SEMA 2024 Part 2 | IK E Foam Pro 2 Demo | Koch Chemie, Rag Company, Gtechniq | DIY Detail Pad Washer

SEMA 2024 Part 2 | IK E Foam Pro 2 Demo | Koch Chemie, Rag Company, Gtechniq | DIY Detail Pad Washer

Cars With Keav

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@dustind9242 - 08.11.2024 03:55

Ah, my buddy Chuck from Seasucker is there.

@DIYwithKane - 08.11.2024 03:56

I love this video. Pure. Thank you so much for sharing.

@gabrielsong7638 - 08.11.2024 04:00

That IK E foam pro 2, eventhough i already have e foam 12 pro, i'm getting that for sure when it becomes available for me no matter what!

@23dothedew - 08.11.2024 04:13

The Griot’s commentary was hilarious lol

@chrism1157 - 08.11.2024 04:24

I went with the Flex Stack Pack over the Milwaukee Packout because I thought the gas struts were a good concept. I wish I would have gone Milwaukee. The Flex line of boxes and accessories has barely expanded since I bought them a year ago. When you look at Bruce's Garage, you can see that there are a million more options with Milwaukee. The portable tool box market had gotten super saturated, I'm assuming we'll start to see some of these brands discontinue them since Milwaukee owns the market.

@FineDetailingAZ - 08.11.2024 04:27

Great meeting you in person Micheal! Cant wait to get that IK e foamer

@rooboy99 - 08.11.2024 05:37

Thanks for the Video Keav. If you want to try a great one step Compound, try Angelwax Regenerate. Their spray on glass coating H2GO is pretty good too.

@diablo2077 - 08.11.2024 06:53

3 bars of pressure = 43 PSI

@ChrisL-rh7io - 08.11.2024 07:08

Been using Angelwax H2go for my windshield. Rain comes off around 35mph. Sealant which lasts the LA winters per application so it totally fits my needs. Works better than Rain X and Aquapel which I'd used in the past

@J_Notorious - 08.11.2024 08:04

Hi Keav!
Long time viewer and ashamed I was not subscribed for so long. Awesome content and coverage as always. I’ve gone into Griot’s products and will say their Ceramic speed shine is up there with Gyeon and GTech. Spray on, rinse off, great protection. Would like to see you potentially review some of their products. Also, a bit of an underdog but being in the business for years, Superior products. Local Oriley’s order with great pricing in gallon sizes. Would love to see you review as well. Also looking forward to that IK battery sprayer review. Thank you for the content Keav!

@arod3395 - 08.11.2024 08:36

Keav, thanks for the awesome video/tour of Sema day two. Thoroughly enjoying the content please keep it up. I just purchased the IK foam pro 2 sprayer without the Schrader valve your recommendations. I’m installing my valve on the bottle and I’ve got the fantik compressor that I’m going to Velcro onto the side. I just received everything and I could return it within 30 days but I think I’m gonna wait and see how people are liking the new e foam pro 2. It won’t hurt to have two sprayers anyways. Thanks again for the great video.

@Rob_Cleans_Cars - 08.11.2024 08:41

I don’t use much of griots stuff, but the interior cleaner for $30 a gallon is terrific stuff. Worth a try.

@VassRulez - 08.11.2024 11:50

Great Job Keav, any idea regarding battery swap ability on the IK foam units or will they need seperate units?

@attention2detailswchelsea - 08.11.2024 14:11

Angelwax are KILLER products but pricey sometimes but their compounds and polishes are next level. H2go is awesome on glass and their Enigma medium polish puts down a solid layer or ceramic protection

@attention2detailswchelsea - 08.11.2024 14:18

The new mitt on a stick looks awesome

@attention2detailswchelsea - 08.11.2024 14:41

Keav the Stoner Blue iron remover has no reactant in it so that one won’t stain any surfaces. The orange and blue both have no scent but the orange had a reactant to show it going from orange to blue and that is what stained concrete driveways and Josh’s faded trim on his van. So the blue version has no scent and no reactant so won’t stain any surfaces but you won’t be able to see if it’s reacting

@attention2detailswchelsea - 08.11.2024 14:42

Keav the Stoner Blue iron remover has no reactant in it so that one won’t stain any surfaces. The orange and blue both have no scent but the orange had a reactant to show it going from orange to blue and that is what stained concrete driveways and Josh’s faded trim on his van. So the blue version has no scent and no reactant so won’t stain any surfaces but you won’t be able to see if it’s reacting

@attention2detailswchelsea - 08.11.2024 14:43

I’m excited for Hydro coat

@attention2detailswchelsea - 08.11.2024 14:53

Oh that pad washer looks awesome cause it shouldn’t be as aggressive on the foam great job Yvan!

