Player confronts player over incident - Genshin Coop

Player confronts player over incident - Genshin Coop


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@CharaOldWord - 08.10.2024 07:25

i though that a normal gunyu attack hit consider her charge do the rain splite thingy
if the boss hit box big enough to get hurt by most of the shot wouldnt that look normal? 😅
or am i blind

@SteelyGlow - 08.10.2024 14:26

Looks like a lag to me, I've encountered damage display after the target dies several times, probably due to network issues. I'm using stock game client.
If it's a cheat, probably I don't realize what to look at. TBH I didn't know that cheats for genshin even exist.

@Permiton - 08.10.2024 19:18

Genshins combat is like toddler level of simple compared to other games and having to cheat on such a game is fkn embarrassing and sad

@people.pleasing.appetite5119 - 09.10.2024 18:43

Naw that's insane they must not know how to built ganyu to openly use cheats in coop what

@people.pleasing.appetite5119 - 09.10.2024 18:45

My Hu Tao is c1 and does 60k per charged atk I worked so hard on her

@InquisitorAstelon - 09.10.2024 19:06

What pathetic person needs to cheat at Genshin?

@aN.ii52 - 10.10.2024 00:52

dont be afraid show their uid👀

@OccasusRaven - 10.10.2024 08:49

I would have just report account as soon as i sayed that or Record Gameplay

@leodp6508 - 10.10.2024 13:13

16k per charged build issues goes hard

@akshatlohani9289 - 10.10.2024 14:48

You can get fined made me laugh lol

@Hlebuw3k - 10.10.2024 16:55

If you co-op with filthy cheaters like that one, it can get YOUR innocent account banned. It's no joke, be careful. Immediately quit co-op, go to recent co-op menu in the friend list, report them and block them to never meet that selfish cheater again.

@Chaosfred - 11.10.2024 04:15

If the numbers are white or the Ganyu is C6 then it would probably ARCC (Aim-R Cancelling), a technique which also can be done manually or by macro including Steam pad or gamepad turbo-button. If you set display all team effects and have high settings, this usually can be seen with lots of projectiles.

But from what I seen in the video seems really a cheat or mod user because the numbers are blue which elemental damage (means a charged shot or skill) and too fast/instant for elemental ARCC (Ganyu must be C6 or very laggy player).

@ktaehyun - 11.10.2024 08:48

i once also meet cyno doing multiple 10k normal attacks when i was helping low ar player but they said they don’t know anything about cheats when i confronted them. so i went to check on their profile, spiral abyss 12-3 36* at ar 45 but all of their characters on display is at level 50 including cyno, without artifacts and 1 star weapons 😞

@yuki97kira - 12.10.2024 10:50

Imagine cheating....skill issue

@ika6268 - 12.10.2024 16:28

Nah. My phone doesn't even show the dmg number. I won't even know who's doing the dmg and who uses MOD. All I'd know is that the bosses health bar is draining quickly.
Heck, when I used other device to play the game, I'd habitually looked at the health bar than the dmg numbers showing. That's how deep the habit of playing the game for four years on a potato phone.

@tribble132 - 12.10.2024 19:19

U got a cracked hutao 👌

@Sonicjacob-dp3rq - 13.10.2024 16:46

Wow that's just sad really

@arjaydelima1564 - 14.10.2024 05:13

to all defending the cheaters and you say oh it wont hurt you, oh its single player, oh they wan't ez content blah blah blah. ok so you all admit they bunch of losers and remember all cheater always never win the game

@nos5915 - 17.10.2024 11:07

if you're going to cheat do it in single player where you're not ruining it for everyone else

@X3on69 - 19.10.2024 19:51

Using cheats with Ganyu is already embarrassing... Especially when her specifuc set is already an easy get

@Epiphym - 20.10.2024 22:34

Me watching this being both a Genshin and Warframe player: "oh wait— right— multishot in genshin doesnt exist" 💀 i thought that was normal until I realized "wait a damn minute"

