They almost killed their own child.#shorts #movie #house

They almost killed their own child.#shorts #movie #house


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@WiggyWamWam - 07.03.2025 19:35

What kind of an idiot gives a child an energy drink of any kind

@Ryder.Draconis - 07.03.2025 19:36

You don't do an MRI until the renal labs come back.

@davidsecord6412 - 07.03.2025 21:11

Gadolinium has been implicated in nephrotic syndrome for a while. That is why I NEVER order an MRI with contrast.

@Smirnoff316 - 07.03.2025 21:17

In real life people would sue for emotional damages thats why u only see that on tv

@WhyWasItMyRealName - 07.03.2025 22:30

The parent are not doctors and cant be expected to know how medical diagnistics could be problematic. This would be house fault for doing an MRI when there was not a good reason for it just to please the parents

@yazzmanaf - 07.03.2025 22:40

I just love when House call out parents for their stupidity.

@BigBeezyBtown - 07.03.2025 23:34

"No water till after practice!" My 7th grade Football coach.

@evermore7475 - 08.03.2025 00:48

I know the kid in the bed. He played young Brad Cohen in the movie front of the class. The movies about a boy with tourette's. Very very good movie

@ogieoglethorpeiii8916 - 08.03.2025 02:22

Young kids should not be drinking them

@Valicroix - 08.03.2025 02:41

Hmm, they always checked my kidney function before they injected a contrast dye. Wouldn't they have done that here and noticed the problem?

@LauraFunFunFloweries - 08.03.2025 03:00

What about a, uterus?

@TheZombie2415 - 08.03.2025 03:07

I remember getting a UTI and it was an emergency because it might hit my kidney which may be fatal if left too long.
I asked them to bring me to the doctor but they insisted I was just playing around or just an "act" few days later shit got worse and eventually I got a lasting effects due untreated UTI for 3 fucking days.
The aftermath of that is the bladder being so thin and easily irritable. I cannot go on without drinking or having my bladder completely empty.
This goes on for almost a half decade until Bladder completely recovered.

@walterroche8192 - 08.03.2025 03:33

This was the classic House of blaming someone else, even though HE had final decision making power.

Shame they didn't make this point apart of his character development.

@rosemarie5489 - 08.03.2025 03:49


@JohnnyMC_hyrule - 08.03.2025 04:54

That last line was cold

@Shycrochetqueen - 08.03.2025 05:33

Isn’t the kid a hermaphrodite and they chose to make him a him?

@vanjernigan997 - 08.03.2025 06:13

Way to shift the blame 😂

@NinjaZXRR - 08.03.2025 06:19

I remember an EMT telling me a 6 year old kid dies after his parents let him drink NOS energy drinks on a regular basis. I don't blame Nos or any drink brand, in that situation his parents should of not let the kid drink that in the first place.

@leoandeson7936 - 08.03.2025 06:37

Fun fact is It's House's fault.

@Kimian111 - 08.03.2025 07:08

First, if it were simple dehydration, he wouldn't have had kidney pain from the energy drinks, so it was no simple diagnosis. Why would it take so long to get another glass of water that the parents were able to talk a Dr. into doing an MRI before insisting on giving the water, since he knows why the kid needed another glass of water, and since when do doctors overrule their expertise over a patient's parents demands, but if the energy drinks' effects showed up after the first glass of water didn't work upon arrival and they were about to fetch another glass, but couldn't do it fast enough-- then they already knew about the energy drinks, then house already knew he didn't need an MRI but instead of saying no to the not-doctors mom and dad, he went ahead and did the MRI just because the parents insisted, even though he knew what the contrast agent would do to the kid's pancreas and liver, and heart? And seemingly knowing that the kid's kidneys weren't healthy. It wasn't until after the MRI that he asks the kid about the energy drinks, but implied that they were trying to get him another glass of water because of the kidney pain from the energy drinks. Then blames the parents for insisting on an MRI while House was running for a second glass of water begging them to wait a minute because of the kidney pain idea... but no, they forced House to forget the next glass of water, even though House knows why it was the thing to do, we have to obey the orders of the parents and by golly do that MRI, STAT! After it was all over in the MRI room, that's when House decides to inquire about the energy drinks. Seems out of order. Simple dehydration when he came in, changed to dehydration with an extra strain on the kidneys, Then he says, your son was fine when he came in. Freaks of nature aren't usually considered fine. But if he was fine, what happened to the simple dehydration that was actually complex. Then tells his parents that they don't have to treat him like a freak of nature, which went over my head, but say he was a freak of nature, in a super human way? Or a vulnerable way? At any rate, whom else would one treat like a freak of nature if not an actual freak of nature? But wait! Wouldn't you want to not ignore the fact that your son is a freak of nature so they aren't treated like a normal person, risking his freakish considerations being ignored? Then he also said the contrast material for the MRI got held in the kidney because his kidneys were not healthy. Again, he was "fine" when he got there? Who the F edits these scenes? BADLY WRITTEN SCENE! C'MON MAN, HOW ARE THE PARENTS AT FAULT WHEN YOU KNEW BETTER? YOU DON"T FOLLOW NON-DOCTORS" INSISTANCES!

