DT - Prophet Kimberly Almeida - The Power of Communion

DT - Prophet Kimberly Almeida - The Power of Communion

ROLDCenter ROLDCenter

55 лет назад

3 Просмотров

Welcome to the Virtual Sanctuary of Restoration of Love Deliverance Center
Our Senior Pastor, Prophet Kimberly Almeida, will be continuing the series, "The Power of Communion".

Visit our website, www.ROLDCenter.org, to keep current with all things ROLDC.

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Again, welcome to ROLDC, where we are RESTORED by LOVE, so we RESTORE by LOVE!
#RestorationOfLoveDeliveranceCenter #ROLDCenter #ROLDC #ROLDCNation #DisciplesTrainingReturning #DTReturning #DisciplesTraining #ThePowerOfCommunion #DT
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