Razor wire blocks the steps... Unless you can jump 1 foot high.
ОтветитьUkraine was not a normal country after 2014 and it’s civil war that had not ended since 2014 with some 14.000 lives lost . Ukrainians killing Ukrainians whilst the western media never reported on it , however reports do exist and those of us who have watched those reports know the western media are white washing Ukraine as a normal nation when it is simply NOT TRUE .
ОтветитьPlease Help to tell Ukrainian soldiers to destroy the Russian pipelines of gas pipelines sent to Europe.
ОтветитьWell the best and foremost what you have to do OXESSIANS is to pray and pray all of you together just like what happened to Poland years ago. The russians soldiers saw the image of our LADY THE IMMACULATE CONCEPCION and all of them scrambles to run away and back to russia. They we're scared to what they saw and Poland was saved. Its amazing , wonderful a miraculous things happened. Thats the magic of prayer especially the ROSARY.
ОтветитьTraining a lot of citizens to fight? Sounds like a recipe for a disaster for Russian troops.
ОтветитьWhere's the women im all for equality please sign up for front line infantry
Ответитьif this is in Palestine, they(Western) say it TERRORIST 👏👏👏
ОтветитьHow to Prevent WW3
and to Win Putin's army.
1. Don't fight with People of Russia, but
2. Fight with Putin's army in Ukraine.
3. Don't fight with the whole Putin's army,but
4. Fight with Putin's armies which are surrounding the towns and cities of Ukraine.
Cut down their supply chain,
Eradicate Putin's army while they are on the Ships, on the Trucks in the convoy.
5.Treat well POWs of Putin's army under the care of UN or International Coalition troop.
Assist them application of Refugee in other parts of the world until Putin and his Dictator Associate are brought down.
6. Destroy all Missile bases on ground, in Sea from warships, and shoot down any aircraft attacking Ukraine towns and cities under the name of International Coalition Troop.
Don't Fight with Oppressed People of Russia,
But must remove Putin and any Dictators in Russia with the help of Democratic Russian People..
Make Russia becomes like nowaday Germany.
Ukraine must win to show
Role Model to the world.
Every Nation esp. Taiwan and Myanmar must learn this. Every Citizen of the Nation must attend Military training and must serve 2 years in People Army.
Extinguishing fire by fire is
called back burning.
The only way to tame the Dictator is against his force by the bigger Force.
May God Bless our world
by removing all dictators who are the real cause of Poverty of the world.🇷🇺🇺🇦🇺🇳🇪🇺🇺🇸...aa
List of countries that bombed/attacked the USA after World War II:
Korea and China (1950-53)
Guatemala (1954)
Indonesia (1958)
Cuba (1959-61)
Guatemala (1960)
Congo (1964)
Laos (1964-73)
Vietnam (1961-73)
Cambodia (1969-70)
Guatemala (1967-69)
Grenada (1983)
Lebanon (1983,1984)
Libya (1986)
El Salvador (1980s)
Nicaragua (1980s)
Iran (1987)
Panama (1989)
Iraq (1991)
Kuwait (1991)
Somalia (1993)
Bosnia (1994, 1995)
Sudan (1998)
Afghanistan (1998)
Yugoslavia (1999)
Yemen (2002)
Iraq (1991-2003)
Iraq (2003-2015)
Afghanistan (2001-2015)
Pakistan (2007-2015)
Somalia (2007, 2008, 2011)
Yemen (2009, 2011)
Libya (2011, 2015)
Syria (2014-2015)
the memory of WW II is still strong in Odesa.
ОтветитьNATO, USA were the values your politicians claiming daily? Democracy, freedom, Good vs Evil?
ОтветитьAre they being forced to fight by Aznov?
ОтветитьWhy the heck have we paid taxes for 70 years ??
