How do we get ahold of you
ОтветитьHow can I prove that I was racially discriminated against in the military ?
ОтветитьA veteran has three honorables and one other than honorable. He has 100% p&t. He wants to get an upgrade to honorable, if he applied for the upgrade would it affect his 100% p&t rating.
ОтветитьBut you know there are a lot of loop holes in all of this right !?
ОтветитьAfter being the honor graduate from Lackland I was busted for smoking cannabis at Lowry in 1975. I received a Honorable under general condition discharge. I went to school on the GI bill, I just completed a 40 year career in Consumer Electronics and retired in 2020 as VP of my company. My days are numbered and now that cannabis is legal in Colorado and half of the country, I would like to get it upgraded.
ОтветитьHow do you know who can help you. You guys are all over the place. I called one lawyer and never heard from him again. I gave them all my information
ОтветитьSo if you got discharged with an OTH, you automatically dont qualify for benefits?
ОтветитьI know this is old, But let me ask you, Have you heard of the Government changing paper work after it already stated one thing? So i had my discharge papers which stated general with Honorable conditions discharge. I misplaced them, & the other day i contacted the VA & they sent me the documents but they looked a bit different than the ones i had. & instead of general with honorable now they say Uncharacterized. I feel like they thought i was getting them to apply for disability or something & changed them. But i also heard that they do change things sometimes every so often.. Ever heard of anything like it?
ОтветитьWhere can i find your contact information to call you
ОтветитьI have a discharge review board meeting on Feb 13 is there a way you can help me out please
ОтветитьHey thank you so much for your content. I was in the marines and got discharged with general under honorable for failing a urinalysis. I was found with delta 8 in my urine, which i wss not sure how its in my system. I did not accept non judicial punishment and the command did not take it to court martial. But i was still discharged for drug abuse. I heard because delta 8 is federally legally i should have actually been charged with disobeying a lawful order, and that i might have a case with upgrading my discharge. What do you think? Any advice would be appreciated.
ОтветитьI got sepped while trying to fight a court martial for allegedly being disrespectful to a piss of shit 2nd class. And my DD214 says SEP code JKQ - MISCONDUCT - SERIOUS OFFENSES. RE 4 not eligible for reentry. I feel like they should suck me because that's straight crap after 2 years of service. I've heard of mf that did worse. Yeah they can suck me 1000X
ОтветитьI was medically separated. I am now completely disabled 100. % because a good VSO combed my medical records and found all kinds of missed issues. I tried to have my separation changed to retirement and the board rejected it. I also didn’t know you need a lawyer for this. The same VSO prepared the documents that I submitted. I am wondering if I should try again this time with a lawyer?
ОтветитьPoint man of zero dark thirty here. Got a general discharge and demoted to PFC. VA said I served honorably. Army sucks.
ОтветитьI was given a general under honorable conditions from the Maryland Air National Guard. I did a twelve year enlistment. I faced documented racial discrimination. I left the guard without formally discharging. I joined the police department and did 25 years and just recently retired. Do I have a chance of upgrading my discharge?
Ответитьhow about my RE-code 3 honorable discharge for hardship 5 years ago? Would they change my code so I would be elgible to join the usmc?
ОтветитьHow do i get in touch with you?
ОтветитьWas there a phone number?
ОтветитьI need serious help if you could find the time to help me out
ОтветитьI'm just starting to Fill out my paper work for a upgrade, I see that they now allowing PTSD (MST) I'm not sure how to go about it, can you guide me in the right direction please. I'm 100% P&T.
ОтветитьI got a re-4 with general under honorable conditions with drug abuse. Ive been out 2 years exactly and i want to go back in
ОтветитьI first filed about 10 years ago and it was denied... but this time Iam seeking an experienced attorney or legal representative to properly file my application. Please provide me with contact information or anyone from the Atlanta area I would be able to share my reasons for upgrade
ОтветитьIf you’re watching this video and are facing any but an honorable discharge, you need to get every single non-confidential piece of paper work that would even remotely prove your case. Emails, counseling’s, medical records, character statements, etc. Even text and Facebook messages.
It’s better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it.
Also know the regs as wellas the law and use them. Every single issue you have should be backed up by a regulation or have substantial evidence.
