Channel Fuad Kauma
Seeing Islam in Bali, even though Islam in Bali is a minority, Muslims can carry out their worship calmly and freely, because in Bali tolerance between religious communities is highly respected so that relations between Muslims and Hindus are harmonious.
Islam in Bali is a minority religion adhered to by 434,941 people or 10.10% of the 4,304,574 Balinese population. The largest concentration of Muslims in Bali is in the city of Denpasar with more than 147,400 thousand people.
Islam entered the island of Bali since the glory days of the Majapahit Kingdom around the XIII and XIV centuries AD. At that time the first Gelgel king, Dalem Ketut Ngelesir (1380-1460 AD) visited the Majapahit palace to meet King Hayam Wuruk. At that time King Hayam Wuruk was holding a royal conference throughout the archipelago. The conference is an annual conference with subordinate kingdoms in various regions of Indonesia.
Apart from that, it is a form of obedience to the Majapahit Kingdom in Mojokerto. After the event was over, Dalem Ketut Ngelesir returned to Bali. Dalem Ketut Ngelesir returned to his kingdom accompanied by 40 people from Majapahit as his companions, two of whom were Raden Modin and Kiai Abdul Jalil along with 40 people from Majapahit. The Muslim guards only acted as servants in the Gelgel Kingdom. After arriving in Gelgel they occupied a settlement and built a mosque called the Gelgel Mosque, which is now the oldest place of worship for Muslims in Bali. This event was used as a benchmark for the entry of Islam in Bali, which was centered in the Gelgel Bali kingdom.
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