THE WAR against old school BASS FISHING (Crankbaits, Jigs, Spinnerbaits)

THE WAR against old school BASS FISHING (Crankbaits, Jigs, Spinnerbaits)

Brian Latimer

1 месяц назад

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@SLEAUXTIME - 20.01.2025 21:04

OG Bill Lewis RAT-L trap slays!

@ClaytonGrigsby-t2p - 20.01.2025 21:29

Chatterbaits, spinner baits, and plastic worms WILL CATCH BIG ONES AND WORK UNTIL THE END OF TIME

@Carson_spence - 20.01.2025 21:31

I caught a 4and a half pounder on a swim jig yesterday

@819phoenix - 20.01.2025 21:49

There’s no war. Just clickbait. The goal is to catch fish. Some catch them on crank or jig some catch them with electronics don’t matter as long as you figure them out

@itllkeal - 20.01.2025 21:50

Every time I hear a old time big bass catcher, I think of shiners,the old devil's horse or mann's purple worms.

@Bestoftheworstfishing - 20.01.2025 22:08

Fire tiger is still my go to color. It's an old school color that still matches more forage than any other color on the market.

@15trucklt83 - 20.01.2025 22:12

Smh worms. Jigs. Spinner baits. Cranking. They’re all staples in my arsenal. Jigs are one of my confidence baits. Along with a good shakey head or Ned rig and a drop shot.

@CloudXero - 20.01.2025 22:17

Yo what crankbait is that in the beginning

@chrisgarner2264 - 20.01.2025 22:20

I'm 52. Using the little minnow is wrong. Real men don't need that crap. It's boring watching someone standing in 1 spot with their head down for 8 hours. Just man up and fish

@captnse - 20.01.2025 23:38

I’ve been using a lipless crankbait for the past 4 months catching over 150 bass from the shore from 1.5 lbs to 8.2 lbs. No other lure has caught more fish in the past 4 months from shore at the lakes I fish than a lipless.

@dann.294 - 21.01.2025 00:24

No FFS for me, I only fish “old school “ and catch plenty! Only way I know to fish.
Big fan, love the videos .

@Razor32061 - 21.01.2025 00:36

those big back bass.

@nethiabrown1508 - 21.01.2025 00:41

Bassmaster Brown hear man let me tell you that is one of the ways that I love to fish Mr.BLat is old school fishing and believe when I tell you this from old school spinner bait to crank baits and Rattle traps they never fell yet.Remember when I text a while back and I said that I have a spinner bait that runs deeper than deep trust me it catches them hogs you heard me as always be safe out there on the water love you bro.

@slliks67 - 21.01.2025 00:45

I always tell my son start with a worm if you want to catch some fish

@ChandlerWrites - 21.01.2025 01:35

No one's been able to explain to me why my "old school" Bomber Fat Free Shads and Model As don't catch fish anymore because they do. I did better on my smallie lake last summer/fall with Fat Frees than I did with Money Badgers. And whole generations of bass have never seen a Roboworm Zipper Worm or even a Zoom G-tail worm (originally by Ditto). They have seen a lot of beaver baits, so why not fish a Zipper again? Turns out they work... Fish aren't interested in fashion....

@samuelschult985 - 21.01.2025 01:58

Nice catches, heck I still jigger pole for Bass 👍

@JohnJCaputo - 21.01.2025 02:48

All future videos must now feature Brian singing Prince. It’s a big catalog - singin’ and fishin’. This is the way. 😎

@OnPoints-p3m - 21.01.2025 03:04

No PlayStation pretender here
Old school all the way. Hula popper pig and jig. Jitterbug buzzbait culprit worms

@David-qo7lz - 21.01.2025 03:46

Anything under five pounds with a treble hook gets the net!

@BrianB_fishing - 21.01.2025 04:33

That's one like I catch. :-)

@donnieblackketter7897 - 21.01.2025 05:13

You feel like a brother from a different mother I’m an Okie, but I really enjoy your videos, brother

@donnieblackketter7897 - 21.01.2025 05:20

Do you ever fish out of a kayak bro?

@RickRiceFishingLoLo - 21.01.2025 05:27

Okay B Lat, nice one. I like to see you having fun fishing. Keep the fun I'm it Brother 💪 🙏🪝

@Bj-vi3tq - 21.01.2025 05:39

Awesome video. I love watching you fishing old school. You're in that middle ground where you know how to "fish", regardless of situation. Too many new pros only chase the video screen with 3" swim baits and jerkbaits. No doubt they're catching fish, but nobody wants to watch it. Keep up the great work and good luck in the coming season.

@timdonnelly4270 - 21.01.2025 06:53

been bass fishing 45 years still fishing cranks and other lures from the 80s never a problem catching plenty of bass!

