27 Ebikes VS ONE STEEP Hill!

27 Ebikes VS ONE STEEP Hill!


2 года назад

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@kennerayzom6188 - 05.04.2024 18:11

This is a review we need. These manufacturers dont think about the hill climbing capability

@kjjosker - 23.04.2024 07:18

Man buns are the mullets of the 2020's

@formattester6 - 03.05.2024 02:08

i was a bit lost for awhile in this video as to what bike was the hill test but eventually got it. i appreciate these very basic test challenges for each bike. some of the time the specs are and indicator of how well it would climb your 20% grade but not all the time. i have a Lectric EXPedition with a 750w motor, 1310 peak watts and 85nm torque. some of your bike with similar torque failed the hill test. so i ask what is the biggest contributing factor on successfully going up a hill? peak power? torque "nm"? its not clear to me that simply judging the specs that we can predict which ones will climb the hill. thanks for you reviews!!!

@ithildiess8305 - 04.05.2024 13:14

This is nothing compared to some hills i ride up.
Yikes kinda scared of getting an e-bike now.

@simontemplar1566 - 17.05.2024 09:56

hi, why don't you try the EKX X21?

@Crozz42o - 22.05.2024 01:33

I need a bike that can handle a monster hill, there and back for at least 3 days a week… any recommendations???

@howardthomas3862 - 23.05.2024 23:38

the 20 inch wheel bikes will climb better

@dreb2g - 09.06.2024 16:23

Thoughts on the quality and performance of trek allant 7

@Rickristian - 10.06.2024 04:46

Give us the list.

@johnsheetz6639 - 11.06.2024 06:10

I think all of them would have did it with maybe a 10-ft running start.

@applechili2848 - 12.06.2024 16:04

Lots of fails…

@thelastneenja - 13.06.2024 00:38

Seriously, why wouldn't you organize your results at the end of your video in a list from best to worst. I'd also suggest doing a better job of standardizing the test and your analysis. In some of these you start assist pedaling and others you turn to reduce the grade. There is clearly a more granular set of results than "yes/no up the hill". Some didnt even make it 10 feet, others failed at the very top. People want to know and compare these differences. WTF why would you do all this work just to fail so hard on sharing the results effectively.

@Sensible-Immigrant - 16.06.2024 12:36

90% of the brands are not known to me. You have to pedal to be able to generate power right

@Rickristian - 18.06.2024 19:18

The list please.

@az9az9az9 - 24.06.2024 19:01

You need mid drive motor that has gears. Right gear will give you a lot of torque because motor can go to high RPM.

@omg7vn379 - 17.07.2024 15:05

So a 350watt won’t ever climb my hills 😭

@maxmarrero-369 - 21.07.2024 23:03

Wow , those mid-drive motors are unbeatable.

@DiegoOnRBLX - 26.07.2024 18:54

God loves you and wants a relationship with you❤

@nos2142 - 30.07.2024 13:39

I'm looking at purchasing my first ebike .Very informative video

@tomruotsalainen5909 - 31.07.2024 07:15

Okay first go to a real hill that is about 2 to 3kms in length

@henrychen5961 - 03.08.2024 22:47

Bro can you add the specs like Nm and important shit like that in the text when you introduce the bikes?

@aaroncorrigan4109 - 06.08.2024 22:52

Do you have a review on the orbea kemen suv

@karim-G - 09.08.2024 09:10

This is the real test for ebikes! Thanks for that

@BronerBeast - 11.08.2024 00:51

These bikes are overpriced trash, but it could be your weight. I got a budget friendly Movcan, and I been destroying hills with ease.

@darrentoth7165 - 17.08.2024 17:42

I have watched many of your videos, you rock, by far the best ebike videos!! I especially like your hill test as where I live we are surrounded by hills and need a bike with enough torque. Do you have any experience with the new Cycrown CycVerve Electric Bike? It is very reasonably priced and checks off lots of the important boxes you have mentioned before, 1000watt peak motor, Hydraulic brakes, UL tested, nice lcd display, etc. Not sure if it is manufactured in Canada, the US or China. Let me know if you are familial with this bike, thank you very much, ride on!!! :)

@jonboz7585 - 18.08.2024 18:25

Interesting info. Thanks! 👍👍👍👍

@MisterPikol - 20.08.2024 21:53

Dude, at least include how much watts the motors have

@lifestyles2482 - 31.08.2024 03:13

I thought you'd have a list of what bikes you thought did the best in these details but I don't see one?
Maybe you could attach some data?
And they all should be at 100% charge to make sure that you're doing things the same each time

@SimonBauer7 - 01.09.2024 22:08

that Hill is babys, it just shows that hubrives are garbage. middrive with proper gearing would eat a hill like this, on mine the limit is traction, and looping out the back, not the motors torque. if you want torque get a mid drive. you can also go faster, just shift up. middrive is like having your cake and eating it too.

