5 Secret Quests most players will miss in Dragon Age The Veilguard

5 Secret Quests most players will miss in Dragon Age The Veilguard

Sam Bram

4 месяца назад

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@DeVitar - 20.11.2024 04:57

Toughest boss? :D

@hectech - 21.11.2024 06:49


Does the early choice between M or T make finding the candlehops impossible? Looking for confirmation before continuing

@MrMLJ92 - 21.11.2024 13:40


The elusive group we see in the end credits are called The Executors. You first see them mentioned in Inquisition through a Wartable Operation in Orlais. I won't say anymore beyond that so as to not spoil anything. Looking forward to seeing how they write them in going forward. Hopefully, we get a direct confrontation with the Executors in future games.

@mariozales5971 - 21.11.2024 14:15

The mysterious group at the end are the Teventer magisters that were defeated by the original blight

@hichyUQ - 21.11.2024 15:34

There is also a chest in fade prison

@TheHeroOfFerelden420 - 21.11.2024 21:38

Just finished my platinum last night 🤙🏻

@A.D.I.D.A.S-916 - 22.11.2024 00:59

Dear Veilguard fans

It’s not our fault your parents don’t love you. That is all.

@MarikaStarflower - 22.11.2024 18:10

I did not find Echo demon in the Crossroads and flower puzzle. Thank you!

@9933arman - 22.11.2024 20:34

我挺喜歡這游戲🎉 我寧願看多點研究攻略 也不想看到 很多人去攻擊一個游戲 😢

@aim120C - 22.11.2024 23:25

the only reason i missed those quest is that i obviously havent played this game. why would i, i like dragon ages, not veilguard.

@justinpaglia616 - 23.11.2024 08:26

I destroyed the Echo-well but didn’t know you could go back to that big well in the Crossroads. Thanks!

@astrasillage - 26.11.2024 01:36

This is so cool, thank you! I was wondering about those flowers...

@Lee-t2o7r - 26.11.2024 02:11

Despair Undying - I got the flowers first & didn't have to fight anyone.

@aziraphalesmith - 26.11.2024 04:25

Oh thank you for the knowledge about the well! Ive found the rest so far but never knew about the second well opened in the crossroads.

@kyarin13 - 26.11.2024 08:06

How did u get the wisp on the inner balcony to spawn as it doesn't show up for me. I have repaired the floating thing inside

@guitarprotabber - 26.11.2024 08:48

In veilguard is there any dragon to kill like insiquition?

@pledrunner140 - 26.11.2024 11:21

Best game ever

@OnefortheAges-u1c - 26.11.2024 13:44

I just subscribed to your channel. I have a bit of a problem. So I reached 3 limit character. Funny thing thing is I haven’t finished the game because I kept loading the beginning, and only played 1 character. Is there a fix to this problematic issue? I’m on console Xbox Series X. One day I’m going OC gaming. But if there is a slight chance this can be fixed or patch, BioWare would have a pint, on me. Have a good.🐉🔆.

@Shadowpack95 - 26.11.2024 17:54

Th only one I didn't know about was the pacifying Despair Undying.

@williamwatson4354 - 26.11.2024 22:32

I don't see where you're placing the third wisp. And is it outside like the second one?

@reathelaw5860 - 27.11.2024 05:49

They're the Executors. They've been talked about a little bit before in some of the dragon age books

@ElenPilgrim - 27.11.2024 10:52

That blighted tree in the crossroads next to a well also has a hidden quest

@nathanieldavidson308 - 27.11.2024 18:48

Can't miss the quests if you never play it, problem solved.

@ExtraHecticana - 29.11.2024 19:23

I saved Treviso, so i couldn't complete the candlehop quest. The door was destroyed.

