The Vipers | Sims 3 Movie

The Vipers | Sims 3 Movie

PD Productions

6 лет назад

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@raeismochi3445 - 29.08.2018 13:52

I loved this. Thanks for letting me be Young Doris.

@nickcopeland6915 - 29.08.2018 20:30

Had fun doing the voice of Hayes.

@TyrellPatrick - 31.08.2018 06:12

thanks for letting me work on another film with you i had a great time ! :)

@madihohler2680 - 02.09.2018 05:45

Love ur movie

@KitzKatzee2206memoriesxoxo - 15.09.2018 18:38

This movie was fan-stinkin- tastic! You really took a lot of time on this and it shows! All the graphics and animations are incredible! You are incredibly talented! I wish I had your talent!!!!!! Love you ❤️

@unicornsimmer3692 - 16.11.2018 22:24

I enjoyed this!❤️

@HelenaTheShort - 18.11.2018 06:04

can't wait for more videos! =^.^=

@premington9009 - 08.12.2018 09:00

Working on this was a lot of fun. I'm glad and honored to have been part of this.

@HelenaTheShort - 23.12.2018 05:36

Your videos give me feelings. This is an odd sensation . . .

@HelenaTheShort - 23.12.2018 05:39


@HelenaTheShort - 23.12.2018 07:06

I love this film with a burning passion, I'd have to say its my favorite sims film, and one of my favorite films of all time. The overall plot and story writing is amazing, I personally favor stories with an apocalyptic background and inhuman creatures mixed with an amazing love story. This checks literally ALL my boxes. The story was not only hilarious and had me dying of laughter, but I became emotionally attached to the characters which never happens to me. Your writing is so realistic. Couples usually break up after one fight, but in reality, couples fight. They fight because they love each other, which oddly enough that is what love is. Carter and Doris falling in love, I absolutely love how you wrote that. So many people introduce a love story as if they are shoving it down your throat, but you make the story so genuine, their chemistry was great, and I absolutely love it. I for once was not expecting Carter to turn into some sort of creepy psycho and I lowkey love it. Not to mention the storyline with the epidemic and the vipers is what I am LIVING FOR. You have great humor, great romance, great writing, not the mention the amazing production quality. There is so much I could say but im too lazy to write it lol but you get the point lol

@HelenaTheShort - 23.12.2018 07:08

"SHES PROBABLY FAKING IT" bruh. look at her SKIN. It don't take a rocket scientist to see that she's ill. They be worrying about a wedding when she looks like DEATH ITSELF da hak? like BOI

@HelenaTheShort - 23.12.2018 07:09

Hello we're vipers, and we don't understand the concept of SHIRTS

@talynorf389 - 16.09.2019 02:25

I can’t believe how talented my best friend is

@closurektv384 - 05.04.2021 07:39

Atleast I kept her satisfied 😭😭😂😂
