Ranking Every Warbond in Helldivers 2 to Help YOU Get the Best Weapons & Armor Fast!

Ranking Every Warbond in Helldivers 2 to Help YOU Get the Best Weapons & Armor Fast!


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@Macintoshiba - 12.01.2025 14:18

I get doing a French accent to pronounce Flechette, but I never expected italian. 😂

@kyrogamingvt9716 - 14.01.2025 03:34

Getting back into the game after a bit of a break and i gotta say, great list.

My only disagreement with it is that i personally would place Cutting edge a little higher on the list just because for all around use i think it has some of the most versatile weapons in the game. Especially the Sickle, its easily my go-to pick when looking for something that you can take to any faction at any difficulty and thrive with and it requires very little to perform well.

I don't think its #1 best value, but for new players who need something fun that works well with imo a low skill floor and high skill ceiling weapons. i think its an exceptional pick and would recommend it or the demolition one as a first warbond purchase

@KEWZ_365 - 15.01.2025 06:17

Where can I get the anti tank emplacement?

@themissingpeace7956 - 15.01.2025 15:52

I have everything unlocked and I’m still currently sitting on over 3,000 super creds just from gameplay. 🤓

@Panzerschreck9 - 16.01.2025 08:31

One thing that I think should be a feature for the stun lance is creating a second melee attack using the designated melee attack button will there be mouse one or right trigger. This melee attack would be swung horizontally for those moments when an enemy is too close to stab. Not having this is frustrating because what good is a melee weapon if you can't hit something less than a foot from your face. Is it realistic? Yeah. But is it fun?? I'm not so suuuure???

@RicoRaynn - 17.01.2025 07:42

My biggest regret is that damn Reprimand. Wanted that to be such a good weapon and it’s simply outclassed by everything.

Needs about 5 to 7 more round (30-32 per mag) to be a good choice. Be nice if it was also one handed but I’d at least use the damn thing if we got the first option.

@thewanderers97 - 17.01.2025 23:37

Ive got enough super credits after some farming (thanks for your guide btw, helped a bunch!) to get another warbond, so far ive got democratic detonation, urban legends, and steeled veterans, but I dont know if i should choose a warbond right now or wait for the next one to drop since its been a while since the last one. Would you recommend spending or waiting to see what comes next?

@primary2630 - 18.01.2025 06:42

I got Democratic Demolition first and then Steeled Veteran second but I haven't played enough to unlock a third.

@garesonc9672 - 18.01.2025 12:49


@Notion752 - 20.01.2025 02:43

Dead sprint was great for getting around mission areas but frv is the official replacement in my book

@Leandra001 - 20.01.2025 06:07

Don't know why people hate the Quick extraction Booster. My team is consist of Extraction, Infusion, Stamina, depends on mission Muscle enhancement or Vita. That time off the Extraction in Super Helldive Helps so much when we're getting swarmed.

@Mytea1 - 21.01.2025 02:05

very nice video with a good overall look at all the warbonds which were kinda overwhelming for me as new helldiver 👍

@microcosmonaut1738 - 21.01.2025 10:55

I don't understand how Cutting Edge could be so low in your list. Arc resist is the best armor passive vs illuminate and the punisher is amazing vs bots, it staggers groups at incredible distances. Blitzer and sickle are great, both have infinite ammo and effectively 0 reload time, and the laser pistol is a sidearm that can ignite enemies at infinite distance! Stun grenade makes headshotting hulks trivial. Even by your own roundup it has the most high-priority unlocks of any warbond at five. 2nd place after Democratic Detonation in my book.

@pokemonninja5934 - 22.01.2025 05:00

The best warbonds are the ones with the best drip, change my mind

@glacier4286 - 22.01.2025 15:28

I use the purifier over the crossbow for the rapid fire option. But that does lock me into the grenade pistol to close spawners. And I'll never not take the thermite grenade.

@mtndewfan66 - 23.01.2025 05:55

Fire shotgun is still goated. Think of it as a damage over time weapon instead of an instant kill one, and you'll use a ton less ammo.

@littletweeter1327 - 24.01.2025 08:11

the way you say flechette.. Jesus

@hotshot-07 - 25.01.2025 02:07

Question; is this still accurate and valid?

