Flutterflow Datatables | Everything You Need to Know - Build Magical Tables

Flutterflow Datatables | Everything You Need to Know - Build Magical Tables

Nocode Solutions

1 год назад

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@Hericjr - 17.03.2025 21:19

Perfect video! I followed your tips and was able to use DataTables to sort. But I ran into a difficulty, my Supabase data has a 'date' type column that stores appointment dates, e.g. 2025-03-17 but when sorting it doesn't work, it seems to sort by the creation date. I've already thrown the code so Chatgpt can help me and not even he can fix it lol. Can you guide me or make a class showing how to sort by a 'date' column in FlutterFlow? Thanks.

@GustavoSANTIAGO - 09.03.2025 03:58

hi, amazing, but after we process all the selected items, the table keep the marked rows, and is a huge problem if you delete some rows, because the selected items become others !

@virackbotjr666 - 15.01.2025 06:19

How about I want to make it as a reusable component ?

@asifmasroor - 28.12.2024 09:44

One of the best tutorials. Really helped me a ton. THANK YOU!!

@nehra88 - 08.12.2024 18:58

sold video to cover various features of datatable thanks a ton

@EMERSONSA2004 - 27.11.2024 20:35

Tip for Refresh DataTable: Do Action > Update App State > Rebuild All Pages (It worked well for me)

@EMERSONSA2004 - 27.11.2024 19:09

Thank you from Brazil... Excellent video with good explanation.

@maicondouglas613 - 13.11.2024 15:26

Thank you!

@RomanRapido-g9k - 19.09.2024 09:00

Can you do a Tutorial on Point of Sale Application ? using Supabase and Flutterflow ? Thanks!

@AkashK-e6e - 03.09.2024 09:53

How can I set the Rows per page as 25 default

@raiden7378 - 09.08.2024 19:37

Love your videos.. but please explain in your next video - HOW to insert, delete, update, and query rows, using Flutterflow. For example, in this video, you used the backend (supabase) to insert data, which you displayed within Flutterflow, this is not practical, users use UI to insert data so that would be very helpful. Thank you

@leopoldi.316 - 24.07.2024 17:03

ok..and how can i filter (hide) some coloumn by condition? conditions by width of header doesnt work unfortuately

@ichrakmabrouki2259 - 20.07.2024 23:23

Thank you so much for this video!

@konion - 03.07.2024 01:10

Thank you for the video.

Could you please tell me how to organize a table if I have a List<List<String>> array and I don't know in advance how many columns and rows there are?

@BeefCurd - 23.06.2024 07:36

had anyone gotten this working for firebase?

@jestruck - 17.06.2024 02:47

awesome video! can you do the same but with API to call data from external database? Do you have videos/guides ? Thanks!

@tyler.bastian - 15.06.2024 18:48

Hi, really great tuto and appreciate it! But got confused when following your step by setting the filter with simple search. Do you know the rules of filter? For example, i got 6 rows and they are: dev filter test, dev_filter_test, dev-filter-test, test3 dev task2, test3-dev-task2, test3_dev-task2. When i try to filter them by input dev. I thought all 6 rows should be shown up. But in fact, test3-dev-task2, test3_dev-task2 can't. Only the first 4 rows, do you know why?

@juanquiroz8182 - 09.06.2024 02:11

hi, we want to do this but only permission to select one of the rows

@lucianaribeirocorrea9088 - 30.05.2024 17:20

Hello! I'm from Brazil. Congratulations on the video. Could you teach me how to configure DataTable pagination? It loads 1000 lines and I need it to load more lines. In supabase I have a table with 10 thousand rows and FlutterFlow only displays the first 1000, it doesn't load more than that. sorry for English

@DeSofSistemas - 28.05.2024 01:27

NO! Is it possible to load more than 1000 records into DataTAble from Supabase?

@DeSofSistemas - 27.05.2024 18:06

Hello, compareTo doesn't work with dates?
I'm trying to adapt what you show to order dates like this =>>
OrderList.sort((a, b) => b.date.compareTo(a.date));
but I get error 'The argument type 'DateTime?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'DateTime'.'

@deracketclub1695 - 26.05.2024 01:13

After trying flutter (not flutterflow) i found it was difficult to learn. So i started Flutterflow and first it looked nice. But unfortunately no bluetooth support and Flutterflow couldnt help me with this (because they found some parts of bluetooth packages didnt work with Flutterflow). Because bluetooth was absolutely necessary for my projects, i stopped Flutterfow and tried flutter again. After some time i got used to it and now i am so happy that i moved to flutter. Now i write apps in very short time and very happy that i learned flutter.

@undisclosedlocations - 23.05.2024 22:09

Does a DataTable support DateTime fields? I'm getting bugs on my end only with DateTime variables

@felsen16 - 20.05.2024 22:31

Excelente explicación

@mauricioramirez3404 - 22.04.2024 00:35

bro the importan part is where you can edit the table, and you skip it, lol..

@NewsNudgeAI - 15.04.2024 07:38

Dude you are Awesome

@andywarwick3745 - 14.04.2024 23:48

Thankyou my brother! ❤

@rabeezley - 07.04.2024 04:34

Thank you for the response and help. Yes, mine is a list of dogs instead of employees, but the data table is loaded into a page state just like you and the data table children are created from it. Then on my button I try to pass the children items just like you except the available options does not populate with no further changes. I have two choices; index in list which is red and cannot be selected and Get Row Field which does let me confirm. Says current variable is not valid.

@rabeezley - 06.04.2024 18:45

When I pass my paramater and select the employees items I do not have the no further changes option like you do. What could I have done wrong?

@artemgordon75 - 31.03.2024 23:43

I wish it was easy to implement real-time supabase data with data tables in FF

@kayzchronicupturn1015 - 29.03.2024 01:11

Thank you bro!! Good tutorial!!

@danzreview - 20.03.2024 02:15

bro please make tutorial about filtering datatable like by month, week, yearly like that?

@deevirus6725 - 14.03.2024 10:25

Please use firebase

@SreelakshmiC-bs6gv - 14.03.2024 08:44

How to add rows and data manually by by clicking + button?

@rabeezley - 13.03.2024 18:55

Nice video! Is there a way to export the datatable to a PDF for printing?

@lourivalthomaz - 11.03.2024 20:48

pode passar seu contato

@ivanko9371 - 10.03.2024 07:21

Great video. However, I found the following errors about the newEmployeeSortingFunction, pls help:

employees.sort((a, b) => order ? a.name.compareTo(b.name) : b.name.compareTo(a.name));

The argument type 'String?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'String'

Thanks for your help in advance.

@SomMiniFlix - 27.02.2024 09:06

I hit that sub button good luck with your journey

@GhemaDiva - 26.02.2024 04:49

interesting, I will try it

@danlloyd921 - 21.02.2024 14:34

Awesome video, thank you so much! 🙇‍♂

@jaguarconsultoriadigital8147 - 21.02.2024 13:58

Thanks for the video.

Can you expose the code to us?


@seby5962 - 21.02.2024 01:37

Great video! Thank you so much

@Mogizen - 21.02.2024 00:44

Really love your videos! Your explanations are great and the information is invaluable. Thank you and keep going!
