Full Teardown on Chris Patterson 3401HP Cummins Engine!

Full Teardown on Chris Patterson 3401HP Cummins Engine!

Danny Diesel

2 года назад

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@geoffreyc1027 - 24.09.2022 19:42

Great video Danny.

@DIY_Duramax - 24.09.2022 21:11

Didn't hear what crankshaft was in it?

@jaythacker5160 - 25.09.2022 03:24

what clearance does he run between wrist pin and rod bushing and piston bores? .001-.0015?

@jaythacker5160 - 25.09.2022 05:15

All those valves are tuliped very badly.

@FrankBUILTperformance - 25.09.2022 07:35

What dyno is he talking about?

@Izzabumminz - 29.09.2022 23:59

Everyone thats tryna make power rn like this

🧐✍🏼 📝

@Izzabumminz - 30.09.2022 00:11

Chris really is the man, so proud that he’s a Texan and now Texas is on Top 😎

@Izzabumminz - 30.09.2022 00:31

Someone needs to fill a comp block market

@carlswenson5403 - 30.09.2022 01:49

500+ hp per cylinder .. glorious as the rising sun

@mikedavis1714 - 01.10.2022 22:09

3400 hp at 4600 rpm on a stock block with no sleeves??? Yea ok!!!

@greendodge98 - 02.10.2022 19:52

Chris is awesome

@Thebipolarachiever - 03.10.2022 06:25

Depending on your boost numbers that would probably be the reason why you’re getting valve float. 115 pound valve springs pushing over 100 pounds of boost that might be your issue. May need custom valve springs, or if you have the clearance,shim the bottom of the springs

@bcbloc02 - 03.10.2022 21:20

Looks awesome for what it has been thru. Guess going t have to get a Chaos block to beat on next.

@hermanR02 - 04.10.2022 06:14

Wait did you say stock cummins pistons!!!?

@mikeflick4737 - 07.10.2022 07:03

Thanks for sharing.

@andycox1793 - 07.10.2022 07:25

What a humble guy Chris is. Thanks for sharing the tear down of this beast of an engine.

@Engine_biulds - 13.10.2022 11:25

15 bucks and you can wire in a cheap ebay special 200psi sensor and tune it.. you literally y off and take a ground from the original map and cut the 5v positive route that to the new sensor and the signal out.. its a simple mod anyone can do. And the sensor comes with the values to tune it.

@ronclements2002 - 16.10.2022 05:35

You need your own show like street outlaws only diesel trucks! Grateful for the failure analysis I loved that part of being a mechanic. I got to see him before the dyno run in Utah. Coolest guy you will ever meet! Keep the videos coming!

@ShainAndrews - 31.10.2022 07:38

Don't even bother trying an LED light with a camera. Everybody buys these ridiculous lights. They all saturate the camera, and are the wrong color spectrum anyway. Better off with a dark image that the camera can work with, or post production can work with.

@colbyc.6698 - 15.11.2022 02:33

Absolutely insane the power made its like taking a ride in a jet

@portablecarhoist1320 - 10.12.2022 03:45


@thewelfairshop4164 - 30.01.2023 23:54

Your a fuck8n legend for doing a engine teardown on this for us

@Dan-g1o5u - 13.03.2023 15:36

I see the problem!!!, you need the Banks monster ram

@jimmungai1938 - 12.05.2023 15:07

Hi, my name’s Jim mungai I’m from Kennerdell Pennsylvania. I’m an old Mopar guy from way back anyway, I read an article many years ago I’m assuming this is true Chrysler used to take their 426 max wedge blocks and O’Neal them. I will put them in the oven and heat them up and it made everything equal for example, before you do that if you did a Rockwall test say on the deck and then do it on the bottom of a cylinder you could probably have two different readings. These guys after they annealed the block it made it all equal wouldn’t hurt if you could get somebody who makes those heads to try that too before you do any machine work anyway I go by six in a row.jim I got a 91.5 dodge three-quarter ton give you three guesses. What’s under my hood anyways you look like you are very thorough all right have a nice day oh by the way the scratches on the rings I don’t think was from the Dino. It’s from when you ran it on the race week on my old truck. I have a air filter by Donaldson for my truck. It’s a DBA 5202. It’s the same air filtration material is what goes on the M1 Abrams tank good enough for tank it’s definitely good enough for me, when I take my air filter off and reach inside of my rubber tube that goes to the turbo charger, I can take all clean, white cloth, wipe it inside there and it comes out virtually perfectly clean

@Strngr-- - 10.06.2023 17:41

How much power can you make on just diesel fuel?

@doggystyle802 - 03.07.2023 11:08

can't believe that thing survived!

@Bigsexy611 - 05.09.2023 19:36

I have learned alot from following Chris I messed up going down the rabbit hole of Cummins power and it is the best thing I’ve ever done it has ups and downs but it’s who we are I appreciate you for being so humble and learning from mistakes and improving those mistakes and walking us through what happened and your thoughts on improving the situation for future success maybe one day I can afford to play

@DarrenBoxhall - 10.12.2023 16:24

Put black nitrile gloves on. I'm not sure what the reasoning is to not use gloves. Saves alot of hand cleaning

@DarrenBoxhall - 10.12.2023 16:39

So is that like 500hp per cylinder?

@johnnystanley4469 - 12.12.2023 18:19

Motor looks great for all the hard runs looking forward to the new build.

@Latuya-y1n - 14.02.2024 04:18

Naw needs ceramic roller bearings as main bearings for crankshaft n camshaft n add a heavier lockup clutch n take the crankshaft counter weights off n add more plates n clutes or it depends where it starts slipping in beginning or end n by pass oiless turbo comp ball bearing ceramic it wont lose oil pressure if turbo seal fails n if u put a jet engine use it to spool it n shut off piston engine n let the 30000 rpms rip

@TheBurtle005 - 14.07.2024 06:39

Which motor is better for HP and reliability? The 12v or 24v?

@AnthonyBall-w1g - 31.07.2024 02:24

I thought this was a "street truck". How can that be with a filled block

@sempergumby8734 - 27.08.2024 22:52

Using a iron block is just amazing, unlike a full billet aluminum block, hint hint fire punk 😂

@SvinTheViking - 05.01.2025 06:59

Since when did Milwaukee guns take Dewalt batteries?
