Is ADHD An Advantage?

Is ADHD An Advantage?


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@barryperkins4695 - 12.06.2024 21:02

Don't be so defensive to new ideas. The goal should be to find out what can help improve the quality of life of you and others. We are all different, and that means what works for you may be different for someone else. 💙💜🤟🏾🤟🏾

@melisdoeh9049 - 13.06.2024 00:23

Perhaps a 5 per cent increase in diagnoses is not as negative as the video's undertone suggests. Instead, it indicates that ADHD is finally being correctly identified, rather than being confused with depression or anxiety. Proper diagnosis is, indeed, the first step towards learning how to manage and flourish with one's ADHD. It would be beneficial if neurotypical individuals ceased expressing their frustrations—often rooted in slight envy and misunderstanding—towards gifted neurodivergents, and stopped seizing every opportunity to trivialise the condition and associate it with amphetamine abuse.

@imbecile-v5y - 15.06.2024 23:30

I was diagnosed with a type of ADD, but it was effectively an AD*H*D diagnosis. I don’t have meds, and I recently got out of 7th grade with 2 Fs on my report card. My ADHD causes severe memory problems, sometimes I feel like I can’t even remember anything at all. However , one day, I did remember. And not only that, I passed. No, I mean I basically had the highest score out of my entire class. That day forward, I knew I wasn’t a failure.

@Jellyhasyourfamily - 16.06.2024 11:05

Me when seeing the title: NO?

@tobibenjamin6097 - 23.06.2024 01:16

Adhd is an advantage to people who don't have to deal with me when I kill myself

@RandomKerbalizedGuy - 25.06.2024 21:09

No it isn't. It wouldn't be an advantage then.

@M0k4T4n - 27.06.2024 08:25

These comments gotta stop calling me out i still have to find a psychologist or something 😭

@jas5050 - 01.07.2024 06:01

I have ADHD and barely passed high school, but I was smart. I joined the Army and excelled. I left and went to college, got my master's degree with a 4.0, and worked in healthcare. I am highly successful. My teachers from high school would be shocked. It took ten years, and until I was 30, I found my path. However, once I got on it, I surpassed my peers.

@Luna_77723 - 02.07.2024 14:44

Nope not an advantage
Grades are falling

@jonisoma5726 - 04.07.2024 08:23

…..just deal with it…at least for me, drugs made me lazy and uninspired. When I focus on things it is usually because I am enthused. Drugs break your spirit and make you lazy. No more back and forth with meds, never again.

@bugtogs9344 - 05.07.2024 10:44

I’m sitting here at work right now unable to focus, everything is just so blurry for me when I am trying to work, but sitting on my phone I can just concentrate, I don’t get it

@subzer1655 - 06.07.2024 14:22

ADHD confirmed 1st i thought i was intro but now i understand

@jogalong - 17.07.2024 16:01

Anyone with ADHD often edits their comments

@Soknik01 - 20.07.2024 06:57

An advantage? You give two scenarios where ADHD could be advantageous. Sorry to burst your bubble sweetheart but nobody who's watching this video falls into the hunter gatherer category. The second example you give is where someone with adhd is working in an ideal environment tailored to make use of their strengths, as if a person without adhd in those same circumstances wouldn't be likely to experience an even better outcome. ADHD is a nightmare, period. Try struggling with a disability that manifests itself in such a way that whenever it leads to you have an issue the rest of the world experiences you as inconsiderate, lazy, inattentive and generally just chalk full of character flaws.

@kappa633 - 21.07.2024 00:57

Adhd needs to be used with right career like emt, police, athlete, er dr or nurse, firefighters, inventor, computer science, graphic designer etc, we were best of the hunters and best in the group and mated with most perfect mate todays world is not designed for us now everything is slow and mundane and structured we were meant to think fast we would excel in high intensities environments so like ceo job is also best. But todays world makes everything to go through structured pace and thats just not for us. Medications only help you manage it and makes your mind slow and like normal slow people if you have to take take non stimulant with anti anxiety meds and choose fields thats meant for you like art, music, theater, manager etc. It is nothing to be fixed there is nothing wrong with you you were the best of past world and survived other neurotypical might have been your follower in the tribe you lead the tribe and was brilliant leader with good hunting instincts and empathy to take care of the group. So find that is suitable for you today and do it. Dont beat yourself up because the world changed you still have superpower that can be used today. Neurtypicals use adderal to think like you while you already have supercomputer in your head with no stop its constantly scanning and working and analysing everything.

@magepunk2376 - 31.07.2024 01:06

I have ADHD. I WISH it were an advantage.

@Marvinous117 - 31.07.2024 16:59

It is hell.