@Dividedworldkai - 23.10.2024 09:45


@rizkyhidayat147 - 24.10.2024 13:36

The video and comment make me feel im in time before 3.0 exist 😂

@sailorsplat7686 - 29.10.2024 14:13


@TheOtherOne7isBlueMaid - 31.10.2024 03:51

why would you co-op AND cheat lmao, you can just do it by yourself

@skyotter123 - 01.11.2024 16:29

awn that was actually cute

@Dentøfeste - 02.11.2024 11:28

Good on the kazuah main to warn them tho

@noonxrs - 03.11.2024 19:56

why do u have like an online id thing

@noonxrs - 03.11.2024 19:56

average american server bruh not once have i seen it in asia 😭

@justenoughforacoffee - 05.11.2024 21:23

People defending the person cheating (or people who mod the game) make no sense to me.
"Some people have a life"
no shit. But genshin isnt a hard game. I have a lvl 70 kinich with his weapon at 60 and talents at 1. No artifacts and fucking around made him hit 25k unbuilt. Im a mobile player and fuck me if id ever cheat. I love this game.
"Some people are broke."
Again, bringing it back to kinich. I soend money on this game but i got him almost entirely f2p. I do have a welkin. Which, considering he ran during a time i was barely on (would jump on to claim the welkin then go, i wasnt doing my commissions,) you could argue he is equvalent (well, no but you get the jist.)
"Some people dont want to build characters"
Thirty minutes. It takes thirty minutes to condense resin and spend it for the day in domains or what not. The whole reason, again my kinich, isnt built is bc i havent even had that time. I waited for my day off (today)
"Some people dont wanna spend thirty minutes in the game"
"Skin mods are fine."
No. They arent. Look i want darker skinned characters or outfit variety as much as the next guy. But they're against Genshin's terms of service. Breaking that can result in your account getting banned and hoyoverse can take legal action against you if you mod your game. It doesnt matter if you are in single player or coop, you're on an international server, you can get caught. If you enjoy the game, dont risk it. Hoyo has taken legal action against leakers because of broken tos, you cannot say that it wont hit you or you wont get caught or that modding isnt like leaking. It still breaks TOS, you can still get in deep shit. Don't risk it.

And finally, cheating takes all the fun out of the game. What's the point in playing if you don't get that feeling of victory? Its lazy and it leaves no room for fun or growth. And its just not worth the risk. Do better.

@leonfoxuwu - 06.11.2024 17:32

The person is probably banned or is getting banned in a ban wave anyway. Hoyo can tell and they ban in waves instead of the person is prob banned already

@Pandanas666 - 06.11.2024 20:18

Reminding me that it would be nice if skin mods would be allowed, since Hoyo doesn't want to give us any ToT

@Hunter-dy2xy - 08.11.2024 18:04

Ohh I thought the issue was that Luna didn't know Ganyu's CA hit multiple times. No, it's an actual cheat.

@notKishko - 10.11.2024 04:35

I dont see the problem in using mods in a pve game mfs care to much just cuz they arent able to use them

@EpsilonMono - 13.11.2024 04:03

NEVER. CHEAT. IN COOP. You're ruining other people's experience.

@Roguecrayonmuncher - 24.11.2024 18:34

Its a multi hit script that makes you attack multiple times at once, theres also a paid version that just tricks the game and increases the 1 hit damage

@brandonmontoya1760 - 04.12.2024 04:31

Im suprised they even talked, nomally it gets just, kill if it gets killed really fast i say: good; grab my reward-> leave

@catgirl4258 - 06.12.2024 15:55

had a lvl 70 heizou do the same in raiden domains with a bad build and the bio is “top 1% heizou” its not funny!!! you know they only use it to get compliments/attention yet you can do the same without using cheats but have a good build.

I have a c2 furina doing 40-60-94k/117k damage in nahida domain and I get called a “whale” or given nice compliments and friend requests just because I roll good artifacts. there was buffers too those games where I get high hits like xilonen kazuha and benett. the ones that make it go that high.

@aliceguzzo9291 - 12.12.2024 16:11

Help i read comfort

@someothercobra8360 - 14.12.2024 11:20

who cares enough to throw a fit I
t's a PVE game. This game is a majority single player experience.It's not like they have an advantage over you.

@RolxQwer - 23.12.2024 19:54

Ganyu when she got trained by cryo archin:

@erfatsiddique - 11.01.2025 16:36

I didn't get it because I don't have Ganyu. But I got it now, after reading some comments

@candyperl3697 - 14.01.2025 23:13

I met a Clorinde that was attacking electro, pyro, hydro, cryo, dendro all together in the speed of light, no need to say it was a big cheat

@JovannaandFriends - 22.01.2025 06:40

I like that they weren't mean about it, instead just giving genuine advice

@Archon_of_explosives - 27.01.2025 07:53

Furina person chilling

@smollmighto - 28.01.2025 00:40

I played with you once but nothing happened on our co-op, so there will be no footage lol

@LifeEnjoy-o8i - 25.02.2025 05:26

using cheats in coop is insane..

@aldyzero6676 - 26.09.2024 00:53

Imagine using cheats (that Ganyu player and many other cheaters) in an already easy PVE game......big yikes.....just how much SKILL ISSUE they have?

Later on these PATHETIC bunch would REEEEEEing on Twitter by twisting the truth that HoYo banned their acc for using cheats.

Also big YIKES on those who defends cheating with their template phrases like "mind your own business", "who cares...they make the game easier", yada-yada-yada.
