GoPro Hero+ Quicklook/Review LCD, Wifi, and Side by Side with GoPro Hero

GoPro Hero+ Quicklook/Review LCD, Wifi, and Side by Side with GoPro Hero


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@stormpegasisfan - 20.06.2015 22:24

Cool bro, i have no money for that, what i can go for is whatever from
Xiaomi YI
What's the best option?

@FSFlightCrew100 - 21.06.2015 00:27

Nice Vid Mark......But IDK but why does GoPro reatails this Action Camera for 329€ which cant get out of the case and is 30€ cheaer than the 4 Silver ,and does not deliver much accesories and a better image quality......Gopro.....such a useless and expansive camera. And the quality is so bad for that price(also you get the Silver for 30€ more with a much more impressive image quality)....No Reason to buy this one. The old Hero retails for 120€

@Arnold_X3 - 21.06.2015 00:34

Waste of money! Barely any feature and a downgrade on battery life and sound.

But hella useful review, thanks Mr Hawk.

@jollojakar8995 - 21.06.2015 06:07

Nice review Mark. Your studio shooting has improved a lot!

@wklatt - 21.06.2015 17:33

What gap or niche does this model fill? Seems like for just a few bucks more, the 4 silver would be a much better choice.

@ollilavikka8014 - 22.06.2015 12:38

Nice vid mark! I really liked the dual camera angle in the studio. Keep up the good work  :)

@annetteosornio159 - 23.06.2015 15:02

Do you think it's worth buying this camera this would be my first Gorpro camera but I have my daubts

@frankfromupstateny3796 - 04.08.2015 18:03

hi a video on how to "upload the videos" to UTube or to one's home laptop for neophytes like one has done such

@LOScreates - 04.08.2015 22:37

perfect video! helped so much!

@astrammc - 10.08.2015 03:39

You said 64GB of RAM, I think you meant of space. 64GB of RAM would be crazy!

@TommyRedP - 23.10.2015 19:07

Hi Mark.

Does the Here + have Image Stabilization for Video Recording?

@FaedAhmedArnob - 14.11.2015 10:18

can i go for GoPro Hero+ which was released in october 2015 ? as my first go pro cam ?

@nabibutterfly5385 - 29.11.2015 22:18

$165 at Amazon now

@jackhellier6885 - 14.12.2015 10:10

Can you put a floaty backdoor on it?

@jackclark3268 - 23.01.2016 16:52

You make me nervous

@jrgenchristiansen9835 - 24.01.2016 05:07

Hey! I am looking to buy an action cam, and I am stuck between the Hero 4 Session and the Hero + LCD. I can get both cameras at around the same price so the price is not the issue. I have not found any videoes that compares the two because the session used to cost 399 USD and was naturally compared to the Hero 4 Silver because of the price. Can anyone help me out with which one to buy?

@tarikisik5114 - 10.04.2016 12:36

Hey thanks for the video but there nothing about filters on internet. which i mean for these two cameras which under water filters can we use?

@No1zHerO - 26.05.2016 04:27

what sofware did u use to edit? im using a pc

@mcatrohong - 31.05.2016 20:37

I just bought a gopro hero+, have yet to open it but now I'm watching all these videos that really just proves that it's audio sucks..... Should i got the hero 4 session instead? would like to vlog.... audio matters a lot to me.

@Justmeandmydrone216 - 08.06.2016 18:28

How do i take my camera out out wide mode?

@willj476 - 22.07.2016 15:04

Does this do slo mo beyond 60fps?

@shawnflorez9155 - 31.07.2016 22:24

Hello people, I'm new @ this. Does anybody know what kind of hookup I need to hook up my GoPro Hero + LCD so i can watch on my flat screen TV? I went to best buy & nobody could help me?? Can you hook it up to a flat screen TV?? Sorry not bright @ this! thank you hope hear back from someone who knows what they are doing?!

@shawnflorez9155 - 01.08.2016 23:56

Thank you Mark, I appreciate the help! I'll give it a try. thanks again!!