@Dale1029834756 - 08.03.2025 07:31

Okay then Mr house if you're such a brilliant doctor, why would you allow an MRI to be conducted if you suspected weakened kidneys via energy drinks which caused dehydration? You couldn't foresee a potentially life-threatening scenario before approving an MRI be done? Yeah blame it on the patience

@JuliusCaesarsBestFriendForNow - 08.03.2025 08:43

Why was a kid that young drinking energy drinks?

@UncompressedWAVmusic - 08.03.2025 09:48

Energy drinks should only be rarely drunk. Start your day with water and not coffee. Coffee, tea and alcohol are diuretics they dehydrate you. Your brain is 90% water and your body is 70% water so you need a lot of water with a few pinches or sea salt during the day, otherwise you are stressing your whole body.

@carlosenriqueulloa - 08.03.2025 10:19

Everyone should stay away from "energy" drinks.

@Nomercyinnature86 - 08.03.2025 11:00

Shows gay af

@gammaraider - 08.03.2025 13:48

Bullshit. Hospital performed the procedure. If there'd been a risk, they should have refused the procedure, that's their job. Can't blame laypeople for making stupid suggestions and not knowing these things.

@John-s3t6q - 08.03.2025 15:03

One of my grandsons is well into energy drinks . I do wonder if it is harming him as he is just 12 years old ?

@kongoubongo1114 - 08.03.2025 18:16

Better to give the parents the cold hard truth than to lie.

@warrenmichael2923 - 08.03.2025 19:53

you gave birth to a freak of nature, doesn't mean its a good idea to treat him like one!

@jatpack3 - 08.03.2025 22:17

If the scan had shown a tumor then house would be "see, im a genius you stupid parents"

@dlibby4979 - 09.03.2025 00:13

My older friend had a heart scan (former heart attack) and the same thing happend to him.

@brofistbro - 09.03.2025 00:35


Even PE classes I ONLY wanted water! Nothing else!

@jrbr549 - 09.03.2025 10:19

Contrast material for an MRI?

@Mack10011 - 09.03.2025 13:13

This case is what got house hooked on drugs again. He stopped caring about patent/family opinions because he almost killed a kid, because he was painless and not taking his Vicodin. It's quite sad, actually. If it weren't for these parents, house would probably be a less flawed person, even if it was by a bit.

For context, house was on Vicodin, but after getting shot, he got a ketamine treatment. When that started wearing off, he took a drug that I can't remember the name of. That drug helped. It got rid of all his pain, and made him a happier, more lenient and kind person. But then this happened

@jusyoniox - 09.03.2025 14:07

I have kidney failure, and the idea that i may end up on dialysis is absolutely terrifying. Look after your bodies people ❤️🥹

@blackwiddowflainfrost6705 - 09.03.2025 19:38

And then house stopped his new drug (Ibuprofein iirc) and switched back to vicodin. Because he only permitted the MRI as he was feeling quite good that day.
And he wouldn't have, if he was sour House on vicodin.

@dena1007 - 09.03.2025 20:32

People don’t like drinking free water because there are too many choices of buying substitutions that are just sugar water. But hey, you do you.

@JS-yc8wj - 09.03.2025 21:27

Blind uterus 😂

@Dustin-u5d - 09.03.2025 21:59

Does are how democratic party parents real life...

@dylanwhite6539 - 09.03.2025 22:29

It should be illegal to give minors energy drinks like that tbh

@michaelibrahim9275 - 09.03.2025 23:25

The parents aren’t doctors and they didn’t perform the MRI. If it was in any way apparent that the MRI would harm him the doctors could easily refuse or explain to the parents. You can’t blame this one on the parents

@theresabraddock9310 - 10.03.2025 00:04

The parents insisted on an MRI to look for a uterus in their androgenous genitalia born child assigned a male against House's recommendations but he relents since he's off his pain meds and trying something different.

@marycarter343 - 10.03.2025 02:03

Energy drinks are from Satan. Our kids need protection.

@thebigmann81 - 10.03.2025 07:00

Energy drinks for kids is ridiculous

@Kavlor1 - 10.03.2025 09:20

It's common sense kids should not be consuming energy drinks.

@gargoyleb - 10.03.2025 19:57

And how many of us out there know what that kid is gonna look like after 'a few rounds of dialysis'?

@austinchicoine1310 - 10.03.2025 20:15

As someone who played hockey, football, volleyball, and basketball for over half my life, i can assure you drinking even 1 energy drinks before a game or practice is a sure fire way to drop dead from a heart attack, you should only be drinking Water during the games and practices, and then a power aid or Gatorade after the game or practice will help recover your electrolytes

@Cyndy-b9v - 10.03.2025 22:41

I would think getting an MRI is the doctor's call. Maybe he should take responsibility

@imjustaguy1721 - 12.03.2025 06:00

You would think that people would figure out on their own

"You know maybe giving my kid that much energy drinks isnt a good idea considering is a kid who didnt even hit puberty"

@Novaley-42 - 12.03.2025 09:54

Seriously why doesn't the US have an age limit for energy drinks!