@user-gd1ch8nb2b - 04.09.2024 16:04

wow, I didn't expect Engwe is that bad

@bertlynquiboy4809 - 08.09.2024 11:42

How about 3 wheel ebike 500 watts ..still can climb incline road?

@glh2103 - 18.09.2024 03:29

I weigh 300 lbs. Is it safe to assume that any e-bike with a 750w motor can climb a 20% incline hill as long as I'm pedaling?

Update: I ended up buying the Velotric Nomad recently. I absolutely love it. I still weigh around 300 pounds but the bike can take me up my steepest hill (11% grade) without a problem (even without pedaling).

@aliciajepsen5113 - 19.09.2024 01:08

Can you please do a hill climbing test with the juilet electric bike

@rampar77 - 20.09.2024 00:50

Non sense,I expected to see assiit 3 for most.

@daspec - 08.10.2024 23:20

This video proves that ALL e-bikes are TRASH and the Chinese are bozos! The whole point of an electric assistance is to CLIMB HILLS !!
WTF would I need a motor for straight roads or downhill ?!? These bike makers are stupid AF! Still wait to see an electric bike that is ACTUALLY USING the bike's gears!

@stevecumming6427 - 29.10.2024 18:47

Heybike has a 30 day free return period & so do some of the other Ebike companies. I bought an ebike last year that was defective. Heybike agreed to pay for the repairs needed but then woud pay more than a $100 discount. The purchase was disputed for breach of accepting the return & Heybike lost the credit card dispute.

@netog4260 - 09.11.2024 22:44

I see that you start on level ground. How about starting on the incline?
That will be the real world situation when you happen to stop going uphill.
Assuming you you have no throttle.

@miniramptricks1986 - 13.12.2024 20:08

Glad we didnt get that engwe engine pro

@IrishGrad51 - 22.12.2024 04:50

Nice compilation video.

@vdemoor9844 - 12.01.2025 20:33

I live in the foothills of the orzarks, so it must be able to handle some hills.

@scottharwood2680 - 19.01.2025 03:19

How does your custom electric bike company climb hills

@sejdiniripairtools537 - 23.01.2025 07:22

Engwe engine pro my bike😅

@evanhatcher4375 - 02.02.2025 03:29

I have a giant hill, which may be steeper than yours a bit, I'm tired of walking my bike up it 😅

@tbublz - 10.02.2025 10:03

Try Aipas M2 for the win next time it has more torque than %95 or all these bikes at 110 nm.

@scottfirman - 22.02.2025 23:54

Most E- Bikes are designed to used with pedaling as an assist, not from a dead stop, and definitely not up a steep incline. I do not consider this an accurate test at all.

@paulmiller-pt8vz - 24.02.2025 17:43

I have a bike called the werhy y6 pro its a 500 watt 750 watt peak motor . I can't find a review on it but I feel like more people should own one . Its not super fast it does 22 . But if you find a hill it zips up them . I watch your videos all the time . I thank you would like it .

@staciecarverd8136 - 13.03.2025 04:10

This is a portion of your reviews I've found important. One buys an e-bike to assist them in getting around, and if the bike can't manage a grade that's rather an important detail of the bikes performance. Sure, a 20% grade might be a bit extreme for some, but it does also often translate into overall performance on milder grades as we have seen in your reviews.

@wesgregg6451 - 16.03.2025 07:53

Give each ebike two runs at your basement exit challenge - once, from rest, at the bottom (but actually "on") the incline. And, the second time, from exactly two wheel revolutions before the start of it. Leave it up to the rider (which, of course, is you) whether to cancel any soft-start configuration, if such an option is changeable. But, regardless, just those two runs at it, as I described. That covers both torque from rest and torque while moving (in case there's some sort of issue with starting under load). The other factor is motor (over)heating, which your lengthier climbs will have to hint at, in any case.

BtW, thanks for the videos.


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