How Basement Mold Is Removed | This Old House

How Basement Mold Is Removed | This Old House

This Old House

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@aleskyfinis1025 - 05.03.2020 04:49

Yeah buddy from Aleskyfinis

@johnsn10 - 05.03.2020 05:25

Didnt see one spec of mold

@bruizzz13 - 05.03.2020 06:16

Learned the importance of protection against mold when I got a really bad respiratory infection that had me coughing up blood from working on a bathroom renovation project. I’m only 21 and understand now why mold is a big concern to many people, especially to those who have respiratory illnesses

@Matt-dc8lp - 05.03.2020 06:33

Very weird camera angle at the end

@napoleonsmith7793 - 05.03.2020 08:21

way to much overkill. just remove it. that is not hazardous waste. throw it in the dumbster, done. that is nothing. you want a respirator, fine, but this is crazy overkill for that amount of mold.

@larrymoore6640 - 05.03.2020 08:25

This video must of been a partial of another video. A mold problem video should have start to finish results and not leave us guessing.

@ironDsteele - 05.03.2020 18:40

I would have used those studs lol

@electrifyinglightningbolt - 05.03.2020 19:04

If that was my house I would leave it open and not bother with refinishing the basement. I may just coat the whole thing with a mold inhibiting paint though.

@dabeamer42 - 05.03.2020 19:48

the music during the demo part was absolutely dreadful. waaaayyyyyy too much bass, and not much of anything else. Audio folks -- please pay attention.

@FredMcIntyre - 05.03.2020 20:21

Great info, would love to see which direction they go with the new floor, and the process of it being done! 😃👍🏻👊🏻

@adamprater6216 - 05.03.2020 20:57

The audio is hard to hear and understand 🤨

@PuppyMech13 - 05.03.2020 21:20

I was wondering if you guys could talk about unfinished basement beams sweating? The little yellowish beads that seem to appear from no where.

@nightfangs2910 - 05.03.2020 22:32

Me rips out parents cellar flooring 10 years ago moldy from water seeping in over the years no safety equipment used oh well guess I'm a gonner

@PeterJCarlone - 06.03.2020 01:03

So sad that there was also apparently lots of mold in the guests mic :( couldn't hear him very well

@uscguis - 06.03.2020 04:12

Dude must be at least 6-6.

@Alexanderbuilds2001 - 06.03.2020 06:06

I should get into the mold business.

@DreamTheater922 - 07.03.2020 15:06

That's a little bit of an overreaction to a relatively minor mold issue.

@ncprealty3844 - 15.03.2020 20:09

They are the highest basement ceilings I have ever seen.

@NeverEnoughPyro40 - 19.05.2020 22:37

I had Servpro come out to do some duct cleaning for me and they said hydrogen peroxide does not kill or remove mold, All it does is change the color from black to a light color!

@ranat5526 - 09.08.2020 01:54

This will happen when covid part 2 strikes!

@TheLeesto - 27.08.2020 05:38

found 1 piece of wood with mold, better toss out the other 3000 pieces and not address the source or tell the viewer how to prevent this from happening to them! this is clearly a commercial

@butternutyeeetsbanana.-.5389 - 13.10.2020 04:03

Get dehumidifier yeah I know it’s “expensive” but it’s really worth it in the long run.

@markhoffman1646 - 28.10.2020 08:27

Relax, guys don't confuse mold with Plutonium. Lot's of 90 year old grandpas and grandmas out there that survived mold exposure over the years!
Nose hairs are an amazing invention by the way!

@domjohnson2579 - 26.11.2020 21:22

I love how these companies overreact to make it look like they are doing something super dangerous just to charge ridiculous amounts of money. These people are protected more than nuclear power plant workers in the Fukushima cleanup. Stop it!

@taramiller70 - 18.12.2020 01:06

Do dehumifers and air purfier both kill mold spores and mold I have mold in my bedroom and I use dehumifers and I have plug in air purfier also are they both worth using and do they both work

@maryhansen7021 - 13.02.2021 07:02

Don't put bleach and vinegar together! Toxic fumes! Pick your fave: Bleach or vinegar. I liked the idea of the peroxide and surfactant mixture though. I see so many conflicting opinions between bleach and vinegar.

