Lamartine: "Albanians, this nation and this people can not be mocked ... This is the land of heroes of all time ... Homer found there Achilles, the Greeks the Alexander the Great, Turks found Skanderbeg, people these of the same race, the same blood" .
Maurico Druon, secretary of the French Academy: "Albanians belonging to those people older than History itself. Albanian grandparents participated in the war of Troy, led by Achilles (on one side) and Hector (the other side) ".
Nicolas Iorga: "The Albanian people together and the Basques one are the oldest in Europe."
Maximilian Lambertz: "The true History of the humanity will be written only when it will be written with the participation of Albanians".
Huacunthe Hecquard: "In no country in the world women are not more respected and does not exercise a powerful activity than Albanian women, some Albanian mothers ousted from home their children because left the war front. They had returned them to the battlefield".
Lord Byron: "Albanians with their costumes make a most wonderful scenery in the world ... Albanians are the most beautiful human race exists, courageous, stronger than their strongholds."
Henry Noel Brailsford: "... The 'primitive' Albanian, in fact is the superhuman," of which Nietzsche dreamed."
Giuseppe Katapano: "Atlantida which disappeared 12,000 years ago, was the land of the Illyrians (Pelasgians), who escaped the flood of Atlantis and began new civilizations on all continents, especially in Europe, Africa and Small Asia small".
Agostino Ribeco: "The millennial Albanians Rights, ethnographic and geographic range from old times in Illyria, Macedonia and Thessaly."
Branislav Nušić: "Albanians are indigenous, who during all invasions of peoples kept its type and character significantly. They faced attacks by Romans, dense Slavs raids, who invadet them all fields, plains, and rivers ".
H. Dusko Konstantinov: "Albanians are the oldest inhabitants of the Balkan Peninsula and direct descendants of the Illyrians, who had built the most powerful state in the Balkans."
Edvin Jacques: "The Illyrians or Albanians, these stalwart warriors were Albanians, heirs of Achilles, Philip, Alexander the Great and the Piros of Epirus ...".
Edvin Pears: "Albanians are descendants of the oldest race of the Balkan Peninsula, namely the Aryan race, to draw this word from two Albanian roots of words: Gold and side, which i.e. people of pure gold."
Max Myle: "The names of of most familiar people derived from the old Albanian word 'Ar'. This also applies to many other countries of the world."
Fanulla Papazogllu: "Dardania is one of the ancient Balkan provinces where the indigenous population is the best preserved."
Jen Goss: "The origin of the Albanians to the time of Pelazgs and have pre-helen origin."
Gustav Meier: "Albanians are young Illyrians".
George Hahn: "Albanians are descendants of Illyrians, but the descendants of the Illyrians were Pelasgians ... Albanians are grandchildren of Pelasgians".
Haki Pasha: "If the Albanian history emerges, the Ottoman Empire will go to the river".
Harold Whitehal: "Egyptian hieroglyphics, created 4,000 years ago have Albanian significance".
Henri Braisford: "In Macedonia, Albanians are the only indigenous people."
Johan von Han: "The Albanian derives from Illyrian and the Illyrian from Pellasgian one".
Jovan Cvijiq: "South Slavs, after arrived in the Balkans, found there the Albanians, who under their pressure (Slavs) retreated southward and to most mountainous areass, where we face today."
Konstantin Paparigopulos: "Only the Albanians are considered descendants of the Illyrian race
Kosovo is an independent Country
From Bangladesh 🇧🇩 ❤️ 🇽🇰
Kosovo is serbia
ОтветитьKosovo je Srbija from Italy and Senegal
ОтветитьKosovo is a CRIMINAL and TERRORIST creation.
ОтветитьI honestly dont like kosovo i preffer serbia
ОтветитьKosovo is Albania!
ОтветитьKosovo is a country
Ответитьif kosovo is a country, north epirus should be too
ОтветитьAs a spaniard I'm very proud that of my country's stand in this matter, people who claim that our stand is influenced by our own internal situation (Catalonia bla bla bla) has no idea what they are talking about. My regret is that (as a member of NATO) Spain interveined in the region in the 90s. The war in the Balkans was an infamy perpetrated by the USA and its western lackays. (Portugal as usual being England's most loyal lap dog) for obscure interests. The disolution of Yugoslavia only benefited the usual suspects (USA and UK) and it was never meant in the benefit of the yugoslavian people.
ОтветитьI love Kosovo and I like Serbia I like them both
ОтветитьRussia was afraid to face NATO
ОтветитьKosovo is Kosovo. 🇽🇰 Serbia is Serbia. 🇷🇸 peace to all countries
These guys, who says that Kosovo is Serbia, are you OK?
Yougoslavian army did henocide in Bosnia (Serebrenica), then they did henocide in Kosovo.
Over 8000 usual people were killed in Kosovo by Yugoslavian soldiers. In my opinion, if person says that Kosovo is Serbia, it means you support this idea of henocide to the other nations.
No! Kosovo is Kosovo. Henocide is a bad thing. Nobody can do it and support.
But it is 117
ОтветитьAs a Russian I recognise it
ОтветитьSigma kosovo 🇽🇰❤️🇮🇱
ОтветитьLove Kosovo from Albania 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇽🇰🇽🇰🇽🇰
ОтветитьI thought the Swiss wouldn’t care
ОтветитьAlbania recognized kosovo since 1991
ОтветитьKosovo = stolen land from Serbia. Kosovo is Serbia!
