The events preceding the return of Messiah Yeshua are linked to what we are STARTING TO see in the World today, and that the Jewish-Biblical Holy Day of THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS (Lev. 23:23-26) foreshadows the next prophetic event, The Rapture.
Mottel Baleston was born into a Jewish home in New York City and attended Jewish and public schools there. He came to faith in Messiah Yeshua / Jesus after reading the Messianic prophecies in the Jewish Bible.
- He is Director of the "MESSENGERS OF THE NEW COVENANT", communicating the Good News of Messiah to the Jewish community, discipling Jewish believers and educating Christians concerning the Jewish roots of their faith. He has previously served as Messianic Rabbi of a Congregation in New Jersey, as well as an instructor in basic Hebrew. His articles appear in Ariel Magazine, and his teaching videos on several online venues.
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