Headphone POWER-AMP \\ VALENCIA by Orchard Audio x Z Reviews

Headphone POWER-AMP \\ VALENCIA by Orchard Audio x Z Reviews

Z Reviews

55 лет назад

9,269 Просмотров

Valencia --------------------- [https://orchardaudio.com/shop/valencia-headphone-amplifer/] (Coupon Code Below)
(Code "zeospantera" to save $25 off any OA order)

Valencia Specs ---------- [https://orchardaudio.com/valencia_specifications/]

FORUMS DISCUSSION ON VALENCIA - https://forum.hifiguides.com/t/orchard-audio-x-z-reviews-valencia-headphone-power-amp/44787/22

⚔️ SubscribeStar -- https://www.SubscribeStar.com/Zeos
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RCA to XLR adapters ----------- [https://amzn.to/434eWEH]
15db XLR Chokes ---------------- [https://amzn.to/4gvTThf] (Song Each)
ifi Impedance Adapter --------- [https://amzn.to/4hrdH6G]
OA RCA TO XLR Converter -- [https://orchardaudio.com/shop/stereo-rca-to-xlr-converter/]

Tungsten Headphone ---------- [https://www.modhouseaudio.com/tungsten]
Susvara Unveiled ----------------- [https://www.mimic-audio.com/products/hifiman-susvara-unveiled]
Harmonicdyne Eris -------------- [https://apos.audio/products/harmonicdyne-x-z-reviews-eris-50mm-dynamic-driver-headphones/?sca_ref=36221.ouwJgZltO5]

Magia Cable ------------------------ [https://apos.audio/products/apos-z-reviews-magia-cable/?sca_ref=36221.ouwJgZltO5]

Hospital Cable --------------------- [https://amzn.to/40L4ZZL] (Will come with Amp)

Tor ------------------------------ [https://www.toraudio.com/main.html?v=33#]
Black Ice --------------------- [https://blackiceaudio.com/preamplifiers/?tag=F360&ss_source=ytads&ss_campaign_name=Zeos+F360]
Geshelli Labs -------------- [https://geshelli.com/?ref=6]

0:00 WARNING this is a Power Amp
2:45 Why Collab with Orchard Audio?
5:06 Unit Tour of Valencia
9:37 Measurements of Orchard Audio Valencia
13:33 Your Signal chain matters SO MUCH NOW
17:50 What Does Valencia Sound Like?
20:54 Removing the Worry of your amplifier
25:40 Quelling Noise in your Chain
30:34 Why I wanted Valencia
39:19 Running off a DAP
43:55 Tube Amps with 15wpc are amazing
48:30 TL:DR

Mousepad Master Post -------- [https://redd.it/1esn6pv]
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