ОтветитьWalker Margaret Robinson Angela Brown Eric
ОтветитьI didn’t expect Brazil to support Serbia and oh bricks of course
ОтветитьHypocrits,Kosovo îs Serbia ,Kosovo never was a country before ! You bastards Catalunia îs Spain and Kosovo îs Serbia period
ОтветитьКосово это сербия!!
The Albanian language is the only member of the Albanian subfamily of Indo-European (Indo-European) languages. Albanian comes from Illyrian (one of the oldest peoples in Europe) and is spoken by around 8 million people in the Balkans. The Albanian language was developed from Illyrian between the 6th and 4th centuries BC. Albanian is the official language in Albania, Kosova and Macedonia. Albanian is also spoken in Greece, Italy, Montenegro and Serbia.
The ancestors of the Albanians (Illyrians) lived in these areas: From the Alps to northwest Greece and southeast Italy
The Illyrians had to go through many wars against the Greeks, Macedonians, Celts and Romans. The Illyrians also had to suffer due to the immigration of the Slavs in the Balkans. In 627 BC, the first Greek colonies were founded in the land of the Illyrians. In the IV century BC, they were attacked by the Macedonians. The Celts, who invaded the Balkans from Italy, also fought against the Illyrians.
In III. Century BC, several wars took place one after the other between the Romans and Illyrians. After very long wars, the Romans managed to conquer the southwest of the Balkans in 167/165 BC. Around 30 years before Christ the Roman colonies were established and later the Roman province of Illyricum was created. 395-1468, Illyria came under occupation of the Byzantine Empire. Between the 6th and 8th centuries, the Slavs immigrated to the Illyrian territory.
Today's national hero of Albania, Prince Gjergj Kastrioti (1405-1468), known as Skenderbeg, managed to unite the Albanians and repel the invading Ottomans in 1444. After Skenderbeg's death in 1468, the country of Albania fell to the Ottoman Empire. After the surrender of the Ottomans in 1912, Albania declared the country's independence. At the same time, Albania was attacked by the Serbs, Montenegrins and Greeks, with the aim of dividing the country of Albania into three. The Albanians owe this to the veto of US President Woodrow Wilson, who contradicted a plan to divide Albania between neighboring countries.
The major European powers (England, Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, France and Italy) agreed on July 29, 1913 in London to create an independent principality of Albania. The recognition of the country Albania was probably also intended to prevent Serbia from having its own Adriatic port. Until the end of the First World War, the northern part of Albania was occupied by German, Austro-Hungarian, Greek, French and Serbian troops, the southern part by Italians. With Italy's renunciation of Albania in 1919 and the withdrawal of troops in 1920, Albania gained its independence within the borders of 1913.
Kosova, Çameria and other Albanian territories were conquered by the Serbs, Greeks and other Slavs. In 1939 Albania was occupied by the Italians. In 1941, the Italians created a unified Albania that included all Albanian-inhabited areas, including Kosova, western Macedonia and parts of northern Greece. Italy surrenders in 1943. German troops occupy Albania for purely strategic reasons, but unified Albania remains. When the Germans withdrew in November 1994, Kosova became Yugoslavian again.
The Albanians from Kosova were repeatedly oppressed and mistreated by the Serbs, so that one day life became unbearable for them. In 1998-1999 the war in Kosova took place. Over a million Albanians from Kosova were expelled by the Serbs and thousands of them were murdered. With military support from the USA and NATO troops, the Albanians (Kosovars) managed to liberate the country from Serbian occupation. Since the end of the war, Kosova has been administered by the United Nations and is moving towards independence.
With the liberation of Kosova a year later, the Albanians from the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia found it necessary to fight against the Slavic government in Macedonia, also for their rights. The country of Macedonia is populated with a majority of around 30% Albanians. After the war in 2002, with mediation from the USA and the European Union, Albanian was recognized as the second official language in Macedonia.
Kosovo is the same as donetsk or luhansk. Its a separatistic state.
So happy my country doesn't recognize kosovo
Albania: day 1
ОтветитьKosovo je Srpski Jerusalim... 😇
ОтветитьKOSOVO JE SRBIJA 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
ОтветитьOnce ypu recognize a contry you cannot withdraw 😂
ОтветитьI'm brazilian and i recognize Kosovo
ОтветитьLove Kosovo 🇽🇰
ОтветитьWelcome New Nation 🇽🇰
Love you guys ♥️💐
ОтветитьKosovo is Serbia!
ОтветитьKosova është Shqipëri dhe zemra e shqiptarve 🇦🇱🇽🇰♥️🇽🇰♥️🇽🇰🇦🇱🤜🏻🤡🇷🇺🇲🇰🇬🇷🇷🇸
ОтветитьKosovo Is Serbia
ОтветитьCold war never ended.
Ответитьsay all you want serbians kosovo is its own country, and serbia has no power in it
Ответитьi support serbia from philippines 🇷🇸🤝🇵🇭
ОтветитьKosovo je Sirbija
Kosovo itu Serbia
Indonesia Support Serbia 🇮🇩🤝🇷🇸
Terima Kasih 🤝 Hvala
One of few matters where India ,china and russia agrees🎉🎉😂
ОтветитьKosovo is free from Serbian aggression
ОтветитьTime to update the map, bois 😂
ОтветитьGlory to Kosovo
❤❤ from Bangladesh