@OhockeyO we only won the 2011 world juniors and 2nd place 2012 wj i wasnt talking about olympics fucking clown? you're gonna use all the shit that i say? stupid fucking kid
Ответить@OhockeyO 2011 who won? 2012 who beat canadians? 2:1 fucking clown
Ответить@Slav998 And yet these crybabies whooped your ass in the past numerous times. Still remember Nagano buddy? ;)
Ответить@radiowashington Says who? A guy from a country which failed to us in Nagano 98, Torino 06 and WC 2010 and 2011? Ahahaha
ОтветитьЧехия европейская проститутка. И тупые молодые ублюдки туда же стремятся.
Ответить@PolanskyA давно в Чехии живу, полностью согласен.
Ответить@PolanskyA Hi, I hated fascism and communism in the same way. My grandfather killed three german soldiers in 1945.But that is a history. Now Germany had democracy,good police and minimum corruption... But Russia..You know...And Russians provokes in the news-defending Artyukhin, writing lies etc. And primary - takes off silver medals - respect only Ovechkin, other Russians are pussies.And my friend has been beaten for laughing on russian cop when he playing with electric window in friends car..
Ответить@PolanskyA I'm not talking here about India, drugs or alcohol ... but you probably know why are you giving these examples. ;-) "In Russia we normally live" Look at this: /watch?v=0JW6Qslwd3w And tell me if this is normal? :-\
Ответить#12 from Czech better have been just gushing blood. That or get up.
Ответить@YaHuyeyuNna i didn't.
Ответить@IG2006SWE you wrong dude,it was unintentionally.on the other hand, stinking refs,ruined the third period of Rus vs Can game.they intentionally didn't see how canadian bullies played dirty games.
Ответить@Desjarlais07 You try it ;)
Ответить@rehousek keep'll see.
Ответить@Desjarlais07 Yes I'm reading it now and theres nothin about high sticking after shooting.
Ответить@rehousek no as a matter of fact it isnt. read the rule book sir.
Ответить@Desjarlais07 no. It's just in NHL ;)
Ответить@rehousek in IIHF rules and in NHL rules high sticking is NOT called a penalty when its follow through from a shot.
ОтветитьCzech's are so much rage and hate. That's why you loose. Learn to respect your opponents, scum bags.
ОтветитьMrazek wings prospect!
Ответить@Paragulis1 sneaky traitor.
Ответить@lamak8 there you go wahahah
Ответить@lamak8 Надейся! Это твое личное дело!!!! РОССИЯ ПОБЕДИТ!!!!!!!!
Ответитьхоккей национальная Русская игра !!!!!!! ))))) молодцы пацаны !
Ответить@lamak8 and so were is destroying ??? lol dont say that again.... neverrr)
ОтветитьДа и пусть ненавидят нас хоть чехи, хоть японцы, мы от этого только сильнее!
Ответить@zheka1780 Честно, я вообще не знал что они нас и сейчас ненавидят. Серьезно, 1968 год. Уже полвека скоро. Что за злоба.
ОтветитьImho not regular win and fatal fail by referee... No doubt it was faul, stick in the face, what they want more? Pff... Czech team was better and these guys forced big red machine to panic, still.. It was good game, show of high-class goalies on both sides but with bad end for us... Sorry Russia but I hope Canada will destroy you, totally :x [>--] Češi!
Ответить@jull23 fail.
Ответить@CZECHSHARK1 fail.
Ответитьit was a great game - I was there!!!
ОтветитьРоссия возьмёт золото я в этом не сомневаюсь, пусть молодые покажут на что они способны.
ОтветитьРоссия - вперед!!!
Ответить@Slav998 Я так вообще не понимаю что Чехи взъелись. Мы все братья славяне, нет чтобы поздравить. Зависть и неумение проигрывать совсем их испоганили.
Ответить@BoschmaniacRS well it looked pretty serious. Anyway, after player got hit like that and were left lying still, he could of pay some attention to it, not even as ref, but as a human. Game is important here, but life is priceless
Ответить@xkupka07 Learn to read first, then ask people if they are ok. I said it's ref's fault, he could of stopped the game, he could of sent the player off, he didn't. That is my point. Your point is that... well you have no fucking point as you didn't bother yourself with understanding what I've said.
ОтветитьCzechs, uhhh... what a victim nation. It is very stupid - to cover your butthurt by insulting other nation\team. You, guys, should be very satisfied, because team Russia (which is much stronger) let you stay in this game for so long.
ОтветитьCanada vs. Russia tonight...(SF) GO CANADA!
Ответить@dcz28 it is just NHL rule. But this is IIHF tournament and by IIHF rules it IS high sticking penalty
ОтветитьI don't get it, why everybody hates on Russia? Czech player got hit, but not on purpose, Russian player was just shooting the puck, that's it. Hockey is a pretty harsh game, people get hit there, you know. It's a shame the ref didn't stop the game right away, but that is his fault, not Russia's. You just act like mad racists who got punched in a face by a black kid.
Ответитьдолжны были решать раньше, а не доводить до ОТ, Косов и Кузнецов по крайней мере должны были абивать...
Ответитьrozhodčí je kurevský mrzák.tak nás zříznout!!!!!!!!
Ответитьwhen a player gets hurt the ref should blow the play dead! it is unfair. the play should be called dead. i really hope that canada destrories russia! very mad, iihf u should be a shame!!
Ответитьмолодцы,хотя чехам повезло
ОтветитьTen Mrázek ma pred sebou velku karieru...podla mna to bude tak dobrý brankár ako Hašek ;)
ОтветитьIt was faul, of course, but it is past now. Russia cant lost. For example World championship 2010, russian crybabes didnt take medals. I am very glad for our winners against Russia this year(2 wins at World hockey championship, Fed cup and other). We will beat you in spring at world championship again!
Ответить@matushoz mňa češi nezaujimaju. Takto maju rusaci aspon potrapiť favorita. česi by šli domov s 12-0, rovnako ako naši
Ответить@wassupMannn aby si sa neposral. Tebe može byť jedno komu ja fandim.
Ответить@jaaaaaaaa19777 No jo, zakomplexovanej bača aby se nepřidal. :)