@RichardMiddleton-q1e - 02.08.2024 20:36

Yep lol

@RichardMiddleton-q1e - 02.08.2024 20:38

No 1 noticed till i was 40 and didn't grow up ❤

@barkendog1 - 04.08.2024 06:41

I read the first 5 chapters of a novel then skip to the last chapter to see if i guessed the ending. Im nearly always right.
Anyone else do that?

@CorpsyDegits - 08.08.2024 15:05

I'm sitting here for hours

@ririlub - 10.08.2024 21:23

I feel like I have ADHD, because I get easily distracted, one moment I'm thinking "Yeah! Let's start this poem analyisis" then next I'm thinking "Woah! Blackholes colliding are so cool! I'm gonna read an article on it" then next "What if I sing the A A B B C C D D E E F F rhyme scheme in the alphabet song tune?"

I also have terrible short-term memory, I doodle tons in class, I'm quite immature, and I struggle with keeping up with deadlines. I tend to stay up late too (2:21 am rn loll) and I'm watching this vid instead of that poem analysis.

I'm just glad I'm able to keep my honors despite allat :')

@JaredRijo - 13.08.2024 05:13

Me and a friend have ADHD and we both like science

@jepjep5635 - 18.08.2024 08:01

Its of course an advantage cuz its easier to get adderall😊

@lievengoossens3886 - 22.08.2024 00:24

Man Audible sucks

@RedMau5_97 - 24.08.2024 03:50

Whats ADHD like? I just watched this whole video without actually watching the video 👍

@Cybermaul - 27.08.2024 03:40

ADHD software dev here. My managers have always come to me to work on emergent problems. Something big and bad has to be handled now? I got it.

@theflev-matic4892 - 29.08.2024 11:52

The answer is no

@AkshayDeoke - 30.08.2024 10:13

No its NOT!!

@dipanjanmajumder4872 - 31.08.2024 10:21

What a minute,so you're telling me that I have ADHD ??????

@lightnin_ - 01.09.2024 06:08

Me waiting untill my ritalin starts working 🤯

@michelesiger6890 - 03.09.2024 01:41

I’m not even watching the video. I’m just coming to the comments to say “no”. It’s something I’ve struggled with my entire life and wasn’t even diagnosed until my 40’s

@elianazaharia8485 - 06.09.2024 11:03

How about people with inattentive ADHD? How is that an advantage?

@anzu6895 - 02.10.2024 17:32

I just can't keep my focus on class lectures even if they are interesting, I feel so sad.. Sometimes I record the whole class and then listen to this so many times because I get distracted again and again. Time is so much wasted

@SKRIE. - 03.10.2024 22:42

No, hope this helps!

@fedoraman4937 - 05.10.2024 22:54


@KiiV3rly - 07.10.2024 05:53

even watching this video i got adhd like scrolling comment while watching video and watching tv while watching this video even commenting this i got adhd automaticly watching tv AND even commenting this video i forgot that my goal is eat salad like seriously

@Jay-Ninefcmobile - 09.10.2024 15:06

People with adhd watching this at 2x

@Tryh4rd3rr - 12.10.2024 07:02

uhh i have adhd and i get abused by my parents -- tis not an advantage --

@ayusheez1678 - 14.10.2024 13:13

I have ADHD.I read all the comments before even watching the video.
When my mom calls me multiple times and I am doing something,I am not even able to hear her voice. It's a very bad thing, I don't even have friends as all the time I will be zoned out even if I try to give 100% attention of mine.
I am not even able to learn something in my college I find it very boring and confusing instead I learn from yt .
All the time I'm unable to remember the correct word during a convo.
I am not a normal human being, what to do😭

@WilliamBox-j7i - 16.10.2024 04:27

I take concerta

@hectorlopez4269 - 16.10.2024 06:32


@NathZhymer - 16.10.2024 15:58

We're also good at making false stories and lies...

@creeper7444 - 19.10.2024 11:33

I'd like to log in an answer: No! It absolutely fcking isn't.

The positive sides presented in this video are cherry picked.

@TheHalfworkShaman - 20.10.2024 21:26

Having adhd brings me to the comment section and then I watch half the video and go on to the next after I’m satisfied of what people thought of the video

@maddi-w-5854 - 21.10.2024 03:22

I have ADD, and 100 percent no its is not an advantage. My brain is constantly thinking, constantly working, constantly doing stuff. Its like a bratty toddler screaming in your ear for different things all at once, every hour of the day, for years, for the rest of your life. Its especially fristrating when not only can you never bring yourself to do things you know you have to do, and want to be able to do with every fiber in your body, but also have to hear people constantly calling you lazy, and unhelpful, and telling you to just do it. But its so much more complex than just doing it.

@Jessikadewitt10 - 22.10.2024 09:23

No! It’s really not 😃