@diydetailofficial - 08.11.2024 17:35

Thanks for stopping by!

@IamDetailedAF - 08.11.2024 19:37

I did not have time to go to that area. Thank you for the walk through.... See ya soon

The DIY pad washer is so good and practical. Well worth it

@brenden5248 - 08.11.2024 20:24

Hey man, get that Angelwax h2no it's probably best rinseless with protection on market. The slickness is off charts. Even on dry off it feels like C6 ceramic mist is under it. Great cleaning power, no smell. Only down side is expensive, no gallons yet 36 I believe for 32oz. An it's 100 to 1 dilution for rinseless maybe could do 128 or close to 200. The waterless wash also excels insane slickness under a microfiber or sponge do 1 to 100 and 1 to 20 or 10 in waterless will blow you're mind

@btbd2785 - 09.11.2024 06:09

Fid opticiar show there new polishers

@btbd2785 - 09.11.2024 06:16

I thought you would have gone to the Lake Country booth? I want to see if they came out with any new polishers

@Tops1212 - 09.11.2024 06:26

Don't show any "clean" by pan products, it's relabelled diy detail products...

@GMDetails - 09.11.2024 07:27

Loving the new IK battery pump sprayer Keav , sneak one out for me will ya 😂

@bigd9848 - 09.11.2024 16:13

I’m a Red Bull fan as well and I love that car👊🏼Great video 👊🏼

@waterhose4130 - 09.11.2024 16:47

Awesome Keav! Griot's was hysterical

@StonerCarCare - 09.11.2024 20:45

It was great chatting with you! Thanks for stopping by 😁🙌

@ScottKelley - 09.11.2024 21:28

Awesome videos Keav. What were you filming on? Your iPhone? Now that I'm thinking of it, it might not have been very efficient doing that. I found filming on my phone zaps the battery unless you've got it connected to a backup battery.

