Resting properly is about knowing why you're drained and helping yourself with the rest type that would be most effective for your situation 🥰💫
1. Physical - Help your body recharged physically: Sleep, Take a Nap, Get a Massage, Have a Bath, Eat Nourishing Foods... 💤
2. Mental - Your brain is overworking: Take Breaks, Schedule time-off, Focus on 1-thing at a time, Exercise, Meditate... 💭
3. Emotional - Acknowledge how you're feeling: Put Boundaries, Release Tension with movement, Watch a comfort show, Talk to a trusted friend, Journal... ❤️🩹
4. Sensory - Switch off from digital devices and enjoy the world around you, No phone days, Put Boundaries around Overstimulation... 👾
5. Creative - Allow yourself to create without the need of solving or being perfect: Be playful, Go with the flow, Try something new...🎨
6. Social - Spend quality time with loved ones, have meaningful conversations...🫂
Practice solitude/me-time to recharge... you don't always need to be out and around people ✨️
7. Spiritual - Take time to reflect, Spend time alone to listen to your inner voice, Get curious about your purpose and motivations in life...🙏🏻
Which one do you need to practice more often?
7 types of rest, Rest TYPES, Self-Care, Self-Love, Self-Care Journey, Self-Awareness Journey, Self-Aware, Rest and Relaxation, Self-Care Sunday, Recharge Your Soul, Wellbeing Journey, Wellness Lifestyle, Wellness That Works, Life Advice, Recharge Yourself, Relaxation Time, Health and Wellness, Rest, Rest is Important, Rest is Productive
#rest_types #7_types_of_rest #rest_is_productive #self-care #self-love #self-care_journey #physical_rest #emotional_rest #mental_rest #sensory_rest #social_rest #spiritual_rest #creative_rest #rest_and_relax #rest_is_important #rest_is_essential #wellness #wellness_tips #switch_off_your_mind #learn_how_to_rest #productive_rest #recharge_yourself #recharge_your_soul #take_a_break #mental_health_matters #wellness_lifestyle #productivity_tips #allow_yourself_to_rest