@zienwolf - 25.01.2025 16:15

You need to stop pronouncing flechette like it's in Spanish. The word is French. You don't pronounce Antoinette like Antoinette-e do you?

@birgir3399 - 29.01.2025 08:58

The crossbow is so disgustingly strong that when I use it, it feels like a support weapon. Its stronger than plenty of support weapons now that I think of it... Arrowhead pls buff railgun I haven't seen anyone use it in 7 months man

@hondaguy9153 - 30.01.2025 09:10

I like the scorcher but my god does it burn through ammo.

@bonehead2863 - 01.02.2025 21:30

So, just asking for anyone’s input: is Freedom’s Flame really that ‘not that good’? I just really, REALLY want to just go solo on a few missions and burn those bugs to a crisp!

@thegamingkid6973 - 02.02.2025 19:08

Finally someone isn’t just mentioning how good the weapons are, and saying how good the cosmetics are!

@Malaka1689 - 04.02.2025 02:45

The purifier is absolute dogwater! People must be doing lvl 5 missions to find it useful. It simply cant handle the hoards of enemies coming after you.

@colinstepek8062 - 04.02.2025 06:27


@D_Wito - 04.02.2025 12:46

Obviously the best warbond is urban legends, no other warbond has Sparta kick

@BUAHMED1984 - 05.02.2025 02:36


@cadon_slayer4285 - 05.02.2025 03:27

Note: today gas got buffed heavily. Gas effect was increased by 67% from 6-10 seconds, the gas guard dog now targets enemies not already effected by gas. AND doesnt leave you nearly as much. Yes I'm buying the gas warbond, and yes I'm buying the new warbond out on feburary 6th

@SirNarax - 05.02.2025 03:52

I actually don't think dead sprint is that bad. There have been quite a few scenarios where I have been able to sprint at the cost of my health to avoid taking more damage by something else. Not to 'dodge' attacks but to reposition from somewhere that is about to be bad.

This is easily attributed to a hyper aggressive playstyle though. I constantly want to be in a position where I am just outside of danger death alley so I can run into it. In a way that managing stamina and spamming stims can't really do.

@hawkalypse7329 - 06.02.2025 02:10

I automatically assume that someone is trying to kill me when they're using the stim pistol, burned too many times to bother checking before retaliating.

@joleos - 07.02.2025 09:55

Wish they brought back 3 armors

@badrabbit9703 - 07.02.2025 12:08

There are so many terms you said that have no meaning to me.

@eygon1330 - 07.02.2025 13:27

Me who began with the truth enforcers 😔

@Noyoudont4 - 08.02.2025 06:30

Scorcher takes out the squids with jetpacks, sticks.

@WolfishSpartan - 08.02.2025 14:22

Any initial impressions on where you'd rank the new warbond?

@65dragon1 - 08.02.2025 20:52

I just gotta say, and I doubt this will get seen, the intro was fantastic.

@hagard2787 - 11.02.2025 13:23

now with servants of freedom the inflammable armors are good with double edge. add vitality and you can fire as long as you dont burn from flames on you

@terryslayden2405 - 12.02.2025 03:35

Him saying flechette like machete gave me an aneurism

@attrition71 - 13.02.2025 06:27


@joestar5629 - 14.02.2025 17:56

I don’t know how anyone can justify putting chemical agents in anything other than last. The rest of the warbond is entirely useless and you get what, a slightly better stun grenade? At what point is it actually worth it over the great guns in Truth Enforcers and Freedoms Flame (plus heat resistant armor).

@TheQcjoe47 - 16.02.2025 18:15

The heavy explosive armor is my go to for any bot mission since it dropped

@randomdaveUK - 26.02.2025 20:03

The purifier is definitely the best primary in the game once you know how to use it and pair it with a decent pistol and support

@weaponisedautism07theSecond - 04.03.2025 03:54

Anyone that uses Truth Enforcers has my respect.

I could never stand buying the shittiest warbond (yes worse than Viper Commandos) because of the armour having God-tier drip yet the worst armour passive in the game (Integrated explosives gives it a run for its money but at least you can suicide bomb, but again: Portable Hellbomb is in the exact same warbond)
