Secrets of Boosting Sales with Open House Hosting

Secrets of Boosting Sales with Open House Hosting

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@dylankostadinov - 20.10.2023 16:47

Awesome, would love to see your 5 min buyer consult

@bigriverliving - 22.10.2023 01:59

Thank you so much for the valuable content! I am a brand-new agent and am hosting an open house tomorrow for another brokerage and your advice has helped me tremendously. Now I just need to get more scheduled.

@mikeutubename - 14.01.2024 08:44

Thanks! Im a new agent as well. Do you still privide the webinar or coaching on open houses?

@FouadBathiche-h1m - 24.02.2025 06:00

Great video ! What happens if your brokerage doesn't have multiple open houses available to host in a day? How do you do several?
