Atomic Heroes - Trading Card Game - Tutorial - Prototype

Atomic Heroes - Trading Card Game - Tutorial - Prototype

The Atomic Heroes

1 год назад

148 Просмотров

Hi and welcome to our TCG Prototype!In this video I’m going to show you how to play the game and explain what’s currently not in the game.

Play-test away and let us know what you think!

This is our Home page!
The Tutorial button leads to this video you’re watching right now!Deck building is under construction, more on this in a bit!Press Play Game to Play!On this screen you can either create or join a lobby.Once you have joined a lobby/game you can choose between a Oxygen/Nitrogen DeckOrCarbon/Fluorine Deck

At this point we recommend that you pre-communicate with your opponent which decks you are playing to insure that you are playing different decks!The player who created the Lobby then starts the game.

Here we go!We have three main areas we want to go through

Deck and Cards
Heroes and Abilities
Turns and Actions

Decks and Cards

Our game is a Deck Building game which means you guys will be able to build your own decks in the future. For this prototype we’ve pre-built Decks for you.Right now they consist of

Energy Cards (Neutrons, Protons and Electrons)
Group Cards (Heal and Revive Heroes)

There will be more cards added to Decks in the future.

Energy Cards are used to power Hero abilities!


Energy power Heroes abilities.Abilities are used to damage your opponents team. (Show an example of Hero DMG:ing.)

Positioning of your Heroes matter too. Heroes in the front positions generally take damage first. You can view these Heroes as your “Tanks”, protecting your weaker heroes behind.
Health.The Objective of the game is to bring all opponent Heroes to 0 HP, you do this by using your abilities agains their Heroes.

Some Heroes have the abilities to heal other Heroes too, play around with the prototype to see all different Hero abilities to discover what play style you like the most!Lastly we have the actual NFTs that you are using to play with. Right now NFT integration is not available, but this is something coming in the future.
All aspects of the NFT will effect gameplay.- Heroes and their different poses- Frames
Items- Backgrounds

That’s a overview of to Hero Aspect!

Turns and Actions

At the top here we can see it’s my turn.I have 2 actions.You can use actions in different ways:- To do an ability
To Draw 2 Cards from your Deck
To use a group card or other special card in your hand.

Once you have used your two actions it becomes your opponents Turn. When a new Turn starts the player who starts their turn automatically draws 2 cards from their deck.And there you go! This is the very basics of our game, go ahead and try it out! Let us know your thoughts in our discord!
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