@rogerbrand223 - 21.01.2025 20:47

Great video. Yes nice to get back to the roots of bass fishing. It's so great to see polish PETE on the video. Is he working with Z- Man now ? Thanks

@brianlee9074 - 22.01.2025 02:58

Definitely agree about a spinning combo doing work. A small swimbait, a drop shot, and a spinner bait are what I have rigged up when go pond hopping. Caught 'em in Cali, Oregon, and Florida. ✌️🎣

@Dekevin_smith - 22.01.2025 03:53

COME TO TEXAS and come get your butt kicked in a 1v1 by a 17 year old

@robertchadwick2925 - 22.01.2025 04:50

I love how excited you get when you Cath them. It never gets old. It just gets better & better. I can't wait for our weather to change so I can fish water instead of ice.

@renevillalva6150 - 22.01.2025 05:54

Awesome video bro

@Teamtampabay987 - 22.01.2025 05:55

Like Tupac said "ain't nothing like the old school". this was a great video on the simplicity of bass fishing..Keep it simple!!!

@tyronespearman1944 - 22.01.2025 22:22

Excellent Video! I grew up using Rattle Trap lures (Chrome with the blue back, blue and lime green, the bass absolutely love them... also, the white spinner baits with the copper blades works just as good now as they did back then. Tight Lines!!!

@squonto47 - 23.01.2025 02:35

The funny thing is that it’s now become apparent to companies who sponsor guys who use scoping to a large degree aren’t making enough money on other baits, so they have to charge stupid prices for simple jig heads and minnows. It’s comical.

@matthewellegood105 - 23.01.2025 03:03

I caught a fish out of watershed that was like the one you caught. Everyone said scales was wrong. It wasn’t it has to do with the body of water. The same fish I caught would went over 8 pounds at a lager lake but was 6.5 pounds.

@pjsurfer25 - 23.01.2025 05:52

A little grasshopper spinner jig. Slays the big bass in south FL. for me. I used to use it all the time as a teenager and just kinda forgot about it as all the new baits came out. I saw some in a Kmart going out of business sale and it worked just as well as it did when I was a kid. I do think that if you are going after big bass in deep water. An over sized purple worm on a 2 oz bullet weight does the trick every time. Plus I use spinning rods exclusively. I never bought in to the bait casters seeing I used the same rods and reels for fresh and salt water.

@timmontano8792 - 23.01.2025 22:15

I think that if regulations of some sort had not been put into place for bass fishing, by now the bass fishing industry would have introduced depth-charge pods that could be mounted on the sides of bass-boats.
The high-tech sonar systems could simply detect the bass's location and automatically calculate the distance and depth to launch their depth-charges, then they could simply sit back and wait for the stunned bass to float to the top of the water.

@matthewotis3594 - 23.01.2025 23:36

What you think about the z slide. Better than SLX or Speed Spool lfs? Would love you're opinion. Fixin to possibly grab 1.

@matthewspell416 - 24.01.2025 00:43

Crushed it bro, keep doing what you’re doing. Love the channel and great for my middle school angler to watch

@colinwylie808 - 24.01.2025 19:45

That perception works for me. I'm over here with my zara spooks,spinnerbaits and grubs...proven track records!

@DshaunBirch - 24.01.2025 20:14

love them river fish with them thick straps

@jdnotariano - 25.01.2025 21:23

Back to the basics, amen 🎣

@TankMonster-184 - 26.01.2025 04:54

I fish them yrs around

@91lunativette - 26.01.2025 13:12

it's really nice to see videos that are NOT selling crap, i used to love watching fishing shows on weekends but i can't stand too see them anymore because all they are about it selling whatever baits they are involved with.. the doughnut shop guy is the worst.. forget his name.. timmy horton outdoors.. .. and his line of tackle they all act like you aint gonna catch a fish unless you use this. WRONG. i can catch a fish on the same 40 year old lure i did 40 years ago. your a good dude BLAT.. thanks f or keeping it real bro

@91lunativette - 26.01.2025 13:21

i love it man, He kinda mad about it. he acts like he has hooks in his face... hillarious

@blind_eye_fishing - 26.01.2025 20:15

As a disabled guy I watch a lot of videos when I'm not fishing lol. All those lures but the crank I see people utilizing with ffs. They throw the shakey head and jig while scoping brush piles and stomps. Spinnerbait all the above and schooled fish. Usually a big double willow leaf Spinnerbait. Now the squarebill usually most are just bank beating from the bank, kayak, or boat lol. I'm not a shakeyhead guy myself most places I fish have to much junk on the bottom also same for any jig that's not a swim jig lol. I love a good Spinnerbait bite though.

@PCalf - 27.01.2025 01:52

Hey BLatt is there a code for bass mooch to save my butt some loot?????

@barrychandler4486 - 09.02.2025 04:20

a grown man who fishes professionally getting so excited over a 5lb 6oz bass just shows when you get back to basics you remember how fun it is.

@21Neach - 09.02.2025 07:23

I’ve always loved to fish but I really got into bass fishing in 2024 and have caught a 5.2 LMB and a 4.10 LMB on a little local lake here in Cleveland Ohio. Both on a chatterbait minimax.