@teresabell4199 - 21.06.2021 04:12

This is a serious problem when it gets into a basement apartment. You always get an inspection before moving into one, Health problems are real. It could kill you

@Hello-zf5lq - 08.08.2021 08:00

"I spent a week training to be a certified mold remover meaning I know how to use duct tape to tape plastic, then charge thousands to wear a mask suit to wipe up some mold."

@joycerosier9660 - 11.10.2021 11:02

OMG AND really ??? What is safe to use to clean and keep rid of mold that is safe indoor wuhuytf

@1320Bushido - 31.10.2021 15:04

I just spied a 150k house in a 600k area and it says "as is mold in entire house, tear down is recommended ". It's a short sale. it is nice outside and the roof looks sound. What do you guys think? Is it worth taking?

@remodelassets6523 - 17.01.2022 18:50

Before rebuilding they should install a pressure relief system.
What it entails is a crock or a sump pit then dig down to the bottom of the foundation footing perimeter. Install the 4” perforated drain piping into a sump pit with a sump pump. Plumb to outside. then pour drainage gravel over perimeter piping 3” from concrete floor. Pour concrete floor allowing for an expansion joint along the walls. You have to lower the water table before rebuilding.

@eastside0434 - 02.05.2022 01:44

Does anyone know what solution was used to clean and treat the mold.?

@thomassears4920 - 03.11.2022 07:05

That wasn't that bad

@johnsn10 - 06.01.2023 05:54

Not the correct way to remove mold. Been doing this 25 years

@duckliferogers - 09.04.2023 10:22

As someone who used to work for a major restoration company I know these guys hated this job because of those cameras. If they were alone there's no way they'd be wearing tyvecs or respirators, they might not have even worn any masks at all if the walls weren't too bad 😂

@TheBlizzkon - 30.05.2023 03:29

dont forget that some of the old houses have lead in the paint and its good to wear protection also when taking that down.

@Creativetruths - 19.06.2023 15:04

Pretty interesting to see they are looking at mold, talking about mold with absolutely no protection but also talking about how it is important to work on removing mold with…protection! 😂

@jasonkidney5837 - 25.09.2023 17:34

I wish y'all told us the special sauce in that spray tho

@robbrownstone - 11.10.2023 23:56

Unfortunately traditional remediation methods, an offshoot of asbestos removal techniques, do nothing for the rest of the house. Mold is not just where you can see it, mold is an airborn molecule and if you have mold in the basement you have mold spores in the HVAC ducts, the walls, the drains, the carpet, the furniture etc., especially in a house this old. The only way to be sure the mold problem is solved is to have a Pure Maintenance licensee come and use their patented dry vapor non-toxic whole house process to be sure the mold problem is really solved. Unfortunately traditional remediators can only address what they can see which is effectively "spot cleaning" a much bigger problem. I love This Old House, but they really need to invite a Pure Maintenance licensee on their show to solve the mold problem once and for all.

@greencello599 - 02.11.2023 02:32

When Ron appears on the show, you know abatement is the agenda. Mold, lead, asbestos, and whatever else can make a renovation take longer, Ron and the abatement team are there to make things safe for the construction crew and eventually the family living in the house.

@flawsontv9714 - 20.04.2024 03:39

Serious serious health issues but you're not wearing masks lol

@ariea.devalois1564 - 08.06.2024 02:08


@ldboy2004 - 19.06.2024 15:34

This was a crappy "how to"

@peterv3122 - 31.07.2024 03:55

No mould remediation company on this planet will tell you that mould is not serious

@virginiamoss7045 - 29.11.2024 19:43

So peroxide kills mold, but does it kill the spores left behind?

@SW-nq1bx - 16.12.2024 06:55

Hmmm, didn't see ANY mold on anything they removed!!

@jeweyanselmo - 11.01.2025 12:11

Mold is good for you

@jeweyanselmo - 11.01.2025 12:11

They used ddt to kill mold back in the day

@kazukinakamura1110 - 26.01.2025 21:33

I don’t see any evidence of mold in those walls.
