Ultimate Tips & Tricks for Tiny Glade | Beginner to Expert

Ultimate Tips & Tricks for Tiny Glade | Beginner to Expert

Tiny Blocksmith

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@szinkopane - 15.01.2025 00:32

now I want to try out tiny glade. very informational video, thanks

@JonathanOber - 15.01.2025 04:56

Such a great and helpful video. I hope to see more options with windows, door types, chimneys, and a few other things as the games audience continues to grow. I am already finding myself wishing for more options.

@ATGREY - 15.01.2025 16:49

Great video :) so helpful

@morifae_ - 15.01.2025 22:27

this was wonderful and so informative, reignited my desire to open tiny glade again 💕

@peep2041 - 16.01.2025 19:19

Thank you! I was trying it for the first time yesterday and was getting a bit frustrated with the controls, and hadn’t discovered many things yet! I had no idea that you could group windows for example 😅! Great video ✨✨

@GamersCampfire - 16.01.2025 23:03

Thank you!

@S_Powers - 17.01.2025 03:53

I see the creators all rotating around a central point but my camera rotates around some nebulous point off screen and I have to continuously move to recenter after rotating. Anyone know how to change this?

@klash5888 - 17.01.2025 15:08

Is there a version of it on the iPad?

@SayderCascading - 20.01.2025 18:18

Wow I didn't realize you could do floating buildings, that's gonna be so fun to play with! I love the clutter update, so many cool things to make with moveable clutter!

For stained glass, maybe it would look cooler during the day if the window frames were also colored?

@starhwa13 - 23.01.2025 08:08

This gave me so many ideas omg tysm! So amazing 🩷

@ivanpetrov5255 - 24.01.2025 01:08

Such a delight to watch. I learned some very useful things - I have learned some of these tricks from your and others' comments on shorts, but there were still things I didn't know were a thing (like the wooden half arches).
And the bridges - so interesting. The wide ones look like a proper structure - something you would see at a main road or near a city. The long ones look more rickety - seeing them invokes the idea of being near a small village, and this was an easy bridge for crossing over a small stream, or several.
Stealing stones and trees from another setting was mindblowing - how do you even discover something like that?

@Foxhardt - 25.01.2025 22:56

Thank you SO much for this video!!

@RUSirius - 31.01.2025 08:38

This was a fantastic and informative video! Thank you so much for taking the time to teach some of the neat little tricks in Tiny Glade. I learned a great deal!

@Turnip-Head - 09.02.2025 02:35

Thank you so much!!!

@jeanpaulalmeida - 15.02.2025 18:24

Very nice! 😋

@jonnytwitches - 18.02.2025 12:50

Really helpful thank you! Will use these in my next builds. Thank you.

@SilverShroudRadio - 27.02.2025 19:33

Thank you for this video. I finally got a laptop and can play it. Started this morning and it's so fun. But I was struggling.

@ajpuzzleferret - 13.03.2025 20:50

Excellent video! I had no idea you could move clutter about and pick what you wanted like that :D very helpful! :D

@hienvu-yh4ov - 16.03.2025 14:32

You are the reason i buy this game on steam. This video is very helpful, i love your creative and hard working. Keep doing these amazing stuff
