r/ProRevenge - Business Partner BACKSTABS and Tried to Ruin Me! My 10Yr Revenge.

r/ProRevenge - Business Partner BACKSTABS and Tried to Ruin Me! My 10Yr Revenge.


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@ActuallyHoudini - 06.08.2024 20:05

Someone needs to tell OP that the idea that genetics cause people to be racist is the most racist thing someone could say.

@normanhines5189 - 29.07.2024 22:11

Story 3: justice delayed is justice denied. Make like a pit bull or Gila monster and never let go.

@j.d.l._666 - 10.07.2024 18:35

Story #2: I would never have STOPED calling the towing until I either went working out of the house or moving out! 😅

@robingibson6561 - 24.05.2024 01:53

@HAWK1966: or they are future victims for the Chads of the world.

@Ra1dMaX - 20.05.2024 21:05

chad is what we call a useless sack of shit for brains where i come from

@seraglioborneo2803 - 10.05.2024 11:20

S3 Chad is a much older guy who becomes an asst to carpenter OP. But Chad proposes they become partners in a venture? ISNT THAT A HUGE RED FLAG.
Is OP a ninc0mp00p?

@DefunctGames - 14.04.2024 23:15

One thing I've learned from watching these episodes is how many people mix up "one faithful day" for (the accurate) "one fateful day." I never realized that was something people screwed up.

@brianvance1178 - 08.04.2024 12:10

Last story: OP is definitely a hero for taking Chad down and off the streets. Canada still sucks because of who is in power there, but at least with people like OP it isn’t as bad as it could be

@Mariel_Moon - 25.03.2024 23:23

I don't understand how you can get others cars towed away. No one can do that in Sweden. You can get your own car if it's broken but then you need prof of that your car. So when there are crapy cars no one use anymore they just stands there and no one can do anything about it if the owner dont care to take care of the problem. 🤷🏻‍♀️

@shariys1 - 20.03.2024 22:04

OP is a FKNG HERO! How many other businesses were saved from that @$$h0le?!

@Wrathura - 17.03.2024 04:56

Chad is a GigaChad. Some Batman level stuff there, without the punching.

@elmasterdezoologia6641 - 13.03.2024 22:03

Story 1 is DEFINITELY fake

@joannejasny750 - 10.03.2024 09:59

He was born to do what he did! The guy was an habitual criminal and op stopped him!

@abhainnxv1554 - 07.02.2024 15:22

My rule that goes against the whole "let it go" thing is that if you let someone get away with doing a bad thing, chances are they'll do it to more people. No, I will not let it go until they're actually sorry for it.

@crimsonmaelstrom573 - 13.11.2023 08:31

Story 1: As someone who lives in the South, I can honestly tell you Fluff: you do NOT want to know what OP’s name is

@brianrogers7360 - 06.11.2023 00:54

Story 3. Typical cops. It'S a CiViL mAtTeR

@tbnrwolff3354 - 24.10.2023 11:30

Racism isn't rampant in the South so that's already b***** unlikely that that story is even real sure we got racist but I was raised by my grandparents and you know what I was never raised to hate I was always raised straight out there's the way you want to be treated treat others with respect they never spoke about skin color sexuality anything all that b***** about the South being racist I hate to tell you it's more accepting than the North it doesn't matter what skin color you are down here it matters how you treat people treat someone wrong your tires might be gone you might wind up with a broken leg maybe you'll wind up in a 6 ft grave if you do something well horrible enough to Warrant death and it will all be justified because you screwed up you did something very bad it won't matter what skin color you are my friend it would just matter what your actions were

@CitiesTurnedToDust - 12.10.2023 02:31

In the business partner story, it sounds like OP never signed any sort of contract. On top of never checking accounts or anything. I hope he learned some sort of lesson about showing some sort of responsibility and not naively assuming everyone is honest.

And this Chad -- I hear about a lot of these kind of people. People who seem to compulsively lie and steal at every single opportunity, no matter how much hot water they're already in, and can be absolutely cruelly criminal to anyone they meet at the drop of a hat without any sign of conscience whatsoever.

@elainemears5451 - 30.08.2023 07:48

I’ve read this same story SO many times & it’s getting really old. Hope you can come up with some new ones!

@linniancauldwell948 - 09.08.2023 00:01

My money is on story 1 guys name being Robert Lee.

@gamergodofjustice - 14.05.2023 02:46

"you should have just let it go" these are the words of people that abuse others and want 0 consequences. If someone ever tells you to let go over a life alter screw over that person is indeed an advocate for abuse and letting criminals victimize you.

