The $200 Video That Had Me Crying: Lucky WWII Veteran Wins Big! (Your Luck Has Arrived)

The $200 Video That Had Me Crying: Lucky WWII Veteran Wins Big! (Your Luck Has Arrived)

Mr. Hand Pay

1 год назад

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@elizabethkelly5250 - 20.12.2024 11:38

That was amazing love it I hope I moving around like them god bless!!!!

@chrisgow7793 - 20.12.2024 15:58

Great stuff ❤

@derren313 - 21.12.2024 22:35

I hate when old people like this loose money in casinos.....damn this casinos they steal from everyone

@dudeandsmokedchicken - 22.12.2024 06:08

you are the shit .... from vegas

@user-elevatorguyxx117 - 22.12.2024 21:21

That was cool!

@Hazelbell62966 - 25.12.2024 16:49

Such a nice vdeo.Shame we didn't get to hear it. You should go back next year a d find them and do another lucky spin

@mariaaguirre9369 - 27.12.2024 14:00

I was a caregiver and I took the person that I provided support to played 1.00 she was playing 1 cent and played for about 2 hours with one dollar she had never gambled before she was so happy at least she was playing only so that she would be able to say that she played in Vegas!

@JeanninePaddock - 29.12.2024 22:03

God bless you and that adorable couple.

@JMon3y4dslotS - 31.12.2024 10:51

I love watching your videos "your luck has arrived" you are so kind and generous, it's a lot of fun watching their reactions when you offer them money to play and keep the winning. God bless you and your family

@johnsanfilippo448 - 31.12.2024 17:36

You are a great guy Jason ! Its a shame that the volume stopped working I would have loved hearing this video and their reactions ! Thank you for being YOU !

@EwaP-t8e - 01.01.2025 23:47

You have a big heart for people. I admire you and send my regards from a beautiful country.Poland😊🇵🇱

@annekennedy7356 - 02.01.2025 06:59

So sweet

@breezycovergirl - 03.01.2025 07:32

Very nice❤

@paulhopkins4977 - 03.01.2025 19:22

Love your content ❤

@velmabourne3848 - 04.01.2025 06:06

Great video Mr Hand pay. I love the Casino as well.

@dinagrifo3254 - 05.01.2025 05:37

God bless you mr hand pay

@KenJames-pw5qs - 05.01.2025 21:01

They certainly deserve it, thank you

@jasontrevino414 - 07.01.2025 00:05

Really cool bro, just really cool!!🙏🙏

@DavidAlan.Parsons-z8r - 07.01.2025 00:15

You are a good man and I have been watching your videos for a while now keep up the amazing plays your not done hitting the big jackpot

@kimberlyroberts1631 - 09.01.2025 08:36

❤❤❤as always Jason you’re a sweetheart ❤❤❤

@rodneysimpson2708 - 10.01.2025 02:28

I think it’s awesome to pay it forward in this kind of way definitely cool to let them experience this 👍🏽

@isaacdelossantos5458 - 11.01.2025 09:27

Going to Vegas on the 29th gonna put 20 on black and let it ride lol.

@larplus - 12.01.2025 09:12

have you ever been to Winstar in OK ?

@samavizca - 12.01.2025 09:14

I LOVE these videos!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@Bluedot6262 - 13.01.2025 21:26

What a beautiful video 💕

@noname-yk9oi - 16.01.2025 23:28

Too cool...

@LPnerd - 18.01.2025 14:25

So cute!

@Craftysicilianlady - 22.01.2025 22:51

I’ve seen many of your videos and this is by far the most heartfelt one for me!!🥰

@tynishabanks2125 - 25.01.2025 23:12

I love it. I wish more people would do things like this. Everyone wants to have this experience at least once 💙💙

@dakotalane3666 - 29.01.2025 05:26

I'm new to your channel. It's AWESOME that you give this tremendous opportunity to people of ALL types. You enhance the gaming experience for the young, old, black, white. You're like Santa Clause only better because you're real. This Detroiter and Vietnam vet LOVES and has become addicted to your channel.

@14hope - 31.01.2025 01:51

You made them very happy.
Well done.

@Belle7srivera - 01.02.2025 04:33


@michaeldimaria1090 - 02.02.2025 17:23

Jason - so cool- great gesture- I love this for them- BUT THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A LOT MORE!!!at 25$$

@STOPWOSBFraud - 05.02.2025 02:12

Lovely. My mom's uncle was a WWII vet and he loved to gamble. I love that the Veteran home would also have trips to the casino so he could go more often than my mom could take him.
This reminds me of that.

@WeSailAtDawn - 07.02.2025 08:59

great video without the audio, but I hope this one taught you about mic redundancy, lol. Love what you do. Keep on keepin on.

@dianemello6965 - 08.02.2025 13:50

Went back to see I love so much.

@rhondawheaton8303 - 09.02.2025 01:18

Oh my god that’s so nice and they probably really needed it. Thank you Mr. hand pay from Corpus Christi Texas.

@PearlieML - 13.02.2025 02:42

Totally made me tear up! I would totally donate to the cause so you can do this for the elderly. You surely made them so happy!

@BigTasty2019 - 14.02.2025 20:47

I don’t know if you’re still reading comments here, I know this video is over a year old at this point; I wanted to let you know that what you’re doing with this channel has truly inspired me. I start a new job this summer and I suspect I’ll have a little extra cash laying around every once in a while. I think I’ll try doing this as well, giving back to people. The happiness these acts bring you and the people you help is something I would like in my life as well. Keep it up dude.

@AuroraB604 - 16.02.2025 21:34

You are the absolute sweetest for making their day! These are the best gambling videos 🥰🥰🥰

@Riechell70 - 16.02.2025 22:50

This was another really nice video. The husband looks good for his age!! Great job Mr. Handpay!!! 🥰

@leighannholsenback375 - 17.02.2025 10:36

Very kind…. Very kind

@JullKnight - 21.02.2025 21:06

That was so awesome of you had me in tears. !!😅

@krisjohnson2265 - 23.02.2025 12:27

I love to see you pick some of our more senior in age in your kind give aways. Honestly, when I get out and play, I love it when I end up sitting next to those more senior in age. They are usually open to visiting and have an interesting life story to tell.
As I’m typing this I realize I could be breaking some etiquette rule I don’t know about. Anyhow, I have had some really interesting and enjoyable conversations with some of the senior population while out playing. I’m a pup in age compared to them and they’re usually quite friendly and free in conversation. I appreciate your kindness.

@andycyr9187 - 23.02.2025 12:56

Awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome! Hey what's up with the grayscale on the video it's hard to see anything. Why not make it 4K

@ggjst-u5o - 27.02.2025 08:45


@annabellegardner2273 - 01.03.2025 07:46

Your a very kind selfless man mr handpay 👍

@JeremyPrater-gb3yf - 03.03.2025 09:04

Respect you for this your awesome I wish I could do this with you 1 day huge fan my name is Jeremy prater

@nilsajones5822 - 03.03.2025 13:35

I wanted to thank you for having such a compassionate heart❤ May you always win BIG!!!