Are these services expensive I have all my paperwork and multiple statements. I was uncharacterized discharge/entry level. JDA1 Fraudulent RE3P. Recruiter error he did not upload medical documentation. Seeking upgrade. During my short service I also obtained Mild PTSD,anxiety. I would like to get a representative so like you said it’s done right the first time.
ОтветитьIs it possible to have a discharge status changed to medically retired?
Ответитьhi i need your help how do i get in touch
ОтветитьI was torture, harassed and intimidated for years while I served in the military. They tried to force me to go awol, by restricting me to the ship for no reason. They did this especially around the weekend. I was taken out of my division to humiliate me in front of my other shipmates. However through this whole ordeal they made me stand engineer watches. I never went awol but twice. I was five minutes late coming back from the bathroom because I was being timed for everywhere I went aboard ship. The other time for awol they had changed time on my leave request. Both of these time court infarctions turn into article 15, misconducts. I requested mental health care back in the 80's from being torture mentally and harassed while I was in the military service.
ОтветитьI was discharged in 2018 from the army on my second contract General under honorable conditions. I was discharged for misconduct but my company commander and battalion commander both recommended me for honorable discharge. But brigade denied it without consulting me about it. So I was under the impression I was getting an honorable discharge up until the day they gave me my DD214 and it said general. It's kind of screwed me over with applying for jobs since then. But I'm currently in the process of joining a police department. And I would love to get my discharge upgraded to honorable. Please help me.
ОтветитьSo I was in the navy for 7 years i got out in 2017 with a honorable discharge kbk(end of contract) separation code and a reenlistment code of re 4 I just wanted to know how do i get my re 4 changed so that i can reenlist
ОтветитьDo you have an email that I can contact you through?
ОтветитьI got a code 4 discharge under honorable conditions what steps do I need to take.
ОтветитьHow do you get an attorney to do this?
ОтветитьHire a attorney with what money.
ОтветитьHow can I get more information? I’m looking to upgrade a honorable discharge to a medical retirement
ОтветитьI looked into it and got slammed, It looked like they added misconduct issues on it. It looks hopeless for me. I just have to move on.
ОтветитьI was discharged over 20yrs ago. With a OTH, so now I want to try to get a upgrade. I was told I need a DD419. Having trouble filling it out correctly. Can you help me
ОтветитьI have a friend of mine that got a dishonorable discharge. After our first deployment, he started drinking heavily, then went awol for a while, before coming back and deploying our second time. The guy was great before we deployed, then slowly went downhill, unit dropped the ball and didn’t offer many avenues to get any treatment in the early 2000’s.
He got a dishonorable discharge, has since received va comp and pen claim in his favor, but still has this looming over him in regards to gaining any type of employment. Does he stand a chance at getting it upgraded to at least a general uh? Do you have any advice on how I can get him a point of contact to aid in getting this accomplished?
I applied with 100% PTSD service connected after discharge. I had PTSD diagnosis they considered mild yet I never had trouble with the law and in my service until after my deployment which led to my discharge and those pieces of shit said no. I have an Army Comm with Valor for saving a Marines life as an Infantry Corpsman and those assholes told me my discharge was based on my voluntary choice to be an alcohol rehabilitation failure. Never have I felt more regret for having served this country. They use you and then shit on you and throw you away.
ОтветитьIt's a voluntary service that's all I'm saying.
ОтветитьI have some questions before i submit anything.. any way we can talk?
ОтветитьDo you help veterans file DD149s? Can you help me appeal my RE code?
ОтветитьI got kicked out for minor disciplinary in fractions that occurred in the beginning of my enlistment 3 years before I got the boot because they couldn’t Blame on me for something I didn’t do so they dragged up my past which nothing back then was necessarily that bad. I would like to go into more detail when you have a moment is there an email I can reach you at?
ОтветитьI'm reaching out.
ОтветитьI've applied once and was denied. Since then, I have been rated 50% PTSD disability. Should I reapply with counsel?
ОтветитьI received a acceptance letter what happens next?
ОтветитьI have a question, is the board currently going through a slow down due to Covid? I submitted my request 16 months ago