@IFBBProYeo - 21.04.2023 22:15

Street justice ✊

@mightymouse654 - 17.04.2023 17:03

Just when I was thinking OP from Story 3 was going a little overboard, the police find the IDs and fake badge and all that. I should have realized Chad's job and landlord cut him off so quickly not on OP's word alone but must have noticed a pattern

@trishamorriston3737 - 03.04.2023 06:56

Thank you Dark Fluff and Steveo for great content 🎉🎉🎉🎉

@silkiesmoove6268 - 27.03.2023 21:09

Op's name in the first story was probably Robert Lee

@AwkwrdPrtMskrt - 08.03.2023 14:21

Justice doesn't care how long, as long as it gets served.

@raeshavalta2898 - 07.03.2023 19:59

Story 3: patience pays off! OP is justified in revenge & letting it go is literally the same as encouraging the same behavior or saying it’s ok. It’s never ok to screw someone over with the intent of screwing them over & ruining their lives to support illegal activity. OP did a good thing & maybe the jerk learned a valuable lesson.

@troberts1 - 07.03.2023 17:13

Chad was one of this inveterate criminals who will never stop until they are caught and thoroughly punished. OP might have been obsessive in his dedication to ruining Chad, but it's not like Chad didn't deserve it. It's not like OP did anything illegal or even immoral to get his revenge. It's not like the world would have been a better place had OP stepped back and "let it go," Chad would have continued screwing people over. Honestly, the only stupid thing OP did was walk away from the business when he was "fired." He half owned that company, Chad couldn't just kick him out and hand wave his ownership away, OP still owned half that business.

@bonedeth925 - 04.03.2023 02:00

Revenge is best served ice cold

@susandooley9630 - 02.03.2023 01:49

The guy is a hero!!!

@ladyfatassii901 - 17.02.2023 06:11

Billy Bob or Bubba

@audiblek - 15.02.2023 22:54

Look at DarkFluff over there thinking that people actually have room in their garage for a car

@shadowsnake5133 - 09.02.2023 22:24

I'm sorry, but I wouldn't have stopped, every single time it is in the fire lane, it gets towed. He wants to follow the rules, so let's follow the rules. And if that means he no longer has a car, oh well.

@alexclement7221 - 07.02.2023 03:34

First story: I assume his name was Darrell; I once worked for a trucking company, and about half of the hillbillies at waork were named Darrell, and they spelled the name about 10 different ways!

@SnoDog2112 - 25.01.2023 01:47


@maryschanze8348 - 23.01.2023 03:12

OP is a hero for taking 'chad' off the streets.

@ceriedwards991 - 06.01.2023 19:42

The name Chad itself is a RED FLAG. All the Chad's I've ever met are DBAGS. Now all the Chad's I read about are DBAGS too.
Chad deserves a Karen wife

@maryjoyspohrer256 - 09.12.2022 05:12


@donnawelborn-dicus8953 - 06.12.2022 01:44

Revenge is best served cold & saying that, waiting nearly 10 year to complete, it doesn't get much colder than that. 5 Star Hero.

@xredhead7135x - 04.12.2022 22:35


@Bluewolf59696 - 27.11.2022 01:25

Break a bone and heels break a reputation that sticks too long

@barrymccarty640 - 24.11.2022 22:40

Last story: people like Chad should be taken down as soon as possible because he wouldn't be able to do anything else.

@MikeW5969 - 14.11.2022 05:40

Hello Fluff. I listened to the first story. I live in Louisiana, and from what heard and what I know I belive op's name was David Duke.

@ColorsGlow - 04.11.2022 19:18

Chad is a criminal he needed jailed.

@obieobrien5883 - 02.11.2022 09:56

In regards to the racist email, if I was angry at someone I would open a Word document, and type exactly how I felt. Then I would edit until I got something that was appropriate and professional. Sometimes it took an hour… it’s easier and safer to copy and paste an appropriately edited email

@katherinebirkinbine9052 - 30.10.2022 00:50

I so appreciate the fact that OP was able to clear his name, and help people who had the unfortunate luck of being associated with him i.e. girlfriend, landlord etc.

@charlayned - 28.10.2022 00:48

OP was totally in the right. He got into the relationship as a partner, which means he can't be fired, they have to split the business or pay the other for it. And with the smearing all over the place, he was in the right to correct the system. I would have done the same thing.