@yoitsrakel - 30.11.2024 04:45

if you think “this isn’t a dragon age game” etc you’re just a hater who likes to work hard to have fun because while yes it’s deviated from the tried and true bioware formula, this game is fresh and new whilst keeping the heart of the story imo. these games have ALWAYS been character and narrative-driven, and this game has both. i mean when i’m rushing through missions and not gaf about chests because the quest feels that imperative and time-sensitive, because i’m so in the story, what do you call that? that IS dragon age. PLEASE just let people enjoy things, and stop engaging with things you don’t like.

@KutluMizrak - 30.11.2024 13:37

None of these were hidden.

They were practically screaming that they were quests.

@VoraciousRdr - 01.12.2024 00:33

really grateful/glad I found this especially for the candlehops as for who the group is for the secret ending

it's the Executors/Those Across the Sea who've been on circling on the fringes for a while now

@fatshieldmaiden - 02.12.2024 20:11

The well in the crossroads is boarded up for me

@ThatFont - 11.12.2024 13:09

I love how Lavendell looks after the flowers grow, especially given how bleak the Hossberg Wetlands are

@ginacirelli1581 - 12.12.2024 19:47

You can find the wisp in the music room after you recruit Emmrich.

@ChristopherCherry02 - 13.12.2024 05:48

I am GAGGED by this! The lighthouse secret quest I barely started in my first playthrough I can’t wait to try it out in my 2nd! Thank you for this video ❤

@beniborukhov9436 - 13.12.2024 06:52

I feel pretty proud of myself. Got most of these just through poking in every corner. I did miss the one in Hossberg and had to go back after finishing the game once I saw I was missing an achievement. Probably didn't help that the Evka and Antoine quest was the last thing I did in that zone.

@Nacoga87 - 15.12.2024 18:38

I don’t like the set up for DA5, a secret society has been the reason for everything unfolding the way it did. That plot twist usually never works out for franchises.

@markabel9711 - 16.12.2024 09:41

Could the Circle things be the other Fallen Ones? Seemed like they were at war with the main Elven gods in the legends, which would explain why they wanted those 3 out of the picture permanently.

@SabrielWithInk - 18.12.2024 11:30

Ohh… I will come back to this video later on. Currently on my first PT and I just want to experience it without knowing things in advance. Thanks.

@leonelsantizo5281 - 20.12.2024 21:09

Omg thanks for this video!!

@bendav93 - 21.12.2024 15:20

Look for blurry lines on your map, that is most often a new area or corridor.

@AlssyaMacki - 23.12.2024 20:37

Oooooh, I'll have to go back and do the Despair Undying one, I had no idea that's what the flowers were needed for.

@jcksparrowfan - 24.12.2024 11:37

I can't find the Well at the crossroads, there's no door symbol on the map, and I did the well quest....

@njotosonny - 26.12.2024 14:35

This game actually good, even tho i dont understand the story but, the combat so good, the map everything is good. Looks like playing the sims 4 with dragon age expansion pack hahaha

@BigCroogle - 27.12.2024 08:10

Bruh this game literally holds your hand like you’re mentally inept. None of this is “secret” nor hidden

@kayondomartin2170 - 31.12.2024 14:58

Dont forget the mention of the original Qunari came from another continent running away from something....hmmmmm

@UlmaAum - 02.01.2025 07:30

Damn I missed the flower quest :c I found the alcoves and even tried to grab the flowers but since I haven't started to fight the undyind, nothing dropped so I left 🤧🤧🤧

@McYates24 - 05.01.2025 12:57

damn woulda never figured this out, thanks!

@jeffm9770 - 07.01.2025 15:57

Having never played Origins or DA2, I may be way off. But maybe the mysterious group are the other Forgotten Ones?

@prostheticballerina - 01.02.2025 23:52

The well in the Crossroads is covered up in my game, even though I completed the first quest! It must be a bug. That is the only one of these "secrets" I didn't figure out myself. :(

@jesseworley4867 - 19.02.2025 07:31

Im gonna go ahead and miss all the quests on this flaming garbage

@oryantge - 22.02.2025 18:48

The only thing I forgot is ONE mysterious circle to get platinum and now I have to repeat the entire end game mission just to get the scene... ugh.