@shawnflorez9155 - 04.08.2016 01:02

Hi mark, got my Micro HDMI Cable today. still don't work? the male plug in won't fit in the female on my go pro hero+Lcd. to fat? what plug in did you use for the Auto, features video you did for yours to work??

@shawnflorez9155 - 04.08.2016 01:06

sorry, the gopro hero + Lcd side by side with gopro hero video? (sorry)

@c4l1t0s - 10.08.2016 04:47

hi I have a question I've got a hero lcd + and I want to find a bacpac waterproof because I lost mine , so on the internet there are just bacpac for Hero 3 , 3+ and 4 , I don't know if I can buy a bacpac of the hero 4 and if that works or enter to my Hero lcd +, can you help me please

@ExploringWithLucy - 27.11.2016 05:51

Check out my one! :)

@BobMelsimpleliving. - 30.11.2016 15:15

Mark can I make a time lapse video with my Hero+. Thanks Bob.

@Roxxxa211 - 11.12.2016 01:00

Hi Mark, I bought a GoPro Hero + a week ago but I cant record more than 60s video. Can you tell me how do you record a longer video? Thank you! :)

@nathanhunter2450 - 30.01.2017 04:22

I have one but it wont stay on. Please help!!!

@237130 - 21.08.2017 21:27

Great video and comparison. Very helpful as I just became the proud owner of the +LCD. It's being used as a dash cam/play time cam. This is my first GoPro and I wasn't sure how it stacked up against past models. Thanks again.

@alexhein1738 - 19.11.2017 00:35

Does this have WiFi

@JNM9397 - 04.04.2018 23:32

Could you get a screen for the hero plus without the screen like a attachment

@oscarm4154 - 18.07.2018 11:33

Does it have hdmi out. I need a solution for my boat with video out to a external monitor

@Paulmedinam - 05.11.2018 06:00

Hero version, doesn't WIFI, I updated and dont

@KarenValdivieso - 22.03.2019 09:38

Thank you! I was looking for an audio test and you did EXACTLY what I needed.

@thedarkbat0828 - 07.10.2019 12:50

What's the password for Wi-Fi for the GoPro hero+ after you reset Wi-Fi settings?

@jimjezak5628 - 05.11.2019 05:52

I have a Hero+ and it does not have a LCD screen and my back is different than the one you showed in the video? Why I thought when I purchased it, it would have been as you described??

@Calus75 - 02.01.2020 23:15

Hi. Do you know how to reset gopro+ wifi conection?

@davidjoaolacerda - 18.04.2020 15:10

Is it possible to use this gopro as a webcam?

@mihaiserbanescu8676 - 12.01.2021 15:03

Can you use this as a webcam?

@speedfreakpsycho - 11.02.2021 21:38

Hi I know its been a long time, but any idea why my battery dies so fast? I charge it, leave it overnight and its gone.

@rucsvirayo2222 - 11.04.2021 03:35

How to return back the on screen for hero+?

@crazykiller9994 - 24.07.2021 08:22

Super bro gopro honest review

@MrsDonnaDavis - 25.12.2021 22:42

You know you go way to fast. You talk about everything you're going through like you think all of us know what the hell your talking about. But us novice haven't got a clue about what you're talking about. I'm 75 years old

@daktarioskarvannederhosen2568 - 08.05.2022 08:35

the guy is comparing "hero" with "hero + lcd " , not "hero +".

@nitul_rides_6923 - 26.11.2022 07:11

Legends watching after 7 years 😂👍

@PreachTheGospel07 - 07.02.2023 22:59

Thanks for sharing. One question, what does the looping do or for.

@gladhafid7587 - 22.03.2023 02:18

Please I need a code wifi gopro hero+

@Alien415 - 25.04.2023 05:16

I found my dad's non lcd gopro hero plus 2015 model. Do i need to format the micro sd? How do o do that? Can i use 256 gb discs now thst they are available?
