This is the easiest method for rounding corners on tables

This is the easiest method for rounding corners on tables

Newman Specials Woodwork

2 года назад

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@bowerscustomwoodworkingllc - 29.09.2022 03:27

I like the V detail on your breadboards too, possibly a topic for a future video!

@alext.5853 - 26.03.2023 21:45

Very easy when you gave $1500 worth of equipment

@JacobEstrada-hq3fy - 16.08.2023 16:41

awesome video man, truly people that don't understand the importance of the right tool probably should not involve themselves in the craft. Thank you so much for sharing your technique with the world!

@jamesmanson2152 - 11.12.2023 23:14

How would you do this on a box?

@stevewinner - 17.01.2024 04:06

Thank you. That is great, makes perfect sense and I will not be able to forget it, lol... 👍

@jaglucky13 - 06.02.2024 22:30

Very helpful. Brand new to using a router. Working on a windowsill. I plan to use a round over bit for the edges but wanted to round out the corners (I have kids) because like you said they’re sharp. I couldn’t figure out if a rounded corner might be achieved with a round over bit or if I should do this part in the video first and then go over with the round over bit. Just a first time DIY’er mom trying to make stuff look nice. 😊

@mrchedda - 16.04.2024 04:16

Concise and legit. Thanks sir!

@villeneuvewoodworks - 27.08.2024 10:31

Looks smooth!

@harryrosenberg5201 - 28.08.2024 23:37

Will this work on a resin table?

@jamescoutre6285 - 17.09.2024 03:36

Genius! Thank you so much

@ilustradsn - 05.02.2025 05:44

À “simple” radius, it was a plank, now it looks like a table 🤩👏🏻
