Grand Theft Auto 3 - 21 Years Later

Grand Theft Auto 3 - 21 Years Later


2 года назад

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@malango255 - 06.08.2024 01:49

If you own the OG games simply play them on an emulator, can use the discs or rip them or download the ISOs and you own them anyway. I play PS2 games in 4K. They look amazing.

@UnlawfulVR - 07.08.2024 07:23

Does it run slow sometimes?

@napnemeanix - 12.08.2024 02:58

Nostalgia 😌 I still have my original and greatest hits version for GTA 3 PS2 😌

@zachlesk5685 - 17.08.2024 21:58

Shoutout to that second GameStop employee, without him we wouldn’t have this retrospective series

@gabrielcruz3047 - 17.08.2024 23:19

Actually, I think the only mission in the whole GTA saga about following someone not too close that works is actually the one in this game, they are introducing a new mechanic being creative, and trying not to repeat the way of playing that much, and also differently to Gta Sa, the distance is really short and is quite easy to follow. I know it's not the best mission in the game, but I think it works nicely.

@Siege-x-v9 - 22.08.2024 02:19

does no one ever think that claude cant speak because of him getting shot in the mouth by catalina at the start

@zoesagittarius2675 - 01.09.2024 01:54

This was amazing at the time, now, I think the best part of this game is chatterbox fm 😂

@joseacabrera0613 - 02.09.2024 19:43

The best game that I really liked from all from GTA is San Andreas one of my top number one favorite games😊 of all time because I really love and into lowrider cars and it's the best game for me because u can hit the switches and make it hop I hope u can do that for gta6 hopefully

@strawberyyicecreamdream216 - 07.09.2024 05:27

I accidently asked for Driver 2 instead of GTA 3 because I was like 7. So I never really played GTA 3. I started with San Andreas. This is going to count as my playthrough.

@ny_xu - 08.09.2024 23:19

you actually still can buy the original trilogy on the rockstar games website, but its VERY well hidden, and has a greyed out price tag to make you think you cant buy it

@archenemy6334 - 12.09.2024 09:46

I remember being 9 when this came out and talking my grandmother into buying it with no idea what it was like needless to say she lost her shit but was like well too late now 😅

@ggspooks7915 - 13.09.2024 03:42

such a bad analysis on the game

@twinberwolves4231 - 13.09.2024 21:58

Childhood classic.

@LM-Whit-99 - 16.09.2024 18:59

I was just born in 99 so I was still just a baby when this came out . But when I was a kid my younger cousin vera had a play station 2 and all the grand theft auto games . I played them with her all summer long like 3 years in a row. I haven't played video games since then. Everything is so expensive now and everything is online. I wish I had just a PS2 with physical games I could just play.

@thejebbiest6706 - 18.09.2024 18:29


@mrguydavis - 16.10.2024 14:14

This game gives me fuzzy nostalgia feelings.

@matthewfreiley645 - 24.10.2024 02:59

My only issue with this game's story is the fact that while you do get revenge on Salvatore and Catalina for their betrayals, what about Joey and Luigi... They should have gotten what they deserved also

@ralphwiggum1982 - 24.10.2024 20:43

GTA 3 is probably the only game in the series I would never want to start over and play again can’t tell you how many times I threw my controller on the ground for failing one of these missions lol

@keithprice1950 - 27.10.2024 12:14

GTA 3 is the most frustrating of the 3d GTA games for me. The timed missions drive me insane and the fact that almost every collision in a car spins you around 180 degrees.

@MidnightPodcastGaming - 10.11.2024 11:40

The definitive edition is great bro.

@antoniocounts1 - 12.11.2024 08:44

I think the fact Catalina knew his name must imply he has spoken before to her at least once or twice. More than likely for story reasons, her shot may have hit something that inhibited his speaking, that or during surgery the same thing occured. We can assume he was left out there for a lil bit as well which could add complications. Also could be that he doesnt remember and he is just going with what feels right. (Amnesia) He kinda was a criminal in san andreas, due to the fact the garage was more like a hideout when given to CJ.

