More With Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford (Aliens, Battleborn, and More!) - IGN Unfiltered 23

More With Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford (Aliens, Battleborn, and More!) - IGN Unfiltered 23


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@laluglu_ - 23.09.2017 17:32

Wait whos that guy, you know the one who took a dump and called it colonial marines, you know name rhymes with Bitchford

@danex1009 - 23.09.2017 19:52

what if he was talking about angry joe lmao

@AZjesse1 - 25.09.2017 02:50

Wow his pitch about a new duke nukem is so spot on he's right they need to start with the design or the new innovation of the game then start having the story and the game come together

@Puiz4Life - 25.09.2017 19:39

ACM will haunt him for the rest of his life.

@TheDeBator13 - 25.09.2017 23:46

Awesome interview!

@AAAnonimAAA1st - 26.09.2017 16:52

pathetic little man

@wizzolo - 26.09.2017 21:39

what a dishonest and disgusting individual.

@rodoromero - 26.09.2017 22:29

I enjoyed the almost 3 hours of interview with Randy Pitchford, but the part about Aliens: Colonial Marines really seemed so off-beat, and off. I haven't played the game, but some friends tell me they enjoyed it, not that it was the greatest or worst thing ever; I kind of feel like I need to play the game, but there's too much great stuff out to dedicate time to a so so game judging from its metascore. For what it's worth, I played a couple of levels from Duke Nukem Forever, and it didn't seem as bad as its metascore.

I'd be very interested in the story of the development behind Alien: Colonial Marines.

Anyhow, great set of interviews Ryan!

@marcomaluf1531 - 27.09.2017 22:38

Mr. Pitchford, thank you very much for Borderlands, one of my favorite games of all time. Thank you!

@samsondaniel399 - 28.09.2017 12:25

Did he wear his Papa's shoe? It's so huge for his size.

@GrandElemental - 29.09.2017 14:38

And not a shred of honesty was radiated that day...

@Aerialslayer - 02.10.2017 01:29

Great interview Ryan. Thank you.

@campermortey - 02.10.2017 06:07

I guess I may be one of the few here but I really enjoyed it. Thanks for taking the time to be so thoughtful.

@natandjai - 03.10.2017 16:59

Aliens Colonial Marines is a fun game.

@cantona222 - 04.10.2017 06:37

Great interview. Randy is a very honest and genuine guy. I learned a lot about the industry.

@mathewhosier1663 - 20.10.2017 05:15

One of the best minds in the industry, the genius behind borderlands and battleborn

@mathewhosier1663 - 20.10.2017 05:30

Battleborn and borderlands the handsome collection are 2 of my favorite games, randy u rock and make some of the best games ever, thank u for not giving up and not listening to all the haters and trolls, just ignore them, ur above and better than all of em

@r4ym1n13 - 25.10.2017 08:14

when is borderlands 3 coming out ????????

@astropunch101 - 02.11.2017 08:05

"This interview contains mature language"
More like this interview contains severe bullshit

@vicenterodrigues4843 - 05.12.2017 23:03

what a douchebag

@GrimLocke161 - 26.12.2017 04:22

I think the only GearBox game I’ve played was Half Life on PS2 about 15 years ago, but boy would I love to play Homeworld Remastered on Switch, since I don’t think that’s coming to iOS anytime soon (and of course that’s just a wish specific to my own current setup).

Moreover, both of IGN’s segments with Randy were very entertaining, all the same.

@lexxtalionis - 11.01.2018 19:49

I don't subscribe to that? Group think? Artist taste? People loved the game? ... Randy Pitchford is a dipshit.

@Spike2276 - 26.02.2018 02:19

describes Jim Sterling perfectly "i can't remember his name" oh Randy

@scrublordindustries7300 - 21.03.2018 15:14

Randy Pitchfraud

@teagunlinger - 10.07.2018 08:39

Randy Bitchford, ladies and gentlemen.

@bonesmcgee1250 - 19.07.2018 23:42

Randy Bitchford.

@quirkypurple - 20.07.2018 15:17

This guy on the left is the only the guy with a goatee and sometimes beard without the mustache part, that I trust.

@Michael-rv5ib - 20.08.2018 22:10

For claiming to be an Alien nut I find it interesting he pronounced Sulaco wrong....

@rockstar5274ify - 26.09.2018 14:43

Just here to see the dislikes

@robertvalentic4939 - 19.10.2018 14:53

Lot's of people are calling him a liar. What exactly did he lie about in here?

@frankthetank6364 - 01.12.2018 19:13

Game developers sacrifice everything on earth.....does this guy realise everybody has do go to work and we all put work Into projects for years what is it with game developers they always think there the only people to go to work

@Moobeus - 19.12.2018 08:46

My favourite part is when he tries to say that people were disappointed with aliens because of there expectations. Well if an expectation that a game will be FUNCTIONAL and the advertising would not be MISLEADING is too much to ask then I don’t know what to say...

@Lastofthefreenames - 06.05.2019 23:02

What a joke this guy is.

@Toomuchmetal12 - 10.05.2019 18:43

When do they talk about Battleborn?

@nitro8611 - 16.06.2019 07:53

"Best, brightest, and most interesting minds in the video game industry." I think someone called the wrong developer then.

@Emomomotional - 01.11.2019 04:25

To be clear, these downvotes are at Randy- not at IGN for posting an honest interview.

@LeBored1 - 01.01.2020 07:09

Is this the one where Randy BoBandy goes 'It was like a seven, seven and a half, and that's fine for an aliens game'? (and if so, does anyone have the timecode)

@spiral9316 - 07.01.2020 09:00

Yeah, this guy is the real deal. As a game developer it shows. Just sad at what the comments are. Any way.

Perfect inspiration from this guy. Since they made Halo PC it's obvious they were putting in real work there.

And I have come to known that that kind of potential it's not casually archived but actively nurtured.

Thank you.

@spiral9316 - 07.01.2020 09:26

What border lands 3 doesn't exist .. then check date...

@fattymcbutterpants9700 - 01.03.2020 17:37

Jim Sterling is definitely living rent free in Randy's head

@CossRooper - 29.05.2020 22:56

Great interview! And awesome dude.

@Нейроблядок - 01.11.2022 14:38

this guy stinks

@kashifriaz9216 - 26.12.2023 03:56

“Have you played Fortnite?”
