SERO (Super Zero) has the world-leading technology with Zero-knowledge proof that truly implements blockchain privacy protection and a public chain platform that supports Turing complete smart contract operations.
DApp developers can issue their own anonymous token or anonymous ticket based on SERO CHAIN to circulate throughout the SERO ecosystem.
Super-ZK - Zero-knowledge proof encryption library, independently developed by SERO is currently the fastest in encryption performance. In the same application scenario, Super-ZK encryption speed is 20 times faster than Zcash (the mainstream privacy protection cryptocurrency that at present, uses zk-SNARKs). Compare with Bulletproofs (the latest bulletproof protocol), Super-ZK is more than 4 times faster. SERO solved the Zero-knowledge proof performance problem; SERO will lead the privacy protection scheme and the preparation for the wider commercialization of blockchain.
#SERO #super-zk/superzk #zeroknowledge #zcash #dash