@mavler1 - 17.11.2024 21:09

I don't think you mentioned it but 8-ball is voiced by 1 half of the legendary rap duo of gang starr. Guru

@nickguitarfreak17 - 18.11.2024 19:20

This is like the first 3D open world and it's better than some modern ones. That's just crazy to me

@phantomxof3269 - 19.11.2024 06:53

This was the first one I ever played. Our gen had such great games 💜When I was a kid I literally walked into GameStop age11-12. Mom said she wouldn’t buy it for me but not that I couldn’t play it. So I bravely walked into GS, grabbed my selection of PS2 gems(Hitman 2, GTA:Vice City) walked up to the counter and bought the game. The guy didn’t give a crap it was great, also my gym teacher happened to be there speaking to the guy at the counter, and couldn’t believe the guy sold it to me lol the good ol days
Great video bro, keep it up!!

@joeramos4489 - 20.11.2024 02:41

I haven't played the game in 20 years but I bet I could still find my way around without the map

@shabz7696 - 25.11.2024 20:31

Rest in peace Frank😪

@shabberto - 26.11.2024 15:09

Finally got to the definitive edition because i dont have an old console and would prefer to play ps2 games on a CRT cause my tv is quite large and dont own one.
Despite the weird character designs, its an amazing experience and the quality of life improvements make the difficulty fun rather than annoying like a lot of people say in retrospectives of the original.

@jabronisauce6833 - 28.11.2024 04:32

I luckily bought the original trilogy on ps4 and have it for my ps5 and didn’t bother with the crap they dumped on us lol

@kaneshuppert636 - 29.11.2024 17:39

Just a friendly reminder: rugs are “Oriental”. People are “Asian” ✌🏻
Good video!

@JordoTWFS - 05.12.2024 19:20

I love how aggressive cops are in this game. It encourages you to be resourceful, either having fast cars on hand or knowing where to find them. Even then, chases are very challenging.
So many things just WORK in this game. Not all by design, but its limits make you think outside the box. That’s lost on me in todays gaming climate

@TayRich93 - 01.01.2025 15:18

I was 8 years old when I 1st experienced this gem, not too long after my pops passed, I cant get over this game 😆😅 sure we have had a huge graphical and gameplay leap in gaming, but I still adore this game

@shirlynkiki1401 - 04.01.2025 05:33

FACTS lol I honestly thought I was the only one who thought the D.E. graphics were disgusting 😆

Also when I was around 8 or 9 I heard about GTA 3 thru my mom cuz she actually played it 😂 so then I started to play and got really into it, then they got me vice city for my 10th birthday, and then San Andreas for my 11th. Good times 💕

@richarddangler7596 - 09.01.2025 19:09

Man I loved this game. It brings back so much memories, good times.

@SBDannysStories - 13.01.2025 05:02

GTA 3 cops will sacrifice their own life just to dent your car.

@themusic2189 - 18.01.2025 21:35

I’ve been gaming since the mid 80s and this game stands above anything else I’ve played. Sure, technically it’s been bettered, but this game changed everything.

@jackhusko4953 - 26.01.2025 22:21

Ive played gtas : advance, 3, sa, vc and 5. I didnt play 4 cause nikos russian

@tony_next_doorPs4 - 30.01.2025 03:52


@Detsama01 - 19.02.2025 21:47

I did the Tanned mission in 2 seconds with a tank

@zrock4835 - 22.02.2025 08:43

Straight Jew

@Nicholas95583 - 26.02.2025 21:47

Just a quick observation, 8 ball basically saved Claude’s life by introducing him to luigi and the leone family without 8 ball he wouldn’t have become a hired gun for the biggest mafia family

@trueneese8080 - 11.03.2025 06:31

Very fun game, but yeah if they would’ve spent half the money on the writers as voice actors the story might have been better 😂 thanks for the video, nicely done! 🙏 🍻

@kalkuttadrop6371 - 14.03.2025 20:16

Do GTA 1 via Ready2Play

@lordfizzz - 18.03.2025 07:57

A whole bunch of us friends didnt have a ps2 or gta3 or neither except our one friend. Wed all ride bikes 4 or 5 miles from various directions to get like 12 of us to just watch our friend play a few days. He was a good dude he quickly switched to "play till you die" so we all got a slice