Certainly NOT for Nato to sit and watch
We MUST sink their fleet in the black sea and SMASH their war machine
I am personally moving to live in Romania this year and woe betide ANY ruskies who try to cross into Romania
In that instance I will take up arms and KILL Russian combatants without blinking
We MUST destroy 💩 poo tin and his miserable war machine NOW
It's looks like the russian
intelligence is very pure
If they don't know what is a
School, church, or hospital
So what you're saying is... Unleash Cathy Newman on the Russians she is insufferable
ОтветитьOdesa is also another country who will be sacrifices their civilians to give gain to American and European country to make more money in the war.
ОтветитьYes train them and then make reports about how “civilians” were attacked.
ОтветитьPutin is the Butcher of Ukraine
ОтветитьAnd they get killed, Ukraine will play victim card. Good one🤬
Ответитьlisten to this lady again like Russia is doing this land grab to get the land bridge to Crimea to use that newly acquired land as a bargaining chip in negotiations later on. no honey they're not gonna bargain chip that land away it's theirs, they took it they'll never give it up.
ОтветитьUkraine On Fire by Oliver Stone
ОтветитьGlory to Ukraine. God bless the fighters of Ukraine. You have already won. The only issue now is how much damage the scum do before you evict them.
Ответитьthe attack on Freedom of Speech was plugged with a dirty rag of lies . Why don 't you say that the Ukrainian troops themselves blow up houses and kill civilians . Just to show the video and blame Russia for these crimes. You are being led to a total nuclear conflict and you don 't even know about it . Lies are our common enemy .
ОтветитьGod Bless Ukraine...But a long drawn out war will only get worse....It isn't even worth trying to see what the Russian perpetrator forces will do next to Ukraine. .....But Victory to Ukriane
ОтветитьSlava Ukraine....All those brave citizens fighting perpetrator Russian Invaders....but pray for a peace in Punjab...we bravely fought the invading Indian army in Amritsar....long drawn out civil war where perp. countries don't listen...just leads to internal devastation that is untold...The Russians could use chemical weapons can get worse
ОтветитьI'm praying for everyone in Ukraine for continue strength may the lord Jesus Christ continue to be with you all the mighty God of Jacob I am on my knees begging almighty God send help for you all, it's very un fair what's happening but with God all things are possible
My god you should really change this old reporter, she sucks
ОтветитьDeath for russia death for putin THE ONLY WAY TO END! How can such a coward be killed, which 🕳 is 🪳putin hiding in!
Ответить💪Força Ucrânia 🇺🇦🇧🇷
ОтветитьBrave Ukrainians, we are with you 🇧🇷🇺🇦
ОтветитьChuj z waszą Odessą
Odessa citizens are Russians. They will not fight Russia. Nazi should surrender or get killed.
ОтветитьJust put all mines and dynamics around your water front, the wars should be just armies not killing people, I call them just the girls they can't fight army to army they been defeated by the Slava Ukraine army God is with you.
ОтветитьPraying for you and your success in Jesus name
ОтветитьIt's sad it has come to this, seems like a strategic miscalculation was made, to put it mildly. Cities in ruin, death on both sides, people displaced...very sad. Is this another oil war, one wonders with the west cutting off Russian oil and gas. Seems like the oil companies win again.
ОтветитьThe last lady being interviewed last is extra smart and has great understanding of the situation.
ОтветитьGonzalo Lira is reporting from the center if Kharkiv. It is NOT destroyed and has power, water and internet. The Russians are not wantonly destroying cities. They have hit civilian areas where Ukranian units, such as Azov, have embedded with civilians.
ОтветитьRuss1an & English below.
Русская ложь
Put1n больше не человек. 🔫
Читать. ⬇️
Геноцид: младенцев, матерей, стариков.
'ЗАПАД и НАТО' трусливы и боятся, вместо того, чтобы делать то, что они должны, и останавливать силой, сидеть сложа руки и вместо этого посылать «Военные игрушки-подарки» храброму президенту Зеленскому. Украине нужна военная поддержка, а не жесты.
