Sol Lazer is not a projectile it's a line of charged atoms or photons that give energy to the next photon via thermal induction... I.E. it is not a projectile and does not get blocked by wind wall.... it'll block air but not lazers 😅😂
Ответитьuse your E to flee bro
ОтветитьWhy do Cogmaw players always cooking
ОтветитьDay 111 asking for draven jungle 🎉
ОтветитьZwag : always yasuo's wants to all in level 1
Also zwag as yasuo: all in level 1
Hahaha it s funny how you always say yasuo players always all in lvl 1 and you just did it too 😂 (don t mean it in an offensive way, it s just funny) 😂
ОтветитьFighting Nasus is like "apes together strong"
Ответитьthat kogmaw early game is fuego 🔥
Ответитьman, this video has 100k views in one day. That's as much as other videos do in one month or 2 weeks.
at this point you must have figured out which champs no one cares about but there's gotta be a way to figure out which ones will rake in the $$
You can tell from the second game that Body has more mechanics on Yone but Zwag has better macro
ОтветитьMfw a Xerath main accuses someone of scripting 😂😂😂
ОтветитьRemember to boicot Riot Tomorrow
Ответитьwhy did i just realise zwag u kinda sound like leonard from big bang theory
ОтветитьI lost a promo game to diamond in 2020 because my yasuo went 0/18/4 has support since August of that year i have only and ever banned yasuo in my games ranked and normal it never mattered i always dislike yasuo videos since then , forgive me
Ответитьday 13 of asking for crit wukong
ОтветитьCant help but to hear Liam obrien the voice actor for yasuo sooo clearly
ОтветитьTry Yasuo build: Yun tal, IE, berserk shoes, Unending Despair, Jak sho, and final something tanky depends if their moslty ap or ad comp. Runes: Lethal tempo, triumph, alacrity, last stand, bone plat and overgrowth
ОтветитьI don't like yasuo players, they are either constantly whining or arrogant.
ОтветитьWhy even play Yasuo if you're not even get the 10+ death powerspikes :/
ОтветитьBro 50min video come on noone want watching 50 min
ОтветитьHow about some AP Viego video? :O
ОтветитьDay uh 710 of asking for Lethality Nilah
With hail of blaidds
games with body are always welcomed :3
ОтветитьThat Heca was so bad and so toxic xD
Trying to use the default thumbs up emote.
I have a wierd thing, when i build yun tal on yas/yone i get true damage from items even from minions or turets. Have anyone expirienced the same thing because i feel like im the only one
Ответитьyasou got a buff total shocker not like shen or ryze are getting any reworks soon?
ОтветитьHelp me zwag, i can't sleep!!
ОтветитьCan someone explain how wild arrows works lmao
ОтветитьDay 30 K'Sante Support with :
1.) Rune = Grasp, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth, Magical Footwear, and Biscuit
2.) Spell = Teleport and Ignite
3.) Items = Bloodsong (support), Heartsteel, Thornmail, Spirit Visage/Kaenic Rookern, Unending Despair/Jaksho The Protean, and any tier 3 boots or Zeke's Convergence
4.) Use K'Sante Empyrean or Heartsteel costume.
Day 525 of asking for FULL attack speed Pyke with Hail of blades
ОтветитьI’m a Pyke main and really thinking about throwing my life away to learn Yasuo.
ОтветитьThe first time you said "flash-nado" my mind went "What sorta NATO flash??" :D
ОтветитьZwag hit the flash nado
ОтветитьDay 7 of asking for Shen & Tahm bot duo. Bonus points if you're able to collab with xPetu 😭
ОтветитьDay 6 of asking for any Neeko game 😭
Ответитьshould hecarim buy 2 boots?
ОтветитьWho's playing the Yone it sounds like Body
ОтветитьHe must be scripting says the Xerath player that literally looks like he is scripting with his ults....
ОтветитьSylas doesn’t have sustain.
Zwag 2025
Def earned a like for that flash Nado