Improve Complex Tote and Tray Handling with Expert Control Throughout the Assembly Line

Improve Complex Tote and Tray Handling with Expert Control Throughout the Assembly Line


6 месяцев назад

93 Просмотров

Totes and trays are frequently used in manufacturing packaging and assembly environments to facilitate the efficient handling and transportation of products through processing stages. They are commonly used to handle batches of products or kits of parts during assembly operations.

Totes come in many different shapes and sizes in manufacturing applications and may be called line-side containers, handling trays, heavy-duty boxes, totes or containers.

Transporting totes or trays on a conveyor improves productivity but there are unique design considerations to keep in mind when developing an application-specific solution for your facility such as:
unique product movement and alignment requirements
accommodating different manual operations
and handling fragile products without being jostled

Glide-Line's Zero Contact Zoned Conveyors and unique configurable conveyor solutions for specific operations are flexible and modular, enabling you to overcome common challenges with handling totes or trays.

Glide-Line can provide a design that overcomes your application requirements like lifts, rotations, transfers, gentle stops, and smooth starts. Your operation can benefit from a Zero Contact Zoned Conveyor as it offers easier scalability and modularity to fit within your current line, more flexibility, faster capacity expansion and unequaled automation potential. If you are evaluating a tote or tray conveyor, consider these solution benefits when designing your new conveyor handling system.
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