hai mas ahmad
boleh centos yg di pake seri 6 point berapa mas...saya ikutin pake 6.4 comand vi /etc/named.config kok ga keluar apa2 ya , mohon untuk pencerahann nya mas
Dear Jorgue dnscache know how to eliminate service to install x chance, mail zimbra 8.6 runs fine, but would eliminate dnscache. Thanks brother ....
ОтветитьHello, do you have an email address I can reach you on?
ОтветитьHello, what is the Linux versión that you use?
Ответитьhello, how to send mails external, help please
Ответитьanyone can help me? my installation stuck at "Starting Servers"
ОтветитьThanks for video
Ответитьdesktop nya pake os apa itu bang?
ОтветитьDear Brother need your help Zimbra 8.6 config done.. when i will send mail then show up on top massage send but actually whee i check mail i see mail not coming. what is reason.
ОтветитьZimbra 8.8 ada panduannya kah?
Ответитьcara apply nya mencet apa broo ?? kok gw ga nongol yaa klo pencet A lgsng
ОтветитьHi I really like your setup. Great Video But, after my installation every eamil is coming to me with **Unchecked** written on the subject line from clamav. What can I do ?
Ответитьpake distro apa itu pak? DE nya bagus
ОтветитьHalo mas, kalau port 25 di blok dari isp, alternatif apa yg harus di pakai ya, kalau kirim email pake smtp relay, kalau terima, apa bisa pake smtp relay ?
Mohin pencerahannya hehe