10.2020 02:11

"who makes the default camera controls inverted?"
I do, is that really so weird?

@whogavehimafork - 01.02.2021 07:00

Man these games still look good today. They look better than some PS3 games. I mean Naughty Dog did so well that The Last Frontier managed to look worse than the first game.

@UBvtuber - 02.02.2021 04:43

Yeah, i'm pretty sure that misplaced frame in rock village and ESPECIALLY those crashes were from the PS3 remaster because I played the PS2 version as a kid and none of that shit happened. The only time the game crashes usually is when you're bringing a vehicle such as the zoomer or flut flut into a level it was never built for.

@Browsley - 04.02.2021 10:03

This is beautifully done! One of the easier sub decisions I've had to make.

@corbinmarkey466 - 06.02.2021 19:10

Replayed Jak and Daxter during lockdown, for the first time in years and was determined to get all 101 power cells before reaching Gol and Maia.

I did it in two days. Good time. 👍

@BCZ21 - 10.02.2021 20:38

Red ico is introduced on misty island, not snowy mountain

@DBZking119 - 13.02.2021 02:49

the final bosses phases are also based off eco, the first phase is blue using the eye to cut open the silo, the bombs are dark eco , the second phase is green eco which is used to create the spiked lurkers, the third phase is red eco with the exploding bombs, and the final phase is yellow eco with the arm blaster

@edwardlivingston9651 - 19.02.2021 08:08

Chibi Ame Nothing Beats a Good Ground Pound

@pieman12345678987654 - 13.03.2021 04:57

The lost precursor city is still one of my favorite levels in a video game. The music and the colors are so good lol.

@williamguzman4952 - 23.03.2021 18:16

Great video overall, but most of your complaints on gameplay seem to stem from your lack of skill. It's not something I'd blame the game for.

@DucksCourage - 25.03.2021 12:03

I think you were too harsh on the graphics. For 2001, one of the early PS2 games, it had revolutionary graphics for its time.

@Snakeskin94 - 04.04.2021 01:52

I feel this retrospective is mostly very balanced. Some of the nitpicks and critiques feel like they were there just to be there, maybe in a sense of balancing out the positives?

My one real critique, well, if you could call it that, is, your issue with the insta-death. I mean... it's lava, lol I'm not gonna go on a boomer rant but, games were harder back then. Just had to be good at the game. I appreciate that you didn't completely try to dismantle the game with modern view points on game making.

I do wish this had gotten more views, however, it's very well made. I'll definitely watch the other ones you did.

@antipsychotic451 - 18.07.2021 19:28

Do people really consider this game's visuals "dated"? It's a really excellent looking title for the PS2; the art direction in general really helps this game hide its age

@matty_mather - 11.11.2021 21:10

I like to think the reason the sages didn’t use white eco to turn Daxter back after the boss fight is down to using up all their power in that moment to defeat Gol and Maia and not having the strength to do it again... but yeah it’s a plot hole that has always bugged me!

@cuttysharp - 04.01.2022 15:08

That’s funny because to me your default camera is inverted. Mine is not.

@Paniekzaaiertje - 13.02.2022 01:20

Jak & Daxter without inverted horizontal camera controls is not Jak & Daxter.

@nz7166 - 21.02.2022 09:36

great video!

@TXFDA - 27.02.2022 01:03

It's weird to me that I've never played Jak and Daxter. I was super into my PS2. I was also really into Sly Cooper and Ratchet & Clank. I also had a subscription to PSM, the unofficial Playstation Magazine. Yet I didn't know a damn thing about Jak and Daxter. I probably would have loved em.

I'm only just now starting the collection on Vita. I know people tend to say the frame rate ain't great on the Vita, and the back touch controls are annoying for flying (which a remap plugin can fix that, but still.) But it's the only way I have to play them, and I've never played the originals. So I can't imagine the issues will bother me much. Not to mention my Vita is overclocked, so that might help a bit.

@AimlessSavant - 06.03.2022 11:48

I found the fisherman laughing eternally hilarious. Some say he still laughs into Jak 3's end credits :P

@recordbum - 22.04.2022 08:02

Underrated channel

@flymartian33 - 27.04.2022 19:08

Mya was just eye candy like Kira was

@jeffreymarksworld534 - 20.05.2022 12:41

I've played this game many many times and I never knew Gol was Dee Snider

@BLUEFIRECAPTAIN - 23.05.2022 23:59


@MrMutt238 - 06.06.2022 01:05

I best the fishing game first try with only 12 misses. But the boss fights were my Bain

@SeriousArt250 - 19.06.2022 09:57

The face Jak makes when Kira is looking through the telescope...priceless

@voicebross - 11.07.2022 21:48

so like, maybe it needed 5 sages to make ligth ego, with the dark pool below it. maybe strech but you know

@Pen15594 - 26.07.2022 01:22

Hey man I think it's your console that is the reason you had crashes I played through all three Jack games on the remastered Trilogy 100% on all games without any crashes or even major frame rate dips

@KaminoKatie - 11.08.2022 19:55

Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy is the videogame equivalent of comfort food

@Wierdcrap - 10.06.2023 06:58

I think there’s a love I have for this game despite its flaws. I as a kid grinding this game because when my mom got me the ps2 it didn’t come with a memory card. Something I hadn’t known myself. I was so use to how games just had saves or codes for levels but nope here I didn’t know that. And every time I turned it off bam right back to the tutorial. I played that tutorial so many damn times and would get to the second stage and bam had to turn it off. Eventually I got so good I can now beat this game in one day. And not like some speedrunner . Just decent lol but I still love this game

- 26.10.2024 16:20

The storyline of Jak & Daxter is pretty linear but the level design allows some variety in how to progress.

@Akanio_Vatheros - 19.12.2024 21:33

For a while, I didnt want to admit it, yeah, Jak & Daxter really isnt that deep, but 8yr old me didn't believe that. Honestly, I feel that Jak & Daxter, Ratchet & Clank, & Ty the Tasmanian Tiger are great, beginner friendly games for any kid wanting to get into gaming. I know for sure that these are going to be a few of my kid's first games to play!
