He Sent His Word - Healing NOW with Curry Blake - February 14, 2024

He Sent His Word - Healing NOW with Curry Blake - February 14, 2024

Charis Bible College

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@rekhak7129 - 26.05.2024 04:32

What about James book from Bible when he says If anyone is sick tell elders in church keep olive oil on him and pray , he l be well

@mbert8224 - 29.05.2024 17:45

Heal and restore my soul to functioning again, i lost my soul to the devil.

@mbert8224 - 29.05.2024 18:04

Please heal my soul and completely restore it to normal functioning again. I can t live without it and it needs a miracle to be restored.

@ComeKingJesus - 08.06.2024 23:54

Thank God my son was saved at age 9. Water Baptized. He met His Holy Father God at 21. I Love God with pure Love.

@missfloflowers - 09.06.2024 10:42

Luke 9, who to heal?
Who had need of healing...

@missfloflowers - 09.06.2024 10:58

Psalm 107

@CarolynNaparau-zv5kp - 18.06.2024 10:16

Amen. I am free

@LonnieGCowboys4E - 19.06.2024 10:09

My two favorite ministries: Andrew & Curry!!!

@LonnieGCowboys4E - 19.06.2024 10:09


@SusanZimmermann - 03.07.2024 12:37

Nothing means nothing. I submit myself to God right now and know 💓🙏🏼 He has answered me for ALL my needs and healing. Senior lady in Mesa AZ Protection and ALL spiritual and material needs met. Tired of being hungry and not having enough clothes and stuff and I need and command these attacks and greedy lies against me to depart.

@sandradelarosa7799 - 04.07.2024 05:55

Prayers that our funds be returned thank you.

@twoofcups-wq5ni - 05.07.2024 21:55

Pls brothers and sisters pray for full healing of my mom Nevenka begging you all...❤
For full healing of her abdomen and whole body pls

@barbarahoule6372 - 07.07.2024 14:39

Wow! Thank you!
Powerful message of truth.

@meekgreenwood2934 - 12.07.2024 05:09


@yemisiloveth6773 - 19.07.2024 08:31

Lord I thank you for the provision of healing you have made available for my baby boy. I know and I believe that by your stripes, he is healed, so lord I declare your healing upon him in the name of Jesus Christ. I speak life into every cells of your body, I command abnormal blood cells to become normal in Jesus name, I command the root cause of persistent low platelets to dry up now in Jesus name, You are free in Jesus name.

Please everyone, can you kindly drop a word of prayer for my baby, he is currently going through series of test to determine the cause of his persistence low platelets. Drs are sure it is cancer but I say Noooo in the name of Jesus. I believe he is healed by the wounds of Jesus 🔥🔥

@mbert8224 - 25.07.2024 11:23

Please heal me from selfdestructing issues, and believing the devil more than Jesus. I cannot go on like this i need a full restoration of everything.

@sipsinam - 02.08.2024 05:01


@lwiindimabbola5562 - 02.08.2024 18:55

Iam healed ,Lord I believe that all things are possible

@bolandbert - 23.08.2024 17:49

Praise our good beloved almighty God! ✝️❤️ Thank Him for bro Curry! But why is he telling about his, our ‘time’? Okay we are already living in eternity — and soon we can throw away our watches — but too say too often ‘…real quickly’, plzzzz you dont need to say that 🤣🤣🤣 But noooo problem haha.

@sanctuarydivinehealingmini1728 - 31.08.2024 05:29

Praise you Lord for everyone's healing King !

@rickwilkins7135 - 02.09.2024 18:07


@sunshineland - 15.09.2024 17:58

For those who don't know, Curry Blake came to the Healing is Here conference in August 2023 unannounced as a regular attendee. He sat in the back but someone at AWMI / Charis recognized him and alerted Daniel Amstutz. That's how they linked up and Curry Blake was asked to come back to minister at the Healing Now program as shown in this video. I hope he'll be invited to speak at the Healing is Here conference soon. He's such a humble and anointed man of God.

