FPS Man! Episode 1 - Waka Waka Wakapuffs

FPS Man! Episode 1 - Waka Waka Wakapuffs


55 лет назад

104 Просмотров

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In this video I play some FPS man which is essentially Pac-man but in first person mode. The gfame has a scary feeling to it and is actually quite visually nice as well. Although the game is has been out for awhile I thought I would give it a shot. At the end of the video I show off my nice score and challenge anybody out there to give a go and beat me. If you got a better score than me give me a post and I will make a new video beating it!

Play the game here!


#pac #man #fps #pellet #ghost #pinky #blue #pink #red #orange #game #gamer #gaming #funny #eat #Video_Game_(Industry) #Role-playing_Game_(Industry) #run #kill #scary #comedy #comical #hilarious #3d #mouse #Browser_Game_(Website_Category) #Kongregate_(Organization) #waka #om #nom #music #move #strafe #cod #call_of_duty #check #corners #dodge #trap #First-person_Shooter_(Media_Genre) #ms
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