Put1n: -- Опасность для мира, ядерные объекты повреждены.
Под угрозой мировые запасы продовольствия.
Перемещение миллионов и осиротение тысяч детей.
Угроза ядерной войны миру.
Убийство безоружных и сдача врагов.
Использование иностранных ополченцев и наемников для дальнейшего геноцида.
Провоцирование голода, обезвоживания, переохлаждения осажденных мирных жителей, в то время как постоянные бомбардировки без путей к безопасности.
Уничтожение ВСЕЙ инфраструктуры.
Бомбардировки больниц, школ, детских домов, приютов для мирных жителей, спасающихся от насилия. Нападение на женщин.
Торговля женщинами и девочками.
Принуждение стран путем вымогательства топлива, что ставит под угрозу безопасность во многих странах для промышленности и отопления жилых помещений. Вызывает рост цен на продукты питания. Сознательное нацеливание на беженцев, которые могут покинуть страну.
и т.д. и т.п.
Угрожающий конфликт тех, кто защищает ни в чем не повинных мирных жителей, не сумевших избежать бомбардировок.
Ложь русскому народу о причинах неоправданной войны и постоянная дезинформация о тысячах и тысячах русских солдат, принесенных в жертву эгоистичной «войне» Путина. Жертвуя своими, плохо оснащенными вооруженными силами.
Призыв в Русс1а.. Десятки тысяч снова умирают за границей в Войне Зла. Put1n должен быть остановлен, а его арсенал нейтрализован. 🔫
Конечно, современный цивилизованный президент Китая не может поддержать такое поведение животных.
Пут1н забывает, мы все под одним Небом.. помни эту Русс1а.. твоя история сейчас зацементирована рядом с гитлерами. Путин должен быть свергнут.
Поддержка Put1n должна быть объявлена вне закона
Russ1an lies
Put1n is no longer Human. 🔫
Read. ⬇️
Genocide: Babies, Mothers, Elderly.
'The WEST & NATO' are cowards & afraid, instead of doing what they should & stopping with force, sit back & instead are sending 'War-Toy-Gifts' to Brave President Zelenskyy. Ukraine needs Military support, not gestures.
Put1n:-- Endangering the World, Nuclear Facilities damaged.
Endangering World Food supplies.
Displacing Millions & Orphaning thousands of Children.
Threatening Nuclear War on the World.
Murdering Unarmed & Surrendering Enemies.
Using Foreign Milicia & Mercenaries for further Genocide.
Instigating Starvation, Dehydration, Hypothermic conditions of besieged Civilians, whilst constant bombing without routes to safety.
Destroying ALL infrastructure.
Bombing Hospitals, Schools, Orphanages, Shelters for Civilians fleeing violence. Women Assaulted.
Women & Girls trafficked.
Forcing Countries by extortion of fuels, endangering safety in many Countries to Industry & residential heating. Causing Food prices to soar. Knowingly targetting refugees, who are able to leave the Country.
Etc etc etc
Threatening conflict of those defending the innocent Civilians, unable to escape the Bombing barrages.
Lies to Russ1an people about reasons of unjustified War & misinformation ongoingly about thousands & thousands of Russ1an Soldiers sacrificed for Put1ns egotistical 'War'..Sacrificing his own, ill equipped Military.
Conscription in Russ1a.. Tens of Thousands again to die abroad in an Evil War. Put1n must be stopped & his arsenal neutralised. 🔫
Surely the Modern Civilized China President cannot support this Animals behaviour.
Put1n forgets, we are all under one Sky.. remember this Russ1a.. your history now is cemented next to Hitlers. Put1n must be overthrown.
Supporting Put1n must be outlawed.
Palistine is worst than Ukraine
ОтветитьSo when fighting citizens get killed the media will turn around and cry out war crimes have been committed by the Russians. Everyone is onto the media lies and manipulation of events.
ОтветитьUkrainian is using civilians and the cities as a fortress with the approval of the western NAZIs