@liliacaisan-iz5bc - 15.09.2024 20:17

thank you jesus.❤

@joedaw3003 - 24.09.2024 12:39

Brother Curry and brothers and sisters, in May of this year I was afflicted with right knee osteoarthritis. It came on suddenly. Please pray for a complete healing. Thank you so much.

@victoriaudongwo8102 - 08.10.2024 03:23

I am free from every infirmity and tumors in Jesus name

@wrshpr4lf - 02.11.2024 19:45

incredible, moving testimony.

@rameshrekala2521 - 04.11.2024 03:23

Thank you Jesus for the healing 🙏

@Bee.messi24 - 09.11.2024 18:20

Yesssss I am freee healed in JESUS NAME🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

@Bee.messi24 - 09.11.2024 18:24

I was burping with tight chest and some pain then I got this prayer and placed the phone over my stomach and the pain went away.Jesus Name.Every knee and sickness addiction bondage bow down to your name.Amen amen amen

@Bee.messi24 - 09.11.2024 19:15


@marthayealue9562 - 15.11.2024 17:43

I got my healing in my whole body from high blood pressure that affects my body as bro.Curry Blake prayed after preaching on the topic He sent his word

@marthayealue9562 - 15.11.2024 17:46

Thank. You Jesus for restoring my body

@conniehanson8471 - 17.11.2024 06:11


@jacoblee133 - 02.12.2024 19:37

he should of went to kenneth hagin healing school i gt healed through his min 34 yrs ago
still healed

@INJESUSIMRIGHTEOUS - 12.12.2024 05:25

I've come upon Christians that say they are annointed. Yet, when the opportunity comes to pray for someone, they say they don't feel to call to pray for that person. Which is contrary to what God teaches us. If I see someone fainting next to me, I'm not going to say. I'm sorry, I don't feel called to pray.

@Lifestyle_Church - 25.12.2024 15:37


@annmckelvie3375 - 06.01.2025 01:16

Fantastic! Curry speaking with such authority and anointing - Wow!

@chrisdiamondiloba-tb3tl - 22.01.2025 11:07

❤The T R A P Is In Not Taking Responsibility Action And Praise The S I N Is In Simply Instruction Neglected The Instruction Is REJOICE And Be GLAD Box Oil Of Great Gladness Light Power And Might 2 Peter 1 vs 12 2 John 12 Proverbs 22 vs 13 2 Samuel 22 vs 13 Genesis 22 vs 13 2 Kings 22 vs 13 Psalms 122 22 9

@chrisdiamondiloba-tb3tl - 22.01.2025 11:12

❤14 February 2022 2025 Marvelous Freedom The Eternal Lord Has Consecrated US Genesis 14 vs 15 To 18 To 23 John 14 vs 1 Psalms 114 14 144

@chrisdiamondiloba-tb3tl - 22.01.2025 11:21

❤To Just PICTURE IT And PROCLAIM I T The Peculiar Picture People Presence Proclamation 008 DR Numbers 14 vs 28 Luke 14 vs 28

@chrisdiamondiloba-tb3tl - 22.01.2025 12:05

❤Ezekiel 22 vs 30 Luke 22 vs 30 Psalms 22 vs 30 1 Corinthians 2 vs 16. The MAN Of The CREATOR The MIND Of CHRIST 008 DR The MIRACLE Of Creation The MANDRAKE Of City Gates Song Of Solomon 7 vs 13 Judges 7 vs 13 Hebrews 7 vs 13

@chrisdiamondiloba-tb3tl - 22.01.2025 12:05

❤Hallelujah Praise The Lord

@Chinazampajaero - 23.01.2025 16:06

I got it, hallelujah, I am healed..... Amen!

@ProphesytotheWind - 15.02.2025 06:21

This video was the first time, exactly one year ago tonight on Valentines, that I really watched Bro. Curry. My life has been changed since that night! And this is after I’ve spent nearly 20 years deep in the Word of Faith, and I believe Curry would definitely qualify as a WOF teacher but with some differences that were refreshing to hear!
