This small estrildid finch is also known as the Spotted Munia, Nutmeg Mannikin, Spice Finch, or Rice Bird. It was introduced from Southeast Asia in 1865. It can now be found throughout the Hawaiian Islands. It was a serious agricultural pest when rice farming was prevalent in Hawai`i. Flocks containing hundreds of birds would invade a field and destroy much of the crop. Scaly-breasted Munias feed by walking up a grass stem to get at the seed clusters on the ends. They can be seen in coastal leeward areas as well as the high wet forest - wherever grasses are present. Adults have a brown head and heavy conical black bill. The underneath is pale brown and heavily scalloped.
The audio is courtesy of Xeno-Canto ( Catalogue #XC716110 was recorded by Ray Tsu in China.