@DavidGotelli710 - 10.11.2024 00:49

Totally getting that new battery IK sprayer. I have the efoam pro 12 and love it

@FrankRicci-c1u - 10.11.2024 08:15

IK Sprayer... ALL RIGHT

@joevanseeters2873 - 10.11.2024 08:39

Angelwax have some of the best detailing products on the market. Everything I have ever used from them is EXCELLENT! I really like that brand. Those new Koch sprayers look like they were made by KWAZAR or Mercury. They look identical other than the cool matching colors for the Koch Chemie system. Koch is knocking it out of the park with their product line up and accessories. That mitt on a stick Pro-Plus from Autofiber looks cool. I actually like using a mitt on a stick for the high areas/roof of my vehicles. They work great and I have never had a problem with scratching or anything like that as long as you use common sense when washing. Autofiber really gives you so many different options for washing options. Their products are awesome for detailing. That battery sprayer is freakin' awesome. I am definitely getting one of those. I don't need a giant sprayer so the hand held sprayers are what I use. I've seen all the knock off brand battery sprayers but no doubt IK will be at the top of the heap so to speak with a battery powered hand held sprayer. That thing really looks awesome, especially with the spray pattern and the amount of even product that is distributed. It's super pricey though. I saw one advertised on Carzilla I think it was for somewhere around $120 so it will probably be the most expensive of the battery powered sprayers. I do love the design of it though because the battery is integrated into the sprayer and not some after thought where it's stuck on the outside of the unit or strapped onto the unit. Even though it's expensive, it will no doubt be a great performing unit if it's an IK. They have some of the best sprayers in the world. That's also cool you can pump it manually if the battery does die on you. That's a really nice design. The RAG COMPANY took those Tornador style sprayers to the next level. They have the best tornador style tools on the market right now. And the fact you can replace the bearings is a nice addition to the line. The build quality of their tornador tool is really top notch. The Ferrari of those type tools! Seeing the GLIPTONE booth behind The Rag Company booth surprised me. They are a brand I used back 30 or 40 years ago! I didn't think they were still that big in the detailing market. I was never big on those fancy pad washers, mainly due to the very high cost of them and they are only made of plastic. I'm glad Ivan came out with the more reasonably priced version of a pad washer. At least I hope it's cheaper than those really expensive ones. I might actually invest in one of those after I watch a few demonstrations first to see if it's going to be worth anything, which it should be because Ivan and Nick are putting out some great products over at DIY Detail. The Optimum booth looked pretty awesome. Their packaging is spot on. The difference with the ONR (Yellow) version is it's supposed to have more lubricity than the blue version. Those products are geared towards professional detailing and being the maintenance products that Detailers can sell to their clients or direct their clients to the Optimum pro web site to get their maintenance products. If you've never looked at those before, THEY ARE EXPENSIVE for what they are. The BOSS Foam Cannon from Griots Garage is my favorite foam cannon at the moment. I also love their Brilliant Finish Foam Cannon which is an incredible foam cannon for the money and probably produces better foam than their BOSS cannon. I love them both. I do like the look of their new wash bucket. I watched Griot's video on the new bucket and like you said, the concept is excellent. I'll wait for a knock off version of that to come out and get that. If a company that specializes in buckets could take that "dual bucket" idea and build it to the quality of a Yeti bucket, it would be the best bucket in the detailing world. Maybe somebody will come up with a similar but much more durable design to that. I really love the design of that bucket. That way you can use it as a double bucket OR a single bucket on the fly. That's a slick idea. And that side tool caddy is nice too. Like you said Mr. Keav, the design is cool, it just needs to be upgraded in quality by a factor of 10! Griot's have some zonkers for sure in their line, but to be honest, they have some really great products also. I use quite a few of their detailing tools. Max Shine is a great option for someone just getting into detailing looking for value based products to get started or for weekend warriors who are on a budget but want to have all the tools they need for detailing. I've never used their chemicals, only their accessories which are decent for the money. Max Shine must use the same vendor for their hand held battery sprayer as Griot's, they look identical. I would guess that they are made by the same company. The reason I say that is that little black knob on the side of that Max Shine battery sprayer looks like the same side knob on the Griots Garage Brilliant Finish Foam Cannon. They have to be using the same vendor from wherever they get those overseas. I'm glad you reviewed that battery sprayer from Griot's Michael, because you saved me a lot of money because I do buy Griot's Garage products quite a bit but you are correct, they have some "zonkers" in their line up for sure, and they always have. Some of their products are direct copies of cheap knock off tools as you can easily tell they are copies by just searching either the internet or on Amazon and you'll eventually find the tool that looks identical. They do have some really great products as well (Like the BOSS system (both tools and chemicals), you just have to sift through their catalog of products to get the right stuff that works well. I do love the overall design of their products and all the matching colors, fancy bottles, etc. They spend a lot of time ensuring that their packaging and presentation of product is top notch. I just wish they spent the same amount of time designing their own detailing accessories, built to the quality of the price they are asking for their products. Griot's microfiber product line up is second to none. I really like Griot's microfibers and use them almost exclusively. Their plush (blue towels) and ultra plush (gray towels) are really good quality. Super soft, excellent on the paint, and wash nicely. I've had mine for a while and they never fail to give great results every time. I just wish they had a few more colors of the same towels so I could separate them for different tasks by color. Maybe they will down the road. Their PFM towel line up (twisted loop microfibers) are great also but pricey like everything else Griot's sells. Whomever makes the Microfiber line up for Griot's is a good manufacturer though. Solid performers for sure. I would definitely like to see you review that Max Shine hose end sprayer type foam cannon. That new Max Shine one looks great. I love using those hose end sprayers for my maintenance washes when I don't want to drag out the pressure washer and set it all up, use it, and then break it back down again. I don't have a wall mount pressure washer (although that's on my dream list). Being able to quickly hook up a hose end version to my garden hose is nice. They don't give the shaving cream thick foam, but they are decent for getting some soapy solution onto the paintwork first before the contact wash and also for adding additional lubrication to the paint for the contact wash. I love using the hose end sprayers. They are decent for what they are as long as you get a good one like the Gilmour. The Gilmour is just really expensive, more than a regular pressure washer foam cannon, but they are built the best out of any hose end sprayer cannon. They might have some competition finally. I have a lot of FLEX polishers (4 different types) and have been using them almost exclusively when I got really into serious detailing of my vehicles. The small PXE-80 has been a great tool and I use that polisher the most actually. It's just so versatile of a polisher. I love using it to put on a wax or sealant. Makes the job go quick and it's lightweight with great battery life for my needs. I wonder why they changed their color from red to gray on those new polishers? Every tool prior to those have always been red. I do like the gray one though, they look pretty good. Flex makes an excellent tool with good build quality similar to Rupes, although Shinemate is coming up in the ranks trying to topple those two to be the leader of the polisher market. Shinemate has been knocking it out of the part with their tool offering over the past few years. I thought about getting rid of all my Flex tools and buying Shinemate polishers but I have too much invested in the Flex tools already and they work for my needs. That new BATTERY powered hand held Tornador looks incredible. Finally an option for someone like me who does not have an air compressor. I've wanted one of those Tornador's since they first came out many years ago but never had the chance to get one bue to the lack of an air compressor and those little pancake style small air compressors just don't have enough juice to properly run a tornador as intended. Now that they finally added a battery version, I can finally get one! I am excited about that one. Hopefully it performs well. Thanks for running us through the booths. For those of us who can't attend, we rely on these videos to see all the new and exciting products! Hope you enjoyed SEMA!

@aaron30569 - 10.11.2024 20:41

Detail image has the new ik e foamer with a 25% off SALE!

@keithfirebird7618 - 11.11.2024 04:29

Good coverage 😎

@OmniGarage - 11.11.2024 06:11

Hi Keav, it was nice to meet you at SEMA and talk about the latest and greatest detailing products. You mentioned never having tired Angelwax. We think that h2go is one of the easiest and best performing glass coatings. It is worth a try.

@OmniGarage - 11.11.2024 06:12

Hi Keav, it was nice to meet you at SEMA and talk about the latest and greatest detailing products. You mentioned never having tired Angelwax. We think that h2go is one of the easiest and best performing glass coatings. It is worth a try.

@Froztinc - 11.11.2024 11:20

The detailing world is so flooded and tons of copycat makers. Not anything really new and innovative in this space anymore.

@theragcompany - 11.11.2024 22:26

It was great talking to you! Thanks for stopping by the booth! 💙

@bwilliam4023 - 12.11.2024 08:08

get to see that IK battery

@vincentolo9271 - 12.11.2024 23:58

Hey Keav, thanks so much for doing this expose on SEMA for us who cannot go to it!
Wanting to upgrade my IK Sprayer, would you recommend this IK E Foamer2? Do you have a link as an affiliate for it?

@marbleromandong - 13.11.2024 20:40

Is it Ian or Ion?

@ashbbey - 14.11.2024 19:23

Was Chemical Guys at Sema?

@CCWK04 - 20.11.2024 21:31

They haven’t featured them much but those IK Alkaline sprayers are a good option. Should be great for APC and alkaline wheel cleaners.

@patrickdonahue777 - 27.11.2024 05:13

FYI - Nick Griot said on their livestream tonight that the bucket starts at $59 and the fully loaded version is $99.

@secularist1969 - 08.12.2024 09:56

That quick social anxiety explanation hit me right on the nose. Same here, Sir.

@EatLotsOfCurry - 22.12.2024 23:55

I ordered the IK e foamer

@sebfrett1005 - 02.01.2025 16:42

They ripped off H2No from Patagonia..

@ismaelalvarado8746 - 06.01.2025 22:24

Say it at the end lol....its slick...of not come lick it

@BackroadsAutoDetail - 08.02.2025 00:42

Where do i find mit